• ベストアンサー


 次の英文の空所に同じ綴りの語を当てはめなさい。という問題です。 (a) It's time for us to take our (_________) of you. (b) Oh, my goodness! It was done without my (_________). 私は、approval, knowledge, permission, などがすぐ思い浮かびましたが、いずれも、(a) には合わないようなのですが、どなたか良い解答がありましたら、御教授ください。大事な試験が明後日です。


  • ベストアンサー
  • asakiyume
  • ベストアンサー率28% (8/28)

こんばんは。 正解は、'leave' ではないでしょうか。 'to take one's leave of ~' は、「~を後にする」です。 他に、名詞の'leave'には、「許可」という意味もあります。'with'(「許可を得て」)や'without'(「許可なしで」)というセットでよく聞こえます。 発音もスペルも一緒だが、やはり意味はまったく違いますね。なかなかdifficultな一門ですね。



I thank you very much for your wonderful answer. I simply did not know the expression "to take one's leave of ~." And also, I although knew the usage of "leave" appropriate for the (b), I could not come up with it. I really appreciate it that you replied to my question. I will be grateful, if you would do the same again some other time in the near future when I run into problems as such. By the way, I lived in the states for eleven years, and I am more comfortable communicating in Eglish myself. I imagine the PC is a fine device, because you don't have to go through a toil of mastering the difficulties of Japanese hand-writings, huh! I once had a opportunities to teach that to a highschool exchage student, and man, it was tough. If you were to hand-write what you taught me, it must have been a disaster. Don't get me wrong. I am not trying to offend you. I just simply wish I could be around to talk about all kinds of things in English with you.


その他の回答 (2)

  • d-y
  • ベストアンサー率46% (1528/3312)


 URL 感謝します。

  • mabomk
  • ベストアンサー率40% (1414/3521)

難しいですね。 「consent」 「同意」かな。。。。 他の候補よりは大分良いかも(笑)



回答ありがとうございます。leave が良いようですね。



  • この文を日本語訳してください!

    件名 : Re : To  :  ringo14 送信日  :  2014/01/13 09:09:26 受信日  :  2014/01/13 09:40:59 Hello! I'm doing fine! My name is Tobi, the meaning of... uhm.... well Tobi is short of "Tobias" and Tobias means "The goodness of god" in greek.. soo.. I guess that's what mine means :D I'm doing fine! I'm a bit tired though, I've spent all weekend doing some school work and I'm worn out lol! It's hard being in school >.< but oh well! It's for the future! How's it over there in Japan? I bet it snows alot! It's not snowing much over here, it's only raining a lot that's about it I don't mind the rain!

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  • 次の文を否定文に直してください。 お願いします

    1.My daughter is very good at sports. 2.My son went to Frankfurt last week. 3.You must take the dog for a walk. 4.Yukiko was singing a song.5.Be late for the meeting. 6.I have already done my homework. 7.My aunt has a very old coins. 8.I want some old coins. 9.Our teacher shut the door. 10.He has to call on his uncle on his way home.

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  • オフィスアワーでの訪問について

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  • the temple of knowledge

    The pain takes you to the temple of knowledge,so that’s how I channel it. And it’s one more message and one more tattoo. One more story to tell in my life. タトゥーを入れようとしている若者が言っている言葉です。どんな意味になりますでしょうか。 よろしくお願いいたします。

  • 訳してください

    訳してください。 the translation for the statement is 〝lets the bad luck take anything except my dad″. it's for my lovely Dad,I wish for him a safe trip. よろしくお願いいたします。

  • I gotta help your~

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  • 日本語に訳してください

    I 'm going to talk about my dream for the future. I want to be a scientist. A scientist studies things happening in tature. I want to be like Rachel Carson. Her book,Silent Spring,changed our view of nature. I think it's very meaningful to discover something new and tell people about it. お願いします(´>ω<`)

  • 大学入試レベルの問題です

    空欄に当てはまるものをそれぞれ1~4からひとつ選んで会話を完成させてください。 1 A.What happened in the street yesterday evening? B.I heard some terribly loud voices.It's usually so quiet in our neighborhood so I went to the window. A1 How did you know? 2 When did it happen. 3 Where did you see? 4 When did you see? B.Nothing at all.My old eyes don't work so well any more. 2 A.It's lovely to here from you,Julie.Like you,we start school here in August. B,Oh,I see.So,1how are things over there? 2where is your town? 3how's the weather in your village? 4when is the best season in your city? A,Quiet.We live in avery small village.It's not exciting,but I like it. 3 A,It's pretty hot here and we go swimming every day.We're having a beach party tonight. B.1Better luck next time. 2Luck is on my side. 3Luck you. 4Third time lucky. A.School is fine.But I miss my friends and London very much. 4 A.You're making us pay for the bag after we're done all our shopping here? B1Don't forget your change. 2Neither do I. 3No,have a nice day. 4Sorry,it isn't free. A.O.K. We'll manage without it. The store in our neighborhood doesn't charge its customers for plastic bags.

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  • なぜ大人は人生を諦めたり成長を止める人が多いのか?昭和の価値観を引きずっているからです。現代では80~90年を生きることが当たり前になりましたが、昔の考え方が根強く残っています。特にネットの人間は短絡思考で、すぐに諦める傾向があります。しかし、他人との比較に囚われることで自分に制限をかけてしまうことが多いです。自分はそれに気づき、成長の限界を決めないようにしました。
  • なぜ大人は人生を諦めたり成長を止める人が多いのか?昭和の価値観を引きずっているからです。現代では80~90年を生きることが当たり前になりましたが、まだ「30代までにこれじゃないともう終わり」とか「40代までに諦める」という考え方が根強く残っています。特にネットの人間は即座に諦めたがり、迅速な結論を求める傾向が強いです。しかし、他人との比較にこだわりすぎてムダなストッパーを自分にかけていることに気づかない人が多いです。自分はそれに気づき、成長の限界を自ら決めるのをやめました。