• ベストアンサー



  • ベストアンサー
  • hisexc
  • ベストアンサー率40% (190/470)

“I have never fallen in love with someone who has a boyfriend.”というのが一般的な訳でしょう。 ただ、これだと「好きになった人には彼がいた」ケースなのか、「彼がいることは承知していたがそれでも好きになってしまった」ケースなのかハッキリしません。質問文からは詳しい状況が分かりませんが、もし後者のケースならば、そのことをハッキリ伝えないと上手く口説けないですよね。 その場合はこんな表現が考えられます。“I have never fallen in love with someone, while I knew she has a boy friend. ” いかがですか?


  • 次の英文を訳してください。

    How do you stand the hardest part of running marathon? Many say that life is like marathon. Do you think that you can deal with the crisis in your life thanks to marathon? By the way corresponding with penpals, the reason I feel like I have difficulty writing is not because of my English. It is because the moment I cannot come up with anything I have to reply. Honestly speaking I am not a talkative person, but I try to talk more when writing. Nice and slow conversations are hard to come by, and the form of letter writing does put in a lot into thinking about what the other person has to say and how to respond. この二つが何となくはわかるのですが、自信がありません。教えていただけると助かります。

  • 英訳をお願いします😰

    I understand you.and am sorry. For me there is just not the communication that a like to have in a relationship. You are a great person! I wish you the best. For me は「僕はね」で始まってますか?a like to haveは would like to でしょうか? これは一方的に文句を言って、もうあなたと会いたくないと言った後の返信です。 よろしくお願いします❗️

  • 彼女の書いたメールの意味。

    これはこの前彼女とナイトクラブに行ったときについての メールのないようです。 I wanted you to come out to have fun too,but you seemed like you wanted to be close to me and I feel uncomfortable like that. I have other friends who I like to see,not just you. I thihk you can have a good time meeting new peopel and dancing you don't need ME to be there!baka. これは自分が彼女に近づいたことは不快だったのでしょうか?ちょっと確認したくって・・・。

  • タイ人の方が書いた英文を訳してください・・

    he's not handsome ka.he's not my boyfriend at this time.u will come to bangkok in october to see a doctor that's right. may be we will go to the sea together with gift & rat. do u remember them. i hope coz i like to go to the sea ka. Have a good day naka

  • 英文の訂正お願いします

    冷たい人なのかと思って,席を譲ってくれないかと聞いた I said "excuse me,Would you give me a seat?" to person who I regarded as a cold. say の用法が合っているか。 regard の目的語を先行詞personとして関係代名詞whoを使ったのですが問題ないか。 そもそもregard A as B で文脈的に正しいか。 など教えていただきたいです。 厳しくよろしくお願いいたします。

  • 気持ちを伝えるメッセージ

    ネイティブスピーカーなの方宜しくお願い致します。 あなたのような人に会えたことに感動しています。 あなたのような人に会うことを願っていました。 I'm impressed to meet the person like you. I've hoped to meet the person like you. これで大丈夫でしょうか。 もっと簡潔で気持ちが伝わる言い回しはないでしょうか。 何卒宜しくお願い致します。

  • 文法問題

    ( )に入る番号を教えて下さい! (1)It was a great party last night. You( )have come. (1)should (2)may (3)may not (4)cannot (2)He has not cone here yet. I am afraid he ( )have taken the wrong train. (1)has to (2)may (3)may not (3)cannot (3)Jiro ( )the movie;he knew nothing about the story. (1)must have seen (2)can't see (3)may have see (4)can't have seen (4)James has a toothache now.He ( )to the dentist yesterday. (1)should go (2)should have gone (3)would go (4)would have gone (5)You ( )yesterday if you had anything else to do. (1)needn't come (2)don't need come (3)needn't coming (4)needn't have come (6)( ) (1)I ought to have been drunk more coffee. I feel sleepy. (2)I ought to have drunk more coffee. I feel sleepy. (3)I ought to not have drunk more coffee. I feel sleepy. (7)( ) (1)I'm not good at English. I should study it harder when I was young. (2)I'm not good at English. I ought to have studied it harder when I was young. (3)I'm not good at English. I need have studied it harder when I was young.

  • 複数形について

    この二つの英文で合っているのはどっちですか? どなたか教えてくれませんでしょうか? 1. I have brothers, who are students. 2. I have brothers, who are student. あとこの英文は間違っていないでしょうか? Tom, who is a student, does not like studying.

  • 仮定法について気になることがあります。

    仮定法について気になることがあります。 I wonder if you'd like to come to our Thanksgiving party. という例文がありますが、もしこれを過去形にして、 I wondered if… I was wondered if… となったとき、if節以降の文は、 if you'd have liked to come to our Thanksgiving party. となるのでしょうか? would like toのwouldは仮定法だと思うので、 If I had not have a plan, I would have gone to your party. の、主節の用法と同じような感じで過去形になるのでしょうか? それか、would like toはもう仮定法は用いていますが、ひとつの熟語として考え、 いかなる場合もwould have liked toのように過去形にはせず常に would like toの現在形で使った方がいいでしょうか? 気になったので回答お願いします。

  • 至急!英文の訂正お願いします

    ポケモンについての英文を自分で作ったのですが、たぶん文法的に間違っています。 訂正してください、お願いします。 ただ、口頭で読む文章なのでコンマなどは訂正しなくてかまいません Hello, I’d like to tell you about Pokémon. You know that Pokémon is very popular game all over the world. However, you may not know why it is so popular. Well, I’m going to talk about, First, the charming of Pokémon characters, second the interesting of Pokémon battle, third variety of enjoyable this game. First, there are a lot of charming Pokémon in this game. The number of Pokémon was 151 at first, but now there are more than 670 Pokémon. For example, cool and strong Pokémon, which loved by boys, cute and pretty Pokémon which loved by girls. There are Pokémon, which look like animals, insects, and so on. You will surely find Pokémon of the oneself preference. Second is the interesting of Pokémon battle. It’s easy for you to play the Pokémon battle. You only have to select one skill of four them. However, you have to think about your Pokémon’s type and rival’s Pokémon’s type. For example, when your Pokémon’s type is fire, your Pokémon has advantage for leaf type of Pokémon but has disadvantage for water type of Pokémon. Furthermore, if you want to, you can use item. The method of the Pokémon battle is simple, but is very deep. So you are able to enjoy any number of times. Third, this game has a lot of events. So, after you clear the game, you can play in many ways. For example, there will be the person who I obtain all Pokémon, and wants to complete Pokémon illustrated book and, There will be the person who wants to let one's beloved Pokémon win the championship at a contest. There will be the person wanting to do a lot of communication play with the friend and, There will be the person who wants to give the person who wants to collect rare items, a level of Pokémon more. Even if it is said that there is the way of enjoying approximately the number of Pokémon, it is not exaggeration. Well, I have talked about the reason with popularity of Pokémon. Thank you very much. Are there any questions or comments? Please post them on our class website.