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Is Bin Laden Creating Lookalikes? The Alarming Claim by Al-Qaeda


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  • celi
  • ベストアンサー率41% (20/48)

そのくだりは映画「Spartacus」の台詞を引用しているのではないでしょうか。ストーリーがかなりうろ覚えなので確かではないですが、敵に「スパルタカスはどこだ。」と聞かれた人々が彼を庇うために口々に「私がスパルタカスだ(I am Spartacus)。」と叫ぶシーンがあったと思います。どんな気分なのかと言われると...自分が身代わりになるぞというような気分ですかね。まぁ映画を見てみるのが一番手っ取り早いと思います。





  • つぎの英文の和約をお願いします。

    ~relations with the muslim world~ let's face it:much of the muslim world today is deeply distrustful of anything america does. for this, certainly, a good portion of the blame goes to the misguided invasion of ilaq and its aftermath - which, in turn, was a response to 9/11 and bin laden. in that sense, america played right bin laden's hands.

  • over than の使い方

    「私は彼より3つ年上だ」と言う時に I am 3years over than him という言い方は間違っていますか? (over の場合には than は使えないですか?) もし間違いなら、 I am 3 years over to him と言えますか? (あくまでolder を使わず、over を使う場合ですが・・)

  • 【英語】Jリーグに関する英語の記事で

    以下の英文における、thatの役割は何でしょうか? the league has expanded over the years from 10 teams in that inaugural season to 30. 「あの」Jリーグの始まりのシーズン くらいの軽いニュアンスなのでしょうか?このthatは省略可能ですか? どなたかごかいとうよろしくおねがいいたします。

  • 次の英文の和訳をお願いします。

    次の英文の和訳をお願いします。 now that bin laden is dead,the most pressingquestionwe need to ask is:will his death make a difference? thoughit is not an easy questionto answer, it seems to me that there are fourareas where it ought to be asked: ~the arab spring~ the comumentariat was quick to note the delisious irony that bin laden`s death coincided with the citizen uprisings in egypt,tunisia,libya and elsewhere.the arab spring has shown that millions of muslims have zero interest in the hard-line theocracy favored by al qaeda.what they yearn for instead is freedom and democracy. bin laden`s death merely put an exclamation point on the fact that his influence in the region had diminished considerably in the decade since 9/11. ~the war in afganistan~ ever since he came into office, president obama has insisted that our presence in afghanistan was directly related to the ongoing threat from al qaeda. liberal groups like the brave new foundation are already saying that binladen`s death has``ended the rationale``for the war.

  • 英文和訳のお願い。

    以下の英文を分かりやすい日本語にお願いします。 I do see that rice is still depressed over past few years, but that is not enough to make the jump and then do anything. I see that silver is down 7% or 8% today, but silver was down before Osama Bin Laden got killed. Silver is actually correcting since last week. So I do not see anything at the moment that is even worth my appetite.

  • overの役割

    Dear Carolyn: This year, both of my parents passed away after long, difficult illnesses. I know I should miss them more than I do, but I feel like I've been mourning for several years already. Does that make sense, or am I rationalizing somewhere? Thanks. -- Anonymous I'm sorry for the difficult years and losses. What you say makes complete sense. It's something that has come up for years in this column in the context of breakups: Some people start processing a breakup when it happens, and some start as soon as the relationship starts to fail. That's why some people can emerge from a divorce healthy and ready to date while others need years to regroup. There is little practical difference when the grief is over a death. over a deathの意味とoverの役割について教えてください。よろしくお願いします

  • 完了形の前置詞について

    問題;以下の文で間違いを直せ。 1 )The popularity of skateboarding seems to have decreased since the past few years. 解答;for のみ表記 ですが、以下例文はをgoogleで調べてみました。で、in, over もアリだと思っています。in については、「the past few yearsかかって減ってきた。」か「続けてではないけど、ここthe past few years.でそうなってきた。」で使えるかなと思っています。合ってますか?Grammaryだとover しか出てきません。教えてください。 in は特に自信がないのですが、なんかよく見る気がしています。 ①Library usage has decreased in the past few years. ②Funding for area studies from virtually every source has decreased in the past few years. ③Since the number of aliens accommodated at the Centre has decreased in the past few years, the number of employees has also been reduced. ④the total number of Anglophone immigrants to Quebec has decreased over the past few years. ⑤The information reported in the paper has decreased over the past few years.

  • 上手い訳を教えて下さい。

    1、I didn't know you to be that selfish. 2、I have never known you to be that selfish before. 3、She has lived in Japan for ten years. 4、She has lived in Japan for the last ten years. 宜しくお願いします。

  • 次の英文の和約をお願いします。

    ~terrorism itself~ michael nacht, a former defense department official who now teaches at the university of california, berkeley, believes that bin laden's death will diminish the terrorist threat to the united states. nacht compared terrorism in the bin laden era to a "fatal disease." now, he says, it's more like a chronic illness: "it can still cause you trouble, but it's not a mortal threat."

  • 関係代名詞?関係副詞?

    The lack of a strong gravitational pull has caused the water the may have had to leak out into space over the 4.6 billion years that it has been in existence. (高校新演習長文II, 出版社不明, p38, 下線部A) 最後の部分である,that it has been in existence は関係代名詞なのでしょうか? 関係代名詞であるとしたら,補語が欠けているということなのでしょうか? 関係副詞のような気もするのですが,thatの部分をwhenに書き換えられないように思われます。