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こんにちは。 この文は意外と構造が判り易い方ですね。 下の方の訳文をご覧頂くとお気づきと思いますが、 鍵となる要素はこんな感じです。 ・Some ---, while others ---.  (あるものは~、またあるものは~) ・『A simply because B』  (ただBというだけでAだ)  『while』の前の文も『while』の中の文も一文があって  『simply because』の中にまた一文があるので ・『ある~が○だからというだけで×になる事もあるのに対して   ある~が△だからというだけで■になる事だってある。』 という感じで対比でものを伝えようとしている良文かなという気がします。  むしろ厄介なのは、二文目の『over』をどう訳すかですね。  前後の文脈次第で『~に対して』とも『~以上に』とも取れます。  ここでは『~に対して』と解釈しておきます。  (拙訳)  医者が私たちに話すには―  病院では、病気に負けたからというだけで亡くなる患者もいる一方で  強い意志を持って諦めないからというだけで快方に向かう患者もいる  ということだ。心というのはそれほど体に対して威力を持っているのだ。





  • 文の切れ目がわかりません。

    The irony of all this is that America has the highest-ranked hospitals, best technologies and most highly trained doctors and nurses. However, in many large cities, uninsured people living in the same neighborhood as a hospital often cannot access its non-emergency medical care, because they simply cannot afford to pay for it. However, in many large cities, uninsured people living in the same neighborhood as a hospital often cannot access its non-emergency medical care, because they simply cannot afford to pay for it. この文がわかりません。主節の主語はどこですか? どなたか解説お願いします。

  • 英文を日本語に訳してください。よろしくお願いします

    ・Japan is steadily moving towards becoming a multilingual society. ・Japan does not have that many doctors who can speak a foreign language to treat foreigners. ・Pang was satisfied with Doctor Sakamoto because she was used to his American style of treatment. ・The multilingual medical interpreting software is now widely used at hospitals throughout Japan. ・In general, Japanese doctors should improve their communication skills with their patients.

  • 翻訳お願いします。

    Once the zoo dentists have treatedthe sea lion, they move on to a much bigger animal-an elephant! Elephants are Dr.Brown's favorite animals, because they have the most interesting teeth. As he displays one of the huge teeth, he explains:“This is an elephant molar. They do not have any side-to-side movement;they can only go back and forth.” Elephants use six sets of teeth in a lifetime. When the last set of teeth is gone, they can no longer eat and will die. Today the zoo dentists are treating sue, a ten-year-old female african elephant. While they perfome their examination, they not only check the teeth in Sues mouth, but also look at her tusks. An elephant's tusks are actually teeth and must be treated and checked like them,too.For the dentists, Sue is the perfect patient because she stands quietly while they examine her. She gets an excellent report from the dentis,too. “Perfect!”says Dr.Brown.“Her teeth look wonderful!”  So far, the zoo dentists' patients have been great, but not all animals behave so well. Have they ever been bitten? “No, we have never been bitten, but almost,“ says Dr.Brown, laughing. “A couple of times we have had to move pretty quickly to get our fingers out of the way!” 自分で訳してみても全くわからないのでお願いします。

  • 翻訳お願いします!!

    -the right to die- A difficult problem that is facting society is the legalization of euthanasia,another word for mercy killing. euthanasia is a method of causing death painlessly to end suffering. people who are in a coma because of accidents and elderly people who are terminally ill because of incurable diseases are being kept alive by artificial means. they do not have a chance to recover,but american laws do not allow doctors to end their lives. however,in my opinion,euthanasia should be legalized for several reasons. the first and most important reason to support euthanasia is that these patients have no chance of recovery. they can never lead normal lives and must be kept alive by life-support machines such as respirators to help them breathe and feeding tubes to provide them with nutrition. they are clearly more dead than alive and will never be able to live a nomal life. for example,after samuel,an infact,had swallowed a balloon,he stopped breathing. the balloon was removed,but the lack of oxygen had caused brain damage and left him in an irreversible coma. samuel was unable to breathe without the aid of a respirator,and there was no hope for his recovery. another reason to support mercy killing is that medical costs are very high. today the cost of a hospital room can be as much as $1450 per day for basic care,which does not include the cost of specialized care or the use of special equipment. the high cost of medical care can cause financial problems for the family. for example,charles adkin's eighty-two-year-old wife lived in a nursing home in a coma for four years. since there was no chance for her recovery,mr.adkins requested that the medical staff withhold treatment. however,his pleas were ignored. soon after she died,mr.adkins was billed $250000 for his wife's medical care. the courts ordered him to pay the bill,which must have placed a terrible financial burden on him. the final reason to support the legalization of euthanasia is that the family suffers. the nurses and other hospital staff can give the terminally ill patient only minimum care. thus,the family must spend time to care for special needs of their loved one. for instance,nancy cruzan was kept alive on life-support machines for eight years. she would never recover from her vegetable state. however,during those years,her loving,caring parents visited her regularly. in the end,because terminally ill patients have no chance to recover and to live nomal lives,they should be allowed to die with dignity. therefore,the family should have the right to ask doctors to turn off the life-support machines or to stop further medical treatment. to prolong life artificially when there is no hope for the future is a tragedy both for the patients and for their loved ones.

  • 英文法の質問が3つあります。教えてください!

    (1)Simply because he is short doesn't mean he isn't strong. まず、he is shortをSVCと考えました。 次にdoesn't mean (that) he isn't strongと考えました。 doesn'tの前にbut itのようなものが隠れていると考えました。 文法でこのような方法があるのでしょうか? (2)I sincerely hope I have answered your concerns. 私はあなたの関心事を答えたことを心から望む。 私が答えたようになるといいですね。みたいな感じでいいのでしょうか? (3)They went underground to help the people lost in the mine. help the people lostをSVOCのVOCの部分と考えたのですが、helpはSVOCになりませんでした。 lostが動詞なのかと思ったのですが違うかなと。 なぜthe peopleの後に形容詞のlostなのですか?

  • 翻訳教えて下さい。

    Working with the suicidal patient, as much as any other clinical experience, can help the beginning therapist gradually replace a grandiose professional ego-ideal with one that is more realistic. How exactly does this transformation take place? The beginning psychotherapist undertakes the treatment of the suicidal patient with the optimistic belief that a combination of caring, encouragement, hopefulness, good intentions, empathy, and intuition will produce a positive outcome. A “contract for safety,” wherein the patient agrees not to act on suicidal impulses and, instead, will call the therapist or seek other help, provides additional assurance. Newly prescribed medication promises to relieve suicidal despair. Hospitalization, if required, will provide needed safety. Over time though, the suicidal patient does not improve. The despair does not abate. The hopelessness intensifies. The patient can identify no reason to live. Relentless gloom pervades the therapy. Imperceptibly but forcefully, an important realization takes hold of the therapist at a visceral as well as at a cognitive and emotional level: it is impossible for one person to keep another person alive over time. While this insight serves to moderate the pursuit of omnipotence, the realization that even clinical competence does not guarantee that one`s patient will not commit suicide is unsettling. Comforting thoughts begin to give way. Contracts for safety now feel illusory as therapists realize that patients who are in sufficient anguish to want to end their lives will not be compelled to live simply because they have promised (a therapist) they will not kill themselves. Therapists begin to have second thoughts about the unrealistic healing powers they previously attributed to psychotropic medication, although they do appreciate the ability of there medications to sometimes diminish unbearable anguish to the point where patients can address their conflicts and problems. They hear stories of patients who have killed themselves in a hospital. (中略) Slowly an obvious fact emerges: If suicidal patients were completely intent on dying, they would have already killed themselves. Some part of the patient wishes to live, and it is with this part that the therapist attempts to connect, no matter how suicidal the patient may be. What emerges from this connection is the therapeutic alliance, the agreement between the therapist and the healthy part of the patient about what to work on in the therapy. The beginning therapist learns that aligning with the healthy part of the patient is not to be confused with cheerleading for living. Although allied with this healthy part, the therapist maintains neutral curiosity about the parts of the patient that with to die. The therapist learns to overcome the fear that exploring the patient’s with to die puts such ideas in the patient’s mind. Feelings of omnipotence diminish. The therapist comes to see that exploring the patient’s inner world with dispassionate, nonjudgemental interest conveys several therapeutic meta-communications what you are feeling is not unspeakably bad, it is human; I’m interested in whatever you are thinking and feeling; I appreciate the distinction between self-destructive thoughts, feelings, fantasies, and action; your anguish is not as devastating to me as it is to you; my strength will be here for you to borrow if you need to; your therapy is a place where your destructive urges can be understood rather than judged; I will try not to leave you alone with your anguish. A determination to enter the patient’s inner world and stay with the associated feelings and thoughts gradually replaces the therapist’s quest to be all-knowing.

  • 自由英作文の添削

    大学受験で自由英作文があるのですが、塾にも通えず英語の先生にも添削を断られてしまったため こちらで私の書いた英作文にアドバイスや指摘をして頂きたいと思い、投稿します。 ・パラグラフ構成をしっかりさせること ・150word以上 テーマ:医学部を卒業したあと、その地域の医師として働かされるべきか。 I agree with the idea that newly graduated doctors from this university should be sent to rural areas in this prefecture for several years of compulsory service. Needless to say, doctors can establish better relationship with people living in rural areas than in urban areas. Of course, there are so many doctors and patients in urban areas that the newly graduated doctor is able to acquire latest technology by them or see vrious kinds of patients there. However, if there is a few people in rural areas, the doctor can do the almost same thing everywhere. What is more, it is the most important thing for doctor to save people's life. Many rural areas being short of trained doctors mean that if people are sick in those areas, they couldn't see a doctor and they would even die. For these reasons, I suggest that newly graduated doctors should be sent to the place which does not have enough doctors and establish a mutual trust with people living there. よろしくお願いします

  • 大学受験対策の自由英作文の添削をお願いします。

    テーマは「医者の患者に対するよき接し方」です。 字数制限は70字前後。 Doctors should not only care patients of their desease but also be concerned about their feelings. It is because they are uneasy to some extent after they recover from their desease completely. When they are got rid of their uneasiness,they can live a life happily. From this reason,it is important that in addition to curing them of their desease,docotors make them relieved and let them feel healthy. 治療することだけでなく、患者を安心させることについて書きました。 第一文が導入、第二文で理由1を展開、第三文で理由を補足、第四文で結論、という展開にしたのですが、どうでしょうか? 制限時間ありの中で書いたので、雑ですが、どうぞよろしくお願いします。

  • 関係代名詞(先行詞, but who ~)について

    お世話になります。よろしくお願いします。 受験参考書の問題なのですが、 Others less gifted, but who have a strong will to succeed, rise to great heights because they have made the most of their endowments. この文の関係代名詞の部分(, but who ~)なのですが、関係代名詞で直前にコンマや接続詞が付く場合(この場合は両方ですが)は非制限用法だと思うのですが、 この場合は意味を考えると関係代名詞を制限用法(コンマと接続詞なし)にするべきだと思うのですが、私の勘違いでしょうか? どなたかわかる方がいましたら教えてください。 よろしくお願いします。

  • 翻訳+問題

    Dick's love for children can be seen not only in his picture books but also in his work for socially-conscious organizations.He has designed posters,cards,and other item for hospitals,charities and so on.Sone of his works tell us about the sorrow of children suffering from hunger,disease,and forced labor.They communicate their messages directly to the world because of their simple designs.If his designs were complicated,people would not understand the messages so easily.Now,there are a lot of fans of his works all over the world.These peole support his social goals.He still continues to make new works.He says,"As long as my creativity lasts,I will continue to create designs that are both simple and easy to understand,and that make people happy." 上の分を読み下の質問の翻訳・回答をお願いします。 What can yon see in Dick's picture book? What are “socially-conscious organizations”? Give some examples. What are “other items”? Do all his works tell us about happy children?