• ベストアンサー




 確かに,remember ~ing, recall ~ing,regret ~ing などは動詞の性質から考えて,完了形の動名詞を用いなくても,「~したことを思い出す,後悔する」のような意味になります。  しかし,完了形の動名詞というのは,単に過去の意味を表す場合だけでなく,「完了・経験・継続」という完了時制の意味を表す場合にも用いることができます。  この問題では,ever(don't から never の意味になります)や before という語と合わさって,I have never been asked ... before「今までに一度もたずねられたことがない」という経験の用法の完了時制の意味を出すために,having been asked という完了形の動名詞の方を選ぶべきでしょう。





  • 内容はこうもりの飛行能力の話についてのようです。 そこで分からない文があるので質問させてください。 "It seems to have more navigational ability than other bats have demostrated,"Suthers said "I would be interesting to have them around to study how that is done." インディアナこうもりは他の( )こうもりよりも飛行能力をもち、どのように行われるか研究するのは興味深いであろう。 Question 1: 訳すと 上の()の部分、つまり 【Other bats have demonstrated】 ここを訳すとどうなるのでしょうか? 2:【to have them around】 これは必要ある文でしょうか?  訳すとどういう文になるのでしょうか?aroundが入ってきて混乱して います。 That's what's made them so vulnerable. Question 1:この文は Make … ~【…に~させる】という形なのでしょうか?  訳すとどうなるのでしょうか? *vulnerable…弱点 長いですがお願いします!

  • 英文見てください

    どなたか英文の添削をお願いできないでしょうか。 私の英語の先生はいつもとてもわかりやすく教えてくれるけど、私が"AとBはどう違うの?"とか答えにくい質問ばかりするから困らせてしまってるかも。最近は質問に行くと、「今日の質問は何?」とか「さぁ今日も質問の時間だね」なんて先に言われるようになってしまった。 My English teacher always gives me complehensible explanations. However, I'm afraid that my questions like "what's the difference between A and B?" seem so hard to answer sometimes that he might have been bothered by them. Lately, when I go talk to him, he says, "Ok, so what do you want to ask today?" or "Here comes today's question time!" before I start to say something.

  • 英語のジョーク(?)だと思うのですが

    某SNSの投稿で以下のような英文が投稿されていました。 直訳自体は簡単な文章なんで問題ないのですが なにが面白いのかよくわかりません。 わかる方教えてください。Bubblesになにか意味があるのでしょうか? (なおTOEICで800以上取ったことがあります) -------------------- There were these 3 frogs in a pond when all of a sudden the police came and arrested them all. When they went to court the Judge asked the 1st frog "What's ur name?". The frog u replied "Frog". The Judge asked "What were u arrested 4?" "I was just blowing bubbles in the pond" Frog replied. " Case dismissed" the Judge said. In comes frog #2 "what's ur name ?"says the judge. He replies "Frog Frog" and "what were u brought in 4?" the Judge asked. "I was just blowing bubbles in the pond". "Case dismissed" said the Judge. The third frog was brought in and asked the same question. The Judge stops his answer and says "Let me guess Frog Frog Frog !" "No " the third frog replied "I'm Bubbles" ------------------------------ 参考までに、この投稿に対しての反応はこんな感じでした。 「nice one」 「that's too cute LMBO」 「LOL nice」 以上宜しく得お願いいたします

  • 会話文

    以下の会話文は、いろいろな都市に住んだことのあるAさんがひとつの街にずっと住んでいるBさん にインタビューしたときの会話です。 Aさんが、なぜずっとこの街にいるのか、この街の何が好きなのかを訪ねた際、Bさんはbeing back in school, having pleasure, thinking about...と、動名詞で続けます。会話では動名詞を並べることで、何々だからと言う意味で、通じるのでしょうか。それともなにか省略されているのでしょうか。解説お願いいたします。 A: Why are you still here? What do you like about this city? B: Well, that's a great question. Especially being back in school now and having the pleasure of meeting people from all around the world, really, and thinking about possibly continuing my studies after this year and where I might go for that. And, so yeah, I guess it's just been a time where I've been reflecting on that too. Where I want to be, why I've actually even stuck around here for another degree. But I think, for me, it remains a really charming city to live in.

  • 英文を訳してください。

    I have been thinking about this question for some time. As a matter of fact, one user of the Q&A site Quora asked the same question, “What does it mean to be Japanese?” With your permission, I would like to present to you the following link: https://www.quora.com/What-does-it-mean-to-be-Japanese As you can see, the question has been given answers on Quora, but they are written in English. Furthermore, there are less than one million Japanese users out of more than one hundred million users. As a result, questions about Japan are more likely to be answered by Americans, British, Canadians, Chinese, Germans, Indians, South Koreans, etc. Being able to write English skillfully is a requirement, but I believe that there is a Quora Japanese Language Version now. That is why this Canadian would like to ask Japanese who were born and raised in Japan this question: what does it mean to be Japanese? • If I put this question into the wrong category, then I apologize.

  • 和訳と英訳をお願いしたいのですが

    宿泊に関するお客様からのメッセージですが、まず最初に和訳をお願いします。 On the last December 30 of 2013 I checked in at your hotel where I had a very pleasant stay. I used the website A to place this same rerervation. On the reservation confirmation paper sent by A the statement clearly specified that the amount to be paid was of ¥10.000 per room. In checking out, as you can see by the receipt bellow, a fee of ¥20.000 was charged by that same room. Only having noticed this now, I please ask you to elucidate me on the difference in pricing to what was previously estabelished. In addition I recall that the reservation also states that the price agreed upon was per room. Not per guest. Seeing that it was a final value, that's what we should have paid. Thank you very much for your understanding. 今になって気がついたのですが、ウェブサイト上のA からの情報の金額と支払った金額が違うので説明してくださいというおおまかな内容ではないかと思うのですが、細かいニュアンスがわかりません。和訳をお願いします。(領収の添付ファイルが付いてました) それと、上記文章に対する答えの文章なのですが、下記の内容で英訳もお願いしたいのです。 その金額は正月の特別料金になっております。日本では正月にレートが上がるのは常識的な事なので、その旨は載せておりませんでした。大変申し訳なく思っております。今後はウェブサイト上にも載せるようにいたします。その旨ご理解の上宜しくお願いします。 お忙しいところすみませんが、宜しくお願いします。

  • 和訳をお願します

    Dr. Adrian Owen is a professor of neuroscience at Cambridge University. Dr. Owen’s team concentrates on the diagnosis and effect of brain injuries, and the development of treatments for such patients. He was not satisfied with the accepted methods of diagnosing comatose patients. Typically, when someone cannot respond to any questions or requests, they will be diagnosed as “vegetative.” However, a significant number of so-called vegetative patients are actually conscious, but completely unable to respond to questions. In a previous study, Dr. Owen put healthy volunteers into an fMRI scanner and asked them to imagine playing tennis. After mapping the area that becomes active when people imagine that activity, they put a vegetative patient into the scanner and asked her to imagine playing tennis. To the team’s great joy, the patient’s brain lit up just like that of the healthy volunteers. Since she could respond to their request to imagine playing tennis, she showed them that she was conscious ― all this despite being completely still, having her eyes closed and showing no signs of consciousness. Another patient was told to use a code to communicate with the research team. To signify “Yes,” he was to imagine playing tennis. To signify “No,” he was to imagine walking around in his house. He was asked yes-or-no questions about his personal history, and correctly answered, proving that despite his appearance he was conscious and could communicate. Next, the research team plans to ask unverifiable questions, in an attempt to communicate more deeply with these patients who can manipulate their brains, but not their bodies. よろしくお願いしますorz

  • 【英語】勉強してて分からないです

    英ナビを使って勉強しているのですが、 それに関して分からない部分があるので質問します 1.They say him being liar この文は誤りだそうなのですが、私にはどうしてか分かりません 「say ~ing」は無い構文と身勝手に理解しているのですが… 2.I was (made waiting , kept waiting , keeping waited , kept waited) at the stop as long as thirty minutes. 適当な一語を選ぶ問 「made , keeping」でなく「kept」なのは分かります 『私は停留所で30分待たされ続けた』から 「kept waited」だと思ったのですが 「kept waiting」が正解で、どうしてか分かりません もしかして「was waited=待たれる」となるのでしょうか? 「was waited=待たされる」だと思っているのですが… 「was kept」に受動の意味を含めて「I was waiting」を合成して「I was kept waiting」、とあるのですが 「was」がなければ「I kept waited」でも良いという事でしょうか? 3.The factor lends great interest to the history of modern japan. = The factor (1) the history of modern japan very (2). (1)は使役動詞が入るのは分かります (2)が「interesting」か「interested」かなのですが 正解は「interesting」で、これもイマイチ分かりません 4.Thei photgraph makes him (look , to look , looking , looked) very young. 「to look 」と「looking」が駄目な理由は分かり 「looked」でなく「look」であるのも分かります でも、自動詞の「look」が「is looked」という受動態で使われる筈がない、とあるのですが 自動詞は受動態で使われる事はないのでしょうか?

  • 文法問題(一問です)。

    文法問題(一問です)。 The window was ( ) to see through. 1) hardly dirty enough 2) not too dirty (1)正答と(2)他方が違う理屈をお教えください。 よろしくお願いいたします。

  • 文法問題について

    our principal said that he wanted to ( ) Bob to our school この()にはいる英単語なのですが 答えは admit なのですが enterでもいいように思えます。どうでしょうか? 又、enterの用法として辞書をみますと自動詞として enter for two courses 2つのコースに受講を申し込む. enter for a race ((英))レースに参加する とあります。これはどうして自動詞なのですか?  enter a room 部屋へはいる (他動詞) と変わらないように思えます。