• ベストアンサー



  • ベストアンサー
  • murabon
  • ベストアンサー率23% (42/180)

前半は、#1さんのおっしゃるので間違いないと思います。 ・・・・・・・・・・・・以下の部分ですが、westlifeさんが "I want to speak more."「もっと話したいよ」と書かずに、"I speak more."「もっと話します」と書いたため、 「いつ話してくれるの?それとも、もっと話したいって言う意味?」と聞いておられます。 "5 or 6"は月なのか日なのか不明ですが、お誕生日から推測できますよね。その他の訳は合っていると思います



こんばんは 丁寧にありがとうございまいた


  • 和訳お願いします><

    i wonder if we could go back like before there's a me that's still expecting but the more i expect the more it becomes painful so much that i cry i know how much i want to see you i really need you 和訳お願いします><

  • 和訳をよろしくお願いします。

    メールをいただいたのですが、who~からの意味がよくわかりませんでした。 よろしくお願いします。 I wish I could speak Japanese or you could speak English, so I could get to know you better, who is the person behind the beautiful face. Maybe one day?

  • 和訳お願いします

    i guess that You don't want to talk to me any more:(. but I do wanna be your friend, if you don't mind !

  • なぜ ~ing なのか教えてください 

    If you want to speak English well, you must study every day. Above all, you shouldn't be afraid of making mistakes when speaking. (英語を上手に話したいなら毎日勉強しなさい。とりわけ、話すときに間違えるの恐れてはいけません) この文の、when の後の speak がどうして、ing形になっているのか分かりません。 辞書や文法の本を見れば見るほど分からなくなってしまい困っています。 どうか助けてください。よろしくお願いします。

  • 和訳お願いいたします。

    和訳お願いいたします。 ・ I hope you had a good night's sleep and that I'm not giving you too much stress. Am I giving you stress with your flights? Sorry if I did. Please choose whatever is easy for you. And if there is something I can do to help, I only try to make you happy :) Today I heart that I might have to visit 3 potential customers in China. It would be a very short visit ... just a few day. Hmmm it's almost like your visit to Belgium .. hahaha. If I need to go to China, I would be back before the 1st of December. Don't worry I will be here when you come. Actually I told my boss a friend from Tokyo is coming to visit Belgium ... so he knows I need to be in Belgium then. And Jents (do you remember him) told my boss and all my colleagues ... "and it's a very pretty friend" ... hahaha

  • 和訳お願いいたします

    There is only one thing I really wanna do ... and that's be with you. Besides this I want to go to the fish market if that's possible. But I read that it's best to visit it early in the morning. However I don't think we should wake up early on your holiday! Is it possible to go another day, before you work maybe? If not I can go myself. On your day of ... let's relax. Is that ok for you? I would be really happy to meet your friends ... maybe I can ask them some bad things about you ... hahahaha. No I'm kidding. I'm really looking forward to meet your friends.

  • 和訳お願いします><

    すいません、和訳お願いしたいのですが… お時間ある方お願いします。 Going on a vacation to Japan is getting more expensive for us Americans because the dollar is weak against the yen if you haven't heard. So if you visit America now, it would be more advantageous for you guys. However, I just read on Yahoo news that Japan is trying to promote its tourism and if lawmakers in Japan prove this bill/law, they will distribute 10,000 airline tickets for free, for people to visit Japan. But the trade-off is that people that accept the offer will have to blog about their experiences on the internet. If I ever do visit Japan, I will definitely visit you because I will need a tour guide lol :)

  • 和訳をお願い致します。

    『I am not sure if you understand how much I love you and just just how muchi mean to me. Every morning when i get up, I thank God for blessing me with the opportunity& putting me there to meet you, throughout the day & night I say thank you some more! I love you』 分からない部分があるので、どうかお願いします。

  • 和訳お願いいたします。

    They were very interested to know how your trip went? And my mother said that your are very "kawaii so" because it has not been so cold in more than 100 years. Come to think of it ... you're really not very fortunate. In summer you visited Osaka and it hasn't been so warm for 100+ years. And when you visit Belgium in winter ... it hasn't been so cold for more then 100 years. You really go through cold and heat to see me ... I'm so happy to know you ... Of course you can stay in "our" hotel room as much and as long you want. . I come to Tokyo for you. If you ask me about my top 5 things I want to do when I'm in Tokyo,

  • 和訳をお願いできますでしょうか。

    今日は。 以下の文を和訳して頂けませんでしょうか。 どんなに頑張ってもパーフェクトに理解できません。 自分なりに調べても少ししかわかりません(お恥ずかしい…) 宜しくお願い致します。 I rather speak to you about this, but I feel this is the only way you will understand me. I know you will never feel for me the way I feel for you, but I will make you a deal. If there is war I will visit Japan. If there is not you do not have to call me.