• ベストアンサー



  • ベストアンサー
  • yutaka777
  • ベストアンサー率52% (30/57)

こんにちは。確かに日本語に訳しにくい英文ですね。^_^ ・This is another example …主節 ・of women being asked …exampleを修飾し、「前置詞+動名詞の意味上の主語+動名詞(受動態)」の形 ・asked to adapt to rigid(man-made) institutions …"ask(ing) women to adapt..."の受動態"women be(ing) asked to adapt..." …"to adapt"のtoは「~するように求める」"ask+人+to"のto、"adapt to"のtoは「~に(適応する)」 ・instead of the structures of such institutions being altered …"A instead of B" の形で、Aの"women being asked to adapt to rigid(man-made) institutions"と対比。 …"the structures of such institutions"が前置詞"(instead) of"の後の動名詞"being altered"の意味上の主語。 ・to offer women career paths …to不定詞「~するために、するように」の意味で、不定詞の後はVOO:"offer(V)+women(O)+career paths(O)"の形。 ・with status abd financial rewards …"career paths"を修飾する形容詞句と解釈。「"status"と"financial rewards"を伴った」 ・equal to those …後ろから前にある"career paths...rewards"の名詞句を修飾している形容詞句 …"equal to ~"「~と等しい、と平等な」 …"those"は繰り返しを避ける代名詞で"career paths"と解釈。 ・available to men …後ろから前の名詞thoseを修飾する形容詞句。 ・but for jobs …この"but"は"EQUAL to those available to men, BUT (those) for jobs ・that women do well"「同じ、だけど女性が得意にこなす仕事に対する(出世の道)」 ・as women …「女性として」 訳では、日本語の都合上、代名詞と本来それが指す名詞の訳語の順番を変えたりしました。 (2文目訳例) 男性に対して与えているのと平等な地位・経済報酬を伴う昇進の道で、かつ女性が女性としての力を発揮できる仕事に対する昇進の道を女性にも与えるために男性が作った固い制度を変えるのではなく、女性がそのような制度に適応するよう求められているもう一つの例である。



ありがとうございます。but forの訳し方がNo.1さんと異なった感じですが・・・う~ん、どっちがいいのだろう・・・


  • これらの文がうまく訳せなくて困っています。

    これらの文がうまく訳せなくて困っています。助けてください。よろしくお願いします。 Showing it diagrammatically(as a graph) makes it clear that it could not be called a universal franchise. The phrase beside it, ‘Ich gehe falten‘(I’m going to fold) instead of ‘Ich gehe wahlen’(I’m going to vote), proves that the single-list elections had nothing to do with elections in the usual sense of a real democracy. Even through it made a claim to represent the whole of Germany and affirmed democratic principles, this constitutional document immediately developed into an instrument for the construction of a Socialist partial state using political repression and the persecution of those with differing views. Article 6 was particularly striking in this respect as it characterized a ‘boycott campaign against democratic institutions and organizations’ as a crime.

  • 英訳 意味

    In January 2010, the Government of India decided to withdraw 〈Deemed university〉 status from as many as 44 rations were not being kept in mind by the management of these institutions and that "they were being run as family fiefdoms". ここでのdeemed universityの意味を誰か分かる人いますか? 自分で調べてんですが、僕の英語力では意味分からなかったので誰かお願いします!!

  • この文の和訳をお願いします><

    I have thought since of the wonderful godness of God to me, in preserving me in the use of my reason and senses, in that distressed time, that I did not use wicked and violent means to end my own miserable life. 要点だけでも構いませんので、誰かお願いします><

  • これらの文がうまく訳せなくて困っています。

    これらの文がうまく訳せなくて困っています。助けてください。よろしくお願いします。 Schumacher saw German unity as a precondition for the unification of Europe, and in the long run be was correct: the unification of Germany in 1990 became the basis for the ‘enlargement’ of the European Union towards the East that took place later in 2004-7. As long as Germany remained split, Europe was divided. The Minister of the Interior, Gustav Heinemann, resigned on account of the policy of German rearmament that actually meant the militarization of the Federal Republic. Heinemann considered peace in Europe to be threatened by this and saw a deepening in the division of Germany.

  • 以下の文構造が苦手です。

    In Korea now, more than twice as many women belong to the labor as in 1960. 「今韓国では、1960年と比べて2倍以上の女性が労働力になっている」 質問1:構造の解説をお願いします。 質問2:上の文が苦手なので勝手に和文英訳しました。     伝わりますか? More than twice the number of the Korean women belong to the labor now, compared with that of 1960. よろしくお願いします。

  • 文の転換(不定詞)

    文の転換について、so that~may →so as to-不定詞になるという 解説が参考書に書かれていました。 そこで、以下の問題 I stepped aside so that he might go in. を転換すると、答えは I stepped aside for him to go in. と書かれていました。 なぜso as to は使えないのでしょうか? so as to ~での転換とfor of ing~や、for to-不定詞になる違いはどのように区別をすればよいでしょうか?

  • これらの文を訳して欲しいです!!

    これらの文を訳して欲しいです!! The trouble is that with all this knouledge a child does not know what to do, how to make decision. He was liberal in his way of thinking,but his argument is far from that supported by lobbyist. At the boarding school I went to,the school dining hall was called Merry House.Whoever gave it that name obviously had a strange sense of humor; it was not merry at all for the people who had to eat there every day. All roads to the coastal area were blocked by the biggest storm in ten years. Who's coming with me to pick up the groceries that we ordered earlier? The traditional roles for Japanese men and women are no longer suitable for many people and need to be changed.

  • この文の文法的解説をお願いします

    In these institutions, established as much to cultivate the bodies as the minds of the sons of the prosperous middle-classes, traditional street sports were formalized. 1.establishedのところは分詞構文でいいでしょうか? 2.as muchがよくわからないのですが。 よろしくお願いします。

  • 英語から日本語へ翻訳のお願いです。

    さっぱり意味がわかりません。 翻訳できる方、よろしくお願いします。 Affection. Another surprise was that men crave affection—but not necessarily sex—more than women. “It’s counterintuitive,” says Orbuch, “but men crave feeling special and being noticed by their wives.” She adds that men who report not getting enough nonsexual affection were twice as likely to ask for a divorce, but the reverse was not true for women. “Women are fortunate. We get this kind of affirmation from more people in our lives, our mothers, children, our best friends”—so women tend to need less from husbands. She recommends carving out time for regular cuddling, kissing, hand holding, and saying “I love you.”

  • 次の英文を訳してください

    Due to the declining birthrate, Japan will soon see the number of applicants to colleges fall to equal that of students accepted by such higher institutions. This phenomenon is expected to occur in April 2007. Colleges are making painstaking efforts to attract an increasing number of prospective students. This struggle for survival will apply not only to private colleges but also to national universities whose status has been changed to that of independent administrative agencies.