• ベストアンサー


お世話になっています。先日、ロシアに住んでいる知人と1945年に起きたアメリカによる日本への原子爆弾投下についてメールを交換していた所、"About my opinion of that events in 1945 I can't understand the cruelty of the American. I'm sure there was another way to stop the war. And the worst thing I see it's that yankies haven't changed. We can watch their policy in the modern world. By the way most Russian doesn't like them and often jokes about them and their ability to take sense decisions."と言う内容のメールが返信されてきました。ここに出てくる「yankies」とは現在のアメリカ人の事なのでしょうか。また、後の文章の「their ability to take sense decisions」の部分がどうしても翻訳出来ず、困っています。 どなたか分かる方で教えて頂けると幸いです。宜しくお願いします。


  • ベストアンサー
  • komimasaH
  • ベストアンサー率16% (179/1067)

yankiesという言葉は本来南北戦争で勝利した東部の人たちを いいます。それから転じて東部のエスタブリッシュメント つまり米国の支配階級のことを意味します。 ここらへんの事情はwikipediaでお調べください。 yanksともいいます。 戦後の日本では、アメリカ人は誰でもヤンキーと呼びましたので 混同はあるでしょう。ロシア人のかたは、アメリカ人全般のことを さしてそう呼んでいることは文面から明らかです。 take sense decisions は分別のある決定をする という意味でしょう。sensible などの言葉が適当ですが、分かります。


その他の回答 (1)

  • d-y
  • ベストアンサー率46% (1528/3312)

yankiesは、yankeesの方が普通のつづりですが、いずれにしても「アメリカ人」の意味で使っていると思います。 “haven't changed”(=時制は現在完了)と言っていますから、「(昔から変わっていない)現在のアメリカ人」のことを指しています。 “their ability to take sense decisions”は、本当は“their ability to take sensible decisions”(分別ある決定を行う能力)と言うつもりだったのではないかと思います。



  • 英文翻訳をお願いします。

    In addition to questions of institutional authority and historical precedent, the personal qualities of the first three Tokugawa shoguns did much to confirm their family’s power. All of them were cautious and hard-working men who, although they surrounded themselves with capable advisers, nevertheless reserved the right to make final decisions. Hidetada appears somewhat prim and colorless in comparison with the other two, but there two, but there is no doubt of his administrative ability. Iemitsu is alleged to have been imperious and capricious. He certainly behaved like a strong ruler and it was in his time that the bakufu's control system was ‘perfected’; but whether he was really moody or not – or whether even if he were, this in any way affected the issues at stake – is hard to say.

  • 日本語に翻訳してくれていただけませんが

    I have passed the interview of NEC internship and will begin the job in 8.22. So I cannot take your(company) internship and feel realy sorry. That it, I want to refuse the offer and what to say is the most polite way?(In Japanese) Thank you very much!!!!!!!!!

  • 翻訳お願いします。

    In order to succeed wood coatings manufacturers need to meet their customers’ needs and stay one step ahead of the next trend. Keeping on top of the next big thing in terms of color is very important. “The ability to offer innovation and advances in technology that translate into simplicity, ease of use and time reduction will ultimately drive incremental business and impact mature markets even increasing incident of use,” said O’Reilly. 非常に困っています。どなたか宜しくお願いします。

  • thatが文頭にくる場合・・接続詞?

    that についてお聞きしたいことがあります。 And I cannot bear to think of her being mistress of this house! That I should be forced to make way for her and live to see her take my place in it! この that は文法的にどういう働きをしているのでしょうか? お願いします。

  • 翻訳のわからないところお願いします。

    Robbie and Gary had done their fair share of slagging each other off in the past. It was decided that the reunion would be for one year to begin with: that at least meant that there was an end in sight should the stresses of touring together prove too much. *Robbie (Williams) がバンド "TAKE THAT"を脱退したあとに噂された再結成の記事。 GaryはTAKE THATのメンバーです。 that at leastの後の構文がさっぱり分かりません。どれが主語で述語でしょう? よろしくお願いします。

  • 翻訳お願いします。お

    The heart of this debate was: How do I reconcile belong in this country of my birth when this country seems bent on oppressing what l believe are my most fundamental and necessarily unalienable individual rights? To white segregationists,this supposed right was the one that entitled them to segregate those different from themselves away from themselves; where as to blacks and integrationist whites the opposing right was the one that freed them to move wherever and associate however they pleased without fear of harm when they did so. In this commotion and in the disputation surrounding it―a long disputation called the American Civil Rights Movement―many people lost their lives in order that justice and right should prevail, which it did, if not perfectly・

  • 翻訳お願いします

    You have to remember if your drives both will be putting out 2000mA each then each one will be drawing 3000mA or around there so I would use no smaller than a 26650 cell or cells and I think 32650 would be nice if a good host can be found that is to your liking. The SK can take a 32650 if I put it in the lathe and take out about 0.25mm of aluminum from the inside. The two XB-2 drives I sent you are the very latest model they are capable of 4000mA each so with the proper heat sinking they may work for you. Do not try and run them above 2000mA with out heat sinking them, I do believe they have a built-in temp controller so if they get too hot they will shut down till they cool off, I'll check on that to be sure. The full back side needs to be in contact with a heat sink if your going to take one all the way to it's max current of 4000mA ! Hope this helps Let me know if you need any other info

  • 和訳にどうしても困ってます><宜しくお願いします>

    和訳にどうしても困ってます><宜しくお願いします>< Besides, if one wished to decide by comparing bodies which is the more excellent of the two sexes, women could claim victory without even taking account of the internal structure of their bodies and of the fact thet the most interesting thing in the world takes place within them: namely, the conception of human beings, the most noble and admirable of all creatures. Who could stop them from saying that their external appearance makes them the winners, that grace and beauty are natural and characteristic of them, and that all this gives rise to effects which are as visible as they are common; and that if what they can accomplish as a result of what is in their heads makes them at least equal to men, their external appearance hardly ever fails to make them the victors?

  • すみませんが、誰か此方の英文章を翻訳して頂けませんか?

    すみませんが、誰か此方の英文章を翻訳して頂けませんか? Vulpa:No wait Wolufu, Ru, I will show you that it isn't necessary to solve all troubles using fists. Father told me that it isn't good that the kemonos fight with each other, I will try to talk to them and solve this in a peaceful way with words. Anyway I'm sure that they must be poisoned by Omega's pollution and perhaps if I talk to them I could open their hearts and turn them back to normal again... 一応翻訳してみたのですが…。 Vulpa:NoはWolufuを待ちます、Ru、私はそれが拳を使っているすべてのトラブルを解くのに必要でないことをあなたに明らかにします。父はkemonosが互いを敵に戦うことがよくないと私に話しました、私は彼らと話をして、語を扱う平和的な方法でこれを解決しようとします。とにかく、私は彼らがOmegaの汚染で気分が悪くならなければならない、そして、おそらく、私が彼らと話をするならば、私が彼らの心臓を開けることができて、再び彼らを正常に戻るようにすることができたと確信します... みたいな感じになってしまいまして文章にならないんです。

  • 翻訳をお願いします

    翻訳をしていただけるかた、 お願いいたします。 Some involvements are Karmic, while others are not, some relationships have a mystery about them that is difficult to comprehend. There are always many levels in a relationship, From subconscious levels that lurk just below the threshold of events and hidden motives and drives, undercurrents of character, that cause one person to behave in a certain way, and create a deep chasm, of inter reactions, like a vein running through rock of the relationship. To more surface levels where events happen that shape the relationship into its future pattern.