• ベストアンサー



  • ベストアンサー
  • atafona
  • ベストアンサー率46% (23/49)

こんにちは。 afraid は「怖がっている」という状態を表す形容詞です。 S=C 子供=怖がっている という関係が成り立つので、 = のサインであるBe動詞を使います。 fear は「恐怖」という名詞なので、 「恐怖感を抱く」という意味で 動詞に have を使います。 この場合は、SVO のパターンです。 O(目的語)の名詞の前に no を入れると 肯定文の形で否定の意味にできます。 I have no friends. とか、I have no money. とかですね。 (蛇足ながら、この文章でも I = no friends という イコールの関係が成り立たないので Be 動詞は使いません) Be動詞は = (イコール) のサイン と覚えておくといいですよ。 Good luck!



ご回答ありがとうございます。 fear=名詞でしたね! がんばります! ありがとうございました!


  • 日本語に訳してください!

    日本語訳が本当によくわかりません。よろしくお願いします。 An individual with intense, recurrent sexually arousing fantasies and urges toward prepubescent children. Those who decide to act on such feelings can be termed "predatory pedophiles." The predatory pedophile is as dangerous as cancer and as camouflaged in approach. His presence becomes known only by the horrendous damage left in his wake. Predatory pedophiles most often operate inside a child's "circle of trust." He (or she) may be a teacher, a doctor, a scout leader, a police officer, an athletic coach, a religious counselor or a child-care professional. They are protected not only by our ignorance of their presence but also by our unwillingness to confront the truth. Nonpenetrative sexual misconduct with a child, often resulting in severe emotional damage to the victim. Sexual assault of a child, often resulting in both physical and emotional damage. The rape by extortion of a child by a family member, creating a climate of oppression and fear in the child's daily life that inevitably results in profound long-term damage. The sexual exploitation of a child under the guise of a consensual relationship. This pedophiles' perversion of the word "love" is routinely promoted in all their literature as "harmless" or even "beneficial" to the victim. A child, often held captive against his or her will, who is physically and/or emotionally coerced into performing sex acts with adults for the profit of others.

  • なぜ owning が正解なのか教えてください。

    ある問題集を解いていましたところ、以下のような問題がありました。 空所にあてはまるもので一番ふさわしいものはどれですか? The concept of baby boomers ( ) companies is no longer dream. (A) own (B) their own (C) owning (D) living 答えは(C)のowning なのですが、なぜそうなるのかよくわかりません。 どなたかわかりやすく教えていただけないでしょうか? よろしくおねがいします。 

  • 空所に入る適語を選ぶ(英語)

    1、My jacket is the same as (). (1)you(2)your(3)yours(4)yourself 2、I forgot to bring a pen.Can you lend me (). (1)it(2)one(3)them(4)other 3、The price of water is higher than ()of beer in this country. (1)it(2)one(3)them(4)that 4、Would you like ()cup of coffee? (1)other(2)another(3)the other(4)the another 5、All living things depend on one (). (1)other(2)another(3)the other(4)the another 6、()of the students has to wear a uniform. (1)Each(2)Every(3)All(4)Some 7、This is not my bicycle but (). (1)somebody else(2)somebody's else (3)somebody else's(4)somebody elses' 8、I'm thirsty.Can you give me ()to drink? (1)some cold thing(2)something cold (3)could something(4)some cold 9、()present at the meeting were surprised at his appearance. (1)Any(2)Some(3)That(4)Those 10、Some of the boys like baseball and ()like soccer. (1)other(2)others(3)the other(4)another 11、The Olympics are held ()four years. (1)each(2)all(3)every(4)another 12、I don't like (). (1)your that necktie(2)that your necktie (3)your necktie of that(4)that necktieof yours 13、I have two cars.One is made in Japan, and()is made in Germany. (1)other(2)another(3)the other(4)the another 14、There are five chairs.I'll carry these two.Please carry(). (1)other(2)others(3)the other(4)the others お願いします!

  • [英語]()に当てはまる共通語を教えて下さい>

    1. (a) A great () of money has been spent on this building. (b) The managers don't know how to () with this situation at work. 2. (a) It makes no () to spend a lot of money on expensive clothes. (b) I'm afraid I haven't got a very good () of direction, so I easily get lost. 3. (a) You can () me at this number. (b) They failed to () an agreement over the new plan. (c) The loss will () five million yen. 4. (a) The pasta was so good that I had a () helping. (b) They'll help you without a () thought. (c) Wait a () and I'll help you. 5. (a) In Shakespeare's "Romeo and Juliet"a teen-aged boy and girl () hopelessly in love. (b) The () of an apple from a tree inspired Newton's theory of gravity. (c) The Tokyo Olympics took place in the () of 1964. (d) The ice is very slippery. Walk carefully and do not slip and () on it.

  • SVC文型のSとCの関係(be動詞、名詞補語)

    Be動詞を使ったSVC文型(但しCは名詞)でSとCとは どのような関係に有るのかよく解りません。 私は、CはSの持つ一つの側面を別の名詞で「言い直し・ 言い替え」したものだと思っていました。そこでCとSを入れ 替えた文が(若干の修正で)作成可能だと思っていました。 例えば、He is a teacher. なら  The teacher is him. を生成することが出来ます。 (意味は多少変化するが) ところが The bag is fifteen dollars. の場合は 若干の修正ではCとSを入れ替えた文が出来ません。 無理に入れ替えると以下になります 1 The bag is a fifteen-dollar product. 2 The price of the bag is fifteen dollars. そこで質問です、 Be動詞を使ったSVC文型(但しCは名詞)でSとCとは どのような関係に有るのでしょうか?

  • 空所に最も適当な語句を選択するという問題なのですが

    1.________, Dr. Smith's own findings were incompatible with the other chemist's interpretations of the test results. (A)Evidently (B)In evidence (C)Evidence (D)Evident 2._______, the total contribution to the hospital building fund has already met our expectations. (A)Extremely (B)Fortunately (C)Illegally (D)Necessarily 3.Please supply a telephone number at which a relative_______in case there is an emergency. (A)can be contacted (B)may contact (C)used to be contacted (D)have to be contacted 4.The chief engineer insists that the operation system________redesigned regardless of the high cost involved. (A)be (B)to be (C)has (D)are 答えは上から 1.A 2.B 3.A 4.A で正しいですか?

  • 英文を日本語訳して下さい。

    Army officers retreated into hiding and many took refuge in the Admiralty building of Petrograd. In all, over 1,300 people were killed in the protests of March (O.S. February) 1917. The Tsar had returned to his frontline base at Stavka on 7 March [O.S. 22 February]. After violence erupted, however, Mikhail Rodzianko, Chairman of the Duma, sent the Tsar a report of the chaos in a telegram (exact wordings and translations differ, but each retains a similar sense ): The situation is serious. The capital is in a state of anarchy. The Government is paralyzed. Transport service and the supply of food and fuel have become completely disrupted. General discontent is growing ... There must be no delay. Any procrastination is tantamount to death. — Rodzianko's first telegram to the Tsar, 11 March [O.S. 26 February] 1917.

  • 日本語に訳してください。

    こんにちは。 下記の英文を日本語に訳してください。 The so-called drug war was started in the 1980s and it was aimed directly at the black population. None of this has anything to do with drugs. It has to do with controlling and criminalizing dangerous populations. It's kind of like a U.S. counterpart to "social cleansing." Poor black males are criminalized the most by the drug war. The number of black men in the criminal justice system is enormous. That criminalizes a dangerous population. What about the population which is declining in earnings and jobs? They're frightened. The more you can increase the fear of drugs and crime and welfare mothers and immigrants and aliens and poverty and all sorts of things, the more you control people. Make them hate each other. Be frightened of each other and think that the other is stealing from them. If you do that you can control people. And that's just what the drug war does. よろしくお願いします。

  • 日本語訳をお願いします!!

    A short ferry ride away from the city of Vancouver is Vancouver lsland.The island is named for George Vancouver,the English navigator who charted much of the continent's northwest coast.Vancouver lsland is a microcosm of all of Canada:it has an exquisitely civilized cityーVictoriaーand in the interior,splendid wilderness.Victoria has been accused of “outーBritishing”the British.It has imposing Parliament buildings...a glorious Englishーstyle garden miraculousy fashinned out an abandoned quarry called Butchart Gardens...and the matbhless turnーofーthe century EmpressーHotel.Tea at the Empress is not just a meal,it's an event.A challenging sea kayak trip north to the Queen Charlotte lslands is like taking a journey back in time.The Haida village at Tanou has the largest collection of totem poles in Canada in their original location.The Haida settled this wild coast left behind these towering sentinels to hold the peace of this silent wilderness.

  • 日本語訳を! 2-(4)

    お願いします。  On the first page of our ancient comic book there are two scenes. The larger shows king Angry Catfish, or Narmer, about to smash the head of a man kneeling in front of him. The victim's name (or is it the mane of a group of people?) is Wash and is written above his head. Could Wash be a leader that Narmer has conquered? Or is it symbolic of a whole tribe of people Narmer has beaten in battle?  More clues come from what is right in front of Narmer's face. The falcon perched on the reeds is no ordinary bird. He is Horus of Nekhen, the symbol of Egyptian royalty and protector of the king. Horus of Nekhen perches on reeds called papyrus. Each papyrus blossom is the Egyptian symbol for 1,000. The meaning is clear . King Narmer―the king of Upper Egypt―has conquered and captured Lower Egypt.  That bowling-pin-shaped hat that King Catfish is wearing is the White Crown of Upper Egypt. The king is also wearing a bull's tail, which shows he is as strong as a bull. Behind Narmer there is a person carrying the king's sandals. He is much smaller in order to show that he isn't as powerful as Narmer. In the second scene those two men who look as though they are swimming are actually Narmer's fallen enemies sprawled helplessly inside their walled town. Narmer has won.  Page two of our comic book (otherwise known as "the back") is divided into three scenes. In the top scene Narmer is wearing the Red Crown of Lower Egypt. The Sandal Bearer is still following Narmer carrying his sandals, and Narmer is still holding his head-bashing mace, but instead of the hair of his enemy he holds a staff in his other hand, The staff is a symbol of royalty. He is parading with smaller, less important people (everyone is less hmportant than Narmer now) toward ten bodies with their heads cut off and placed between their legs. Like dogs with their tails tucked between their legs, these are the cowering, conquered enemies.