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    ごく軽い、そして幾分薄められた形での類推を行うには、労働者の動機を、極度に単純なものと考える必要がある。   労働者は、第一に快楽と経済的利得の追求に関心を持つ者であり、こういう追求は、必然的にある論理的な形へと通じるという風に見なければならない。     二番目の文章の二つの as は、文法的にどうもおかしいです。原文は、hold → held, viewedas → viewed as としなければ理解しづらく、これらは綴りミスです。他にもミスがある可能性があります。特に二番目の二つの as に関して。  



文法のミスですか・・・ 文法的に分析して英文を読むのは苦手なので(感覚勝負なのです)、 そんなことには全く気づきもしませんでした。ありがとうございます。 viewedasはキーボードの打ち間違えでした(^_^; すみません。ありがとうございました。


  • 英語の構文

    Man has the ability to create his own environment, instead of , as in the case of other animals, being forced to submit to the environments in which he finds himself 参考書の訳  人間は他の動物たちとは違って、自分が置かれている環境に屈服させられるのではなく、自分の環境を創る能力を持っているのである。 as in the case of other animals, はどこを修飾しているのでしょうか? as in the case of other animals, が無ければ、すっきり訳せます。 being以下がinstead of の目的語になっているのはわかります。 しかし、そうするとas in the case of other animals, は何を修飾しているのでしょうか? asは、様態の接続詞で「~のように」と訳すところを、前文に否定語、この文章で言えばinstead of があるので「~とは違って」と訳すそうです。 これもわかります。 そしてas節の中の主語と述語が省略され、意味的には「環境に屈服する」が省略された主語で、それが動物たちには当てはまる、という意味になり、 最終的に 動物たちが環境に屈服するのとは違ってという意味になると思います。 as in the case of other animals,が前文のMan has the ability to create his own environment,を修飾しているのなら、意味がすっきり通っていると思うのですが、 instead of 以下の句に入っているas in the case of other animalsの句が、独立して主文を修飾するということはあるのでしょうか? それとも instead of 以下の句の中で、私が気がついていないだけでちゃんと機能しているのでしょうか?

  • 英語と映画研究に詳しい方、お願いします!

    下にあるのは大学の購読で、使う資料の一部です。自分の英語ではぜんぜん理解するどころか、訳せもしません。情けないですが、どなたか、これに書かれている概要を教えていただけないでしょうか。 英語の力がなくても書かれている内容がすごく気になります。 どなたかよろしくお願いします。 This dilemma of the virtual not being definable in opposition to realism has given rise to two different responses : one school of thought has turned to a reassessment of illusionism as an aesthetic value in its own right, while others have pointed to the enunciative dimension of the "index", and thus to make indexilality an aspect of enunciation and deixis. Both these contexts break, at the conceptual level, with our traditional definitions of cinematic realism, because "reality" in virtual reality is no longer understood as index, trace and reference of an elsewhere, but as a total environment: it thus is a function of a coherence theory, rather than a correspondence theory.

  • 英語の訳

    下記の訳を知りたいです。長いですがどなたかよろしくお願いします。 http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/europe/country_profiles/1038758.stm ↑下記の文章が載っているHP United Kingdom country profile The United Kingdom is made up of England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland. It has a long history as a major player in international affairs and fulfils an important role in the EU, UN and Nato. The twentieth century saw Britain having to redefine its place in the world. At the beginning of the century it commanded a world-wide empire as the foremost global power. Two world wars and the end of empire diminished its role, but the UK remains a major economic and military power, with considerable political and cultural influence around the world. Overview Overview/Facts/Leaders/Media Britain was the world's first industrialised country. Its economy remains one of the largest, but it has for many years been based on service industries rather than on manufacturing. Despite being a major member of the EU, the country is not part of the euro zone, and the question of whether it will join any time soon appears to have receded for the moment. The government has said a series of economic criteria must be met before the issue can be put to a referendum. In recent years the UK has taken steps to devolve powers to Scotland and Wales. The Scottish Parliament in Edinburgh and the National Assembly for Wales in Cardiff opened in 1999, and the possibility of devolution for the English regions has also been discussed. In Northern Ireland, after decades of violent conflict, the Good Friday agreement of 1998 led to a new assembly with devolved powers, bringing hopes of lasting peace. The assembly was suspended in 2002 amid a row over alleged IRA activities. Its suspension was to last for three and a half years. In a bid to restart the political process and after consultations with Dublin, the UK passed legislation paving the way for the recall of the Northern Ireland Assembly in May 2006. But assembly leaders missed a November deadline to form a power-sharing executive. Assembly elections in the following March led to the eventual swearing-in of the leaders of the power-sharing government on 8 May 2007, ending five years of direct rule from London. Diversity The UK is ethnically diverse, partly as a legacy of empire. Lately, the country has been struggling with issues revolving around multiculturalism, immigration and national identity. This is against a background of concerns about terrorism and political and religious radicalism, heightened after the suicide bomb attacks on London's transport network in 2005. Some politicians and commentators say a stronger sense of shared British values is needed to foster integration within a mixed society. And while some advocate tough policies on limiting immigration, others attempt to put the case for it as a positive force. One of the more recent trends in migration has been the arrival of workers from the new EU member states in Eastern Europe. Culture The UK has been at the forefront of youth culture since the heyday of the Beatles and Rolling Stones in the 1960s. It has a rich literary heritage encompassing the works of English writers such as William Shakespeare and Charles Dickens, Scot Robert Burns, Welshman Dylan Thomas and Northern Irishman Seamus Heaney. Traditional music has deep roots across the UK, which has also produced classical composers from Henry Purcell in the Baroque period to Benjamin Britten in the 20th century.

  • へたな英語にして欲しい

    読んだ小説を英語で要約したいのですがうま くいきません。そこでひそかにお手本を入手 しました。これを写して提出するわけにもい かないので下手でたどたどしい英語にくずし て欲しいです。まったくのぶざまでは困りま すがそんなにできのよくない日本の高校生 ぐらいの英文でお願いします。文法的には 間違いではないという線は守ってほしいです。 削除されるといけないのでなるべく早く回答 ください。適切な回答をもらえればつづきを 投稿します。宜しくお願いします。 A man of taste and intellect, Nagai Daisuke lives with a maid and houseboy in a comfortable residence in Ushigome, Tokyo, and, at age thirty, leads the life of what Soseki calls "an educated idler." He does not work because his father has provided for him ever since his graduation from the university. Daisuke believes there are few opportunities for meaningful work in a day and age when society has become obsessed with the pursuit of individual and national aggrandizement. Daisuke's father, Nagai Toku, espouses a more vigorous life based on old-fashioned Confucian precepts of hard work and devotion to family and country. As a young samurai he participated in the Meiji Restoration and, in the decade since retiring from government service, he has established a prosperous business. He is often angry with his son, and Daisuke is, in turn, distressed by the extent to which material success appears to have corrupted his father. As the novel begins, Daisuke's friend Hiraoka Tsunejiro has returned to Tokyo. The two men were close friends in college, and three years earlier Daisuke arranged for Hiraoka to marry Suganuma Michiyo, the sister of a mutual acquaintance. Daisuke also loved Michiyo, but he relinquished her to Hiraoka in a "chivalrous gesture." The newlyweds moved Kyoto in connection with Hiraoka's work as a banker. They were happy at first, but then Michiyo lost her baby and now Hiraoka has been forced to resign from his job and make good the loss of a thousand yen supposedly embezzled by a subordinate. Daisuke puts his houseboy to work finding the couple accommodations, and he approaches Seigo, his older brother, about a loan and a job for Hiraoka.

  • 英語の間違い

    1.Because Mr. Andrew has a job (1. that ) pays very well and has (2. lots ) of vacation time , he (3. has had ) many chances to travel abroad . As a result , he has (4. ever ) been to many countries. 2.In order (1. to get ) into a top-level university , it is important (2. to try ) hard at school and also (3. spending ) lots of time (4. studying ) at home . 3.Tom (1. has been ) living in Japan (2. since ) 2005 , and (3. since ) he enjoys it so much he says he will keep on living there (4. until ) five more years . 1、2、3の1~4のかっこは それぞれどれが違いますか? 分かる方教えてください(>_<)

  • 英語について(have)の要と

    英語を勉強中のものです、詳しい方ご教授お願いいたします。 関 正生 著 の 世界一わかりやすいTOEICテストの授業(りすにんぐ)P264に次のような英文があり、その英文の中のhas がどの様な訳? と言うか どのように作用しているのかがわかりません 詳しい方よろしくお願いいたします。 I promise to try and work as hard as she has in selling our lines of clothing. 翻訳すると「わが社の衣類しりーずの販売において彼女と同様に一生懸命にはたらくことを約束します。」 ですがshe has in sellig の部分のhas がどの様な役割があるのかがわかりません。 has in ~ing で調べてみたのですがわかりませんでした。 (1)上記文のhas はどのような役割ですか? (2)上記文のhas in は必要ですか? 無くても意味は通じますか?

  • 英語訳おねがいします

    through most of history, however, those changes progresseed so slowly in time and spread so slowly in space that, within an individual's own lifetime, no change was visible. Hence, human historyーexcepting trivial changes through war and dymastic succession, or fantasy changes through supernatural interventionーwas viewed as essentially static. The advance of science and technorogy, however, is cumulative, and each advance tends to encourage a more rapid further advance. Eventually, the rate of change, and the extent of the effect of that change on society become great enough to be detected in the space of an individual lifetime. The future is then, for the first time, discoverd. の訳おねがいします!

  • 英語 訳出願い

    自分で訳したものの、すっきり読めないので、訳出願います。 よろしくお願いします。 ’UNDERSTANDING REALITY TELEVISION’の一部です。 As we embark upon a new century of broadcasting, It is clear that no genre form or type of programing has been as actively marketed by producers, or more enthusiastically embraced by viewers, than reality-based TV. This quote seems a pertinent way in which to open a book that seeks to 'understand Reality TV'. It emphasizes how the formats, images, and convention of Reality TV have stitched themselves into the very fabric of television, its economic structures, schedules and viewing cultures. Reality TV has rapidly come to occupy a place at the forefront of contemporary television culture – a position from which it seems to 'speak' particular clearly to the ways in which broadcasters are seeking to attract audiences in the multichannel landscape, the ways in which television is harnessing its aesthetic and cultural power and, as an increasingly multimedia experience, the ways in which it resonates so extensively in the cultural sphere. This collection seeks to respond to the complex, contested and often controversial terrain of 'popular factual programming' (CORNER,2001) with the broad aim of considering its economic, aesthetic, political and cultural implications for understanding contemporary 'television' as an object of study. It is certainly the case that this terrain continued to evolve, shift and change in the process of producing this collection, which thus offers an investigation of the field at a particular point in time (television’s rhetoric of the perpetual present of course always renders stopping the 'flow' an impossibility). At the same time, however, this book also seeks to contribute to the longer-term project of understanding and studying what CORNER has described as television's 'greatly expanded range of popular images of the real'.

  • 英語問題

    下から適切な単語を選んで空欄をうめる問題なのですが、わかりますか? わかったら翻訳もお願いします(;_;) breast cancer syphilis menopausal disorder uterine cancer infertility toxemia of pregnancy (1)_____ indicates a medical condition after permanent shutting down of the female reproductive system. (2)_____ primarily refers to the inability of a man or a woman to achieve conception. (3)_____ is a malignant tumor that sats in the cells of the breast in women and men. (4)_____ is a medical condition where hypertension arises in pregnancy as well as signifcant amounts of protein in the urine. (5)_____ is a bacterial sexually transmitted disease caused mainly by sexual intercourse. (6)The term _____ refers to several different types of cancer which occur in the uterus.

  • 英語の長文の訳助けて><

    Research projicts follow the trends of their times, and life span psychology has developed as the post-war baby boom generation has matured. The current wave of research into ageing and care of the elderlu, for example, can be seen as directly resulting from that generation reaching retirement age. LIFE-TRANSITIONS Gould(1978) developed the idea that adult life consists of a series of transitions, or life changes, which occur ar different times in our lives. The first of these is that of adjusting to the responsibilities of being independent and living away from parental care. Looking after ourselves without someone in the background is quite different from the kinf of independence which occurs when living as part of family group, where there is always someone to fall back on, or to look after you if you become ill. This transition, Gould argued takes place usually between the ages of 16 and 22. Then there is another transition, which takes place during our twenties, in which we develop our own competences and autonomy, and choose our rulus to live by, rather than simply conforming to our parents' rules and principles. A third transition, according to Gould, happens between 28 and 34, as we come to know ourselves better, and learn to come to terms with aspects of our nature which we weren't really aware of before. And the final transition involves accepting that life isn't going to last for ever━that is, developing a sence of our own mortality. This final transition, Gould argued, happens between the ages of 35 and 45.