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  • ベストアンサー率36% (4/11)

「DAP (Dog Appeasine Pheromon)は授乳中の犬(猫)から分泌される天然の鎮静フェロモンの特性を兼ね備え、安心させ、落ち着いた状態にする手助けをします。」と下記のホームページに書いてありました。



DAPがどういうものなのかは、わかっています。「appeasine」という言葉を日本語訳としてどういう記載をするべきかが質問の主旨です。 ご意見をお願い致します。


  • フェロモンの論文中の文章

    鎮静フェロモンに関しての論文を読んでいてどうしても理解できないところがあったので教えてください。 The appeasing pheromone, from the mammary region of the queen, has also been identified. この論文では主に犬猫のフェロモンに関してかかれているのですが、突然文中にqueenが出てきています。 多分、女王蜂なのですが、mammary・・・のところが、乳腺部となってしまうとおかしいですよね。 よろしくお願いします。

  • 日本語訳お願いします。

    先程の続きです。日本語に訳してほしいです。 “These patterns are set sort of early,” said Tom Vanderbilt, the author of “Traffic: Why We Drive the Way We Do (and What It Says About Us).” “You see a lot more boys killed running into traffic,” he said. This is partly because boys are given more “freedom to roam,” and the culture expects them to take more risks, Mr. Vanderbilt said. “That pattern is set early but continues through every sort of life stage, including driving,” he said. While the experts seem to consider aggression a bad thing, many male drivers thought it was a strength. “On the road, I think the most important things are intuition and aggressiveness,” said Mark Volinsky, 24, who has been driving for six years. “It’s hard even for me to conjure those up driving around the city, so I can’t imagine someone like my 45-year-old mom being able to function in that kind of dog-eat-dog environment.”

  • 至急日本語訳お願いします。

    “These patterns are set sort of early,” said Tom Vanderbilt, the author of “Traffic: Why We Drive the Way We Do (and What It Says About Us).” “You see a lot more boys killed running into traffic,” he said. This is partly because boys are given more “freedom to roam,” and the culture expects them to take more risks, Mr. Vanderbilt said. “That pattern is set early but continues through every sort of life stage, including driving,” he said. While the experts seem to consider aggression a bad thing, many male drivers thought it was a strength. “On the road, I think the most important things are intuition and aggressiveness,” said Mark Volinsky, 24, who has been driving for six years. “It’s hard even for me to conjure those up driving around the city, so I can’t imagine someone like my 45-year-old mom being able to function in that kind of dog-eat-dog environment.”

  • 英文の日本語訳をお願いします!

    "I've stayed in other hotels where pets are allowed, and they all smelled pretty bad," said a guest, who stays at the hotel once a year. "So I'd never consider going back to any of those places, but this hotel is kept in great condition. It's a wonderful place to stay." According to the largest travel agency in Japan, about 70 percent of the 14.5 million families that own pets want to travel with their animals. However,many people can't take their cats or dogs on holidays as only a small number of hotels accept pets. Recently, however, the number of hotels that allow guests to bring their pets has started to grow. "Pets have a hearing quality," said the hotel manager. "I want to welcome guests with pets in the same way I'd welcome people bringing their babies." 長文ですみません(´`;) 長文の一部なので訳しにくいかもしれません。 文法の説明を加えてくださると助かります。 よろしくお願いしますm(__)m

  • 日本語訳をしてください

    日本語訳してください>< おねがいします What is a hero? Is it a politician who makes great speeches, but who often creates or maintains better conditions mostly for himself and those in his class of people? Is it an actor who demands huge amounts of money for every film he appears in? Is it a baseball star who says that he will quit if he is not given a higher salary? It is hard to find a hero among the famous these days. On the other hand, people enjoy hearing about somebody who makes a sacrifice for another person, often risking danger. When these heroes ask for nothing in return, it makes us admire them all the more. This would seem to describe the many acts of heroism perfomed not by people, but by dogs. Taffy was an ordinary cocker spaniel. One winter day, the dog followed three-year-old Stevie Wilson around the yard. Stevie's father was nearby, working on some horses. Suddenly, Taffy ran up to Wilson, barking. When Mr. Wilson ignored Taffy, the dog bit his horse's leg. This got Wilson's sttention. He then noticed that Taffy would run five meters, stop, and stare at him. The dog wanted to tell the man something! Taffy would led Wilson to a small pond near the Wilson home. Wilson saw a hole in the ice on the pond, and a jacket floating on top. He quickly jumped into the water and saved his son from drowning, just in time. Taffy had saved a life. Zorro, a German shepherd, showed us why we use the words "man's best friend" for dogs. Zorro and his owner went for a hike in a national park. After his owner fell 30 meters from a hiking path into a pool of water and lost consciousness, Zorro raced to the water and pulled his owner out. Then Zorro lay on top of his master all night to keep him warm. Even after the man was discovered by rescue workers the next day and taken to a hospital, where he recovered, Zorro stayed in the park to watch his master's backpack. Grizzly Bear was probably the bravest of the three, a bog Saint Bernard owned by the Gratias family. One day, Mrs. Gratias saw a baby bear in her backyard. Immendiately, she worried about her little daughter and ran toward the house. When she turned the corner, unfortunately, the mother bear was there. The bear knocked Gratias to the ground, biting her and hitting her repeatedly. Gratias would have surely been killed, but Grizzly Bear suddenly appeared and began fighting the much larger animal. The real bear could not catch the quick dog, who attacked the bear from the back and then ran around it in circles. Eventually, the tired bear and her cub returned to the woods. Grizzly Bear had saved his owner from certain death. Dog are not only loyal pets, but they save lives. They prove time and again that they are heroes. They do not seem to fear dangerous conditions; in return, all they ask for is a pet on the head. This would seem to define a hero.

  • 訳をお願いします!

    以下の学術記事の訳をお願いします。。。 単語を追っていっても、文法が分からないので意味がつかめません。 どうかお願いします! The average global temperature has risen between 0.4 and 0.8℃ since the late 19th century; scientists expect that temperatures may increase from 1.4 to 5.8℃ between 1990 and 2100. This may not sound like much, but it could change the earth’s climate as never before. At the peak of the last ice age, 18,000 years ago, ice covered much of North America. But the temperature was only 3.9℃ colder than it is today! Past climate change must have occurred slowly. If so, this allowed plants and animals to adapt to their new conditions or move somewhere else. However, if future climate change occur as quickly as some scientists predict, plants and animals may not be able to react quickly enough to survive. In 2001, a report on various projections of the sea level change was made. It estimated that by the year 2100, the sea will rise at least 9cm and perhaps as much as 88cm. The main cause of global warming is an increase in carbon dioxide (CO2) in the air. This has an effect on the sea level, agriculture, the weather, and even the spread of disease. In trying to slow global warming, there are long-term measures that have already been taken. For example, 1n 1997, a conference was held in Kyoto and attended by many world leaders. The result was the Kyoto Protocol, an important emission-related document. In the Protocol, the leaders set clear goals for cutting emissions. Countries with heavy industry and high demand for energy production still have a long way to go, however. In 2003, America produced 23.9% of the world’s CO2; that’s 20 tons a year per American citizen. China produced 14.5% of all CO2, but at a rate of only 2.7 tons per capita. Japan produced 9.4 tons per citizen, but only 4.9% of the world’s CO2. India produced almost as much CO2-4.4%, but at just 1 ton per citizen.

  • 英語の訳お願いします!

    Have you ever seen the fossils of dinosaurs in a museum?Some are gigantic and horrible and some are small and pretty.If dinosaurs ( (1)) today, the world would get into a total panic.Of course we know that they disappeard from the Earth about 65 million years ago.But wouldn`t you be surprised to hear that their descendants still exist today?Dinosaurs are reptiles that existed in ancient times.Today,reptiles can be found all over the world.For example,lizards,snakes,alligators and turtles are all reptiles.So, are these animals the direct descendants of dinosaurs?Some scientists say it`s actually birds that are the descendants of dinosaurs.This may seem unbelievable, because birds have feathers,wings and most of them can fly.These characteristics seem completely different from those of dinosaurs. But if you have seen the fossil of an ancient bird called the archaeopteryx , you may have noticed some similarities in form between the archaeopteryx and some dinosaurs.Recently,dinosaur fossils which share many properties with birds have been found(another/after/one). Some of them are said to have had feathers on thier body, In view of this evidence, more and more scientists have come to think that birds have evolved from dinosaurs of some kind. If dinosaurs hadn`t existed, there wouldn`t be any birds today. It`s a real surprise that two animals that look so different are so closely related to each other.

  • 大至急日本語訳お願いいたします。

    辞書をつかっても訳サイトをつかっても自然な訳ができません。 英語のできる方お願いいたします。 In Switzerland, there is a saying: “You can set your watch by the train timetable.” Japanese could make the same boast about one of the most amazing inventions in the latter half of the 20th century: The bullet train, 0r shinkansen.  What is remarkable about this system? First of all, it is an impressive form of transportation. Look at how many countries have copied it—and are still copying it! Second, its safety record is incredible. This may be matched only by its environmental record.  The name shinkansen actually means “new trunk line.” People forget that this is the name for the system of tracks, not the train itself. In English, it is called “the bullet train” because of its initial shape: the front of the train looks like a bullet. Also, this name was casually used for the idea of high-speed rail back in the 1930s, when planners talked of a dangan ressha.  The bullet train began running on October 1, 1964, just in time for the Tokyo Olympics. The first run to Osaka took four hours. This produced great savings in terms of time, but Within a year, Japan National Railroad had shortened the trip to three hours and ten minutes. The shinkansen showed the world that Japan had not only recovered from World War II, but that its economy was powerful and its technology first class. All of Asia must have been very proud on October 1, 1964.  It wasn’t long before lines Were built elsewhere. Not only did the bullet train connect J apan’s two most important cities at the time, Tokyo and Osaka, but rural areas started to grow again because it was easy to get there quickly.  The bullet train is amazingly environmental, so in this sense, Japan was also a leader in another form of technology . . . eco technology. While most countries were developing roads and air routes in the late 1950s, J NR’s president insisted that it would be better for Japan t0 have high speed rail. The shinkansen produces just 16% of the CD2 given off by cars. On the Osaka-Tokyo line alone, 15,000 tons of CO2 emissions are saved each year.  In terms of safety, no one can say that the shinkansen is not remarkable. How many passengers have died in bullet train accidents? Since 1964, not one. It is a stunning record! Certainly people have jumped both in front of and out of the shinkansen, but these deaths were not the fault of the company.

  • What are those flower growing...........?

    NHKラジオ英会話講座の巻末にある和文英訳の問題より 問題:あなたの庭にあるあの花はなんという花ですか? 答え:What are those flower growing in your garden called? (質問)[growing]と言う単語は思いつきませんでした。たぶん「生息している」「生えている」と言う感じで使われていると思いますが、地面に生えている草花木、等の植物には[growing]と添えるのがネイティブの当然の感覚でしょうか?また必須でしょうか?お伺いいたします。また似たような例がありましたら教えて下さい。よろしくお願いいたします。以上

  • 訳を手伝ってくれませんか??

    I`m not sure of when I will finish school because there are alot of circumstances involved. First, I have just moved to a different state so I don`t want to go to school immediatly because my tuition would be very high (takai!!!). And then, I am also hoping to get a sponsor for my tuition when I begin my new school out here in California. There are hospitals which would sponsor my schooling but in return I have to work for that hospital for at least one year after graduating. It`s okay but I am very picky and can`t decide who I would rather work for. Another circumstance is that some of my completed courses will not transfer and so I will not receive credit for those classes. It is frustrating because either I will have to do those classes again or I will have to complete some similar classes to even get credit for my work. いつも御世話になっています(^_^)看護学校に通う子からのメールです。 (1)when I begin my new school out here in California. この部分のoutはどのように訳したらいいのでしょうか? (2)たびたびcreditとういう単語がでてくるのですがこれは信用と訳したほうがいいのでしょうか?? (3) It is frustrating because either I will have to do those classes again or I will have to complete some similar classes to even get credit for my work. の部分はどこで区切って訳したらいいのか全くわかりません。誰かお時間とれるかたお願いしますm(__)m