• ベストアンサー



  • Ryou29
  • ベストアンサー率11% (28/238)

1)ギリシャ人は、確かに偉大だったけれども、いくつか欠点も持っていた。  Once the greeks were really great, however they had some shortcomings on the other hand. 2)あなたの意見はそうでしょうが、他の人たちの考えは別です。Thatは前の文章を指すと思います。 3)(人々が)アメリカ大統領に話しかけるのがあんなにも気楽に可能だとはびっくりした。  was to do: 過去の予定  to talk to: to talk to him(=the President) 主語はthey  どうでしょうか。。 ご参考までに  



3)はwasのあとにeasyが入った文を考えればよかったんですね。 2)は主語と補語を反転させたかのような訳にも思えましたが、こういう英文もあるんですね。 #1,#2さんとも回答ありがとうございました。


  • to talk to

    I was surprised at how easy the President was ( ) 答えto talk to どういうことなんですか?

  • 英文解釈

    It came to him slowly that in Japan he had taken being alone so much for granted that he was scarcely aware how miserable it made him この文の構造と訳し方教えてください。

  • 英文解釈

    It came to him slowly that in Japan he had taken being alone so much for granted that he was scarcely aware how miserable it made him この文の構造と訳し方教えてください。 aware を補語にしてhowからの名詞節をoと考えてはいけないんでしょうか? 目的語は長かったら後に置くと参考書に書いてたのですが…

  • 至急、英文を和訳して頂きたいです。

    和訳お願い致します>< The fact that some languages limit the freedom of relativization leads to a disturbing question. How do languages manage without some kinds of relative clauses? Does this example suggest that some languages are richer in expressive power than others? To an English speaker it may seem harshly restrictive to forbid relativization on some kinds of noun phrases. Surely everyone must occasionally need to say things like the woman who(m) the student saw , in which a direct object is relativized. How do people manage when their language forbids this?

  • 英文解釈お願いします

    わからない英文があったのでお願いします。 多分両方共、文法事項の要素としては同じものだとおもうのですが・・・。 (1)After thirty minutes the others came back, saying they had been to the hotel pool and that they had left me there because I had been fast asleep. (1)自分の訳 三十分後ほかの人が戻ってきて、ホテルのプールに行っていたが、私は眠っていたので置いていったと言った。 (1)疑問点 and that they ・・・とありますが、このthat はどういう働きをしているのでしょうか?なんとなくsayingの目的語かなあ?とおもうのですが、saying they・・・とさいしょのところではthatがないのにandをはさむとthatを挟むのは違和感があります。 (2)She said Karen was doing some window shopping and that she would be back by three. (2)自分の訳 彼女はカレンはウィンドウショッピングをしていて、3時までには戻ってくるだろうと言った。 (2)疑問点 これも同じくand that がわかりません。これもsaidの目的語なのでしょうが、並列関係にあるなら最初の部分のthatがありそうなものですが、ないのでなんだか自信がありません。

  • 英文解釈について(><)///

    (2-21)It still revolved around superstition, but of a mild variety, with quaint rituals indicating things such as whether a lover was being faithful or would become a future marriage partner. (1)was being faithfulでwas beingを使うのはなぜでしょうか? (2-23)Between 1900 and 1910 some nine million immigrants came to America, drawn by the conviction that in this land of opportunity they would find what the old country had denied them. (2)conviction thatのthatは何用法でしょうか? What they found in America severely tested their faith- and their courage and stamina as well. (3)whatは、the things whichに置き換えられると理解していますが、whatを使うときの考え方について教えていただきたいです。 (2-25)The answer came the following year, when a three-hour, $1,900,000 extravaganza called Intolerance opened at New York City's Liberty Theatre. (4)year, when~のように、whenの前にカンマをつけるのはなぜでしょうか? "Intolerant is so colossal gorgeous, and stunning to the mind that words fail," wrote the NY Tribune, and the NY Evening Post called it "the highest achievement which the camera has recorded." (5)to the mind that words~でthatが使われているのはなぜでしょうか? (2-28)The real music was being produced in relative obscurity. (6) was being producedで、beingが使用されているのはなぜでしょうか? (2-40)Their intention was to distinguish themselves from German, Italian, Sicilian and other immigrants who had arrived later. (7) was to distinguishのように、be動詞+to不定詞になるのはいつでしょうか? Today many Cajuns still live in and around New Orleans and cling to their old customs and French dialect. (8)and cling to~は、Cajuns areが省略されているのでしょうか? Native New Orleanians may speak with a southern drawl or a Cajun-French accent, in a pattern that curiously resembles the speech often associated with sections of NY city. (9)in a pattern that curiously~のthatは、関係代名詞でしょうか?

  • 英文添削をお願いします。

    いつもお世話になります。英文添削をお願いします。 今日は、聞かれそうな質問や、相手が話題に出しそうなことの返事を考えてきました。 Today I’ve prepared answers for some questions which I may be asked or some topics which the other may talk. Today I prepared my answers to questions or topics that your counterpart is likely to mention.

  • 英文解釈について質問があります。 12/3

    Next to electronics, you used a lot of objects from your immediate surrounding. How did building rhythms from the heating system work, for example? This was relatively easy. I was usually sitting next to the heating system, when we had a rehearsal. By accidentally hitting it, I found out that it gives a nice sound, similar to an oil barrel. And that´s what it actually is: a big metal tank with a nice resonance body. One just needs to use a fine drum stick and you can play a rhythm. That´s what we did. We played it live and after some editing (we are not drummers) it was done. In addition we made an overdub with a few single hits to make the rhythm a bit more organic. 上記の英文にある、 And that´s what it actually is: a big metal tank with a nice resonance body. One just needs to use a fine drum stick and you can play a rhythm. この部分ですが、ここで言いたいのは「実はそれってさ、まさに良い感じの大きな金属のタンクってやつだった。適切なドラムスティックがあれば、それでリズムを叩ける。」こういう事を言いたいのでしょうか? よろしくお願いいたします。

  • 英文解釈お願いします

    There was a time when it was believed that because children were young and knew less,they were less intelligent,and therefore that the person responsible for raising them needs little intellect. There are ,indeed,still many people -even some who are responsible for education in this country-who hold the opinion that the more intelligent teachers should be reserved for older children,while those who are less intelligent would do quite well with young children. これの構造分析と訳お願いします

  • 英文解釈について

    以下の英文解釈について文法的解釈も含め教えて下さい。 2と3行目の意味があやふやです。 You know, we were trying to solve the energy problem with this one mechanism. It was like a technological fix. Looking at the issue more systemically meant saying: Wait a minute, the best way to solve this may be to look at the configuration of our communities, not just apply some new technology. よろしくお願いします。