• ベストアンサー
※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:ブッシュ大統領のコメント)



  • ベストアンサー
  • d-y
  • ベストアンサー率46% (1528/3312)

clearは「掃除する・片付ける」のような意味ですから、 “areas that had been cleared (of the enemy forces)”で 「(敵の勢力を)除去した地域」の意味になります。 要するに、敵を一掃してある地域を制圧しても、その後その地域を維持するだけの兵力がなかったということです。





  • 英語 長文の和訳を教えてください。

    old negative stereotypes of the japanese that had been around since world war II were brought back and applied to the new economic context. they were sneaky. they said "yes" at a business meeting, but later said they were just thinking about it. they could not be trusted. they were ungrateful. they were hurting the american economy after the war and taking american jobs after americans had helped them to restart their economy after the war and protected it while it was growing. some americans actually believed that the japanese could only have success-fully competed with america by cheating. 国際/外国語

  • had been 過去分詞(ed)

    いつも真剣に拝見させてさせていただいております。 下記の【had been limited】はどのような、時制になるのですか?? Until now, large-scale ice loss there 【had been limited】 to the peninsula that justs out toward the tip pf South American. また、様々な時制について、わかりやすい解説があるサイトがあったら教えてください。 よろしくお願いします。

  • 完了時制について

    よろしくお願いします。 ある英語の質問掲示板を読んでいました。 そこでのやりとりを見ていたら、混乱してしまいました。 ですので、こちらで質問させて頂きます。 「漫画を勉強するために日本に行っていたのだそうです。」 という日本語文を英訳するとなると、どうなりますか? (この場合、すでに日本から帰ってきているとします。) 1. She said that she had been in Japan to study Manga. 2. She said that she had been to Japan to study Manga. 3. She said that she was in Japan to study Manga. 4. She said that she had been studying Manga in Japan. 5. She said that she had studied Manga in Japan. また、それぞれ、before を文の最後に付け加えたり、 他の何かを付け加えたりしたほうが良い気もします。 もし宜しければ、それぞれの文のニュアンスの違いについてや、 なぜそうしたほうが良いのかについて、 詳しくご指導ください。 どうぞ、よろしくお願い致します。

  • BBC和訳お願いします!

    訳がよくわからないところが多いのでよろしくお願いします! he acknowledged that the war had been controversial, but told returning troops they were leaving behind"a sovereign, stable and self-relliant Iraq". however, correspondents say there are are concerns in Washigton that Iraq lacks robust political structures or an ability to defend its borders. there are also fears that Iraq could be plunged back into sectarian bloodletting, or be unduly influenced by Iran. Washington had wanted to keep a small training and counter-terrorism presence in Iraq, but US officials were unable to strike a deal with Baghdad on legal issues including immunity for troops. お願いします!

  • 直接話法教えてください

    直接話法にするにはどうしたらいいですか? 1 She told me that she had been ill for a week . 2 He asked me the boys who they thought she was. 3 He exclaimed with delight that those flowers were. 4 she said that she would admit the fact if she were in my place. 5 she said that she would have done the same thing if she had been in my place . よろしくお願いします!

  • lost his way

    I thought my husband and I had a great marriage -- until I looked on his phone and found text messages to another woman. I was crushed. I asked him about it, and he said that it was nothing and that there were only a few messages. When I checked our cellphone details, I was completely devastated to find that it had been going on for almost a year and there were almost 2,000 text messages during the past six months. When I talked to him about this and all the lies he had told me, he said he had lost his way and he was sorry and didn't want to lose me. lost his wayはここではどのような意味でしょうか?よろしくお願いします

  • 話法の書き換え教えてください

    話法の書き換え教えてください 1 He said ,"How stupid I have been!" ・・・・> He said with (      ) that he had been (      ) stupid. 2 Mother said to me,"What a bright girl you are!" ・・・・> Mother said in wonder that (                  ). 3 Susan said ,"Thank God , the examinations are over at last!" よろしくお願いします

  • よくわからない文法があります!

    "But it was when she said what she did that it occurred to me, as I lay there, that this whole notion of his deliberately not trying was one that had been doing the rounds from as far back as the Juniors." ...was one that had been doing the rounds from as far back as the Juniors. の意味がよくわかりませんm(_ _)m

  • 英文和訳

    Many of the new Iraqi leaders, including the president, Sheik Yawar, said they would insist that Iraqis be given "full sovereignty," meaning that the government could do more or less whatever it wanted. And they said talks would begin immediately on the influence over American combat operations. But in more subdued moments, some Iraqi leaders said they realized that the presence of more than 100,000 foreign troops would make that goal difficult to achieve. 上記のうち But in more subdued moments, はどう訳せばよいのですか?

  • 英語の構文(150)から質問です

    Until that question was asked it had never occured to me that there was no period of my life that had been devoted to play. (その質問を受けて初めて、私の人生で遊びに夢中になった時期は 全然なかったと言うことがふと頭に浮かんだ。) この英文の解説で 「最後のthatは、periodを先行詞とする関係代名詞である」 と書いてありました。 1)no period of my life that had been devoted to play.は、 「devoted AtoB AをBに捧げる」 のAが省略されて、Aに当たる部分が「period」であると思うのです よって、no period of my life that had been devoted to playを 二文にすると no period of my life period had been devoted to play. でいいでしょうか?? 2)it had never occured to me that there was no period of my life that had been devoted to play. 二重否定の構文でしょうか? 参考書に「二重否定は、否定+否定→肯定の意味関係を表す」 と書いてありました。 すると、「遊びに捧げられた時期は、私の人生において全く存在しなかったという考えが、私には全く起こらなかった」 →  (私の人生で遊びに夢中になった時期は     全然なかったと言うことがふと頭に浮かんだ。)答えの訳 となるのでしょうか?? 少しおかしい感じもするのですが・・ お願いします。<(_ _)>