• ベストアンサー



  • ベストアンサー
  • MT765
  • ベストアンサー率57% (1953/3417)

>noを使った場合とnotを使った場合で意味の違いはあるのでしょうか? notの場合は単純な否定です。 「~ではない」 noの場合は強めの否定になります。 「全く~ない」 ただ、ニュアンスの違いなので日本語訳としては同じで構わないと思います。





  • 英文解釈なのですが

    英文解釈の問題なのです。 What is an idea? It is not just a word, nor is it a string of words. Words are performing their highest function when they express ideas, but they do not constitute the ideas they express. This is clearly shown by the fact that different persons all using the same word may not have the same comprehension of the idea which that word express. but 以下のthey do not constitute 以下なのですが、訳はできるのですが、意味がいまいちはっきりとわかりません。いったいどういうことを述べているのでしょうか。英語力のあるかた、よろしくお願いいたします。

  • 文構造というか省略?:It's law they ask of me and not grace.

    こんにちは、いつもお世話になります。 現在、Iain Crichton SmithのCollected Poems(詩集)を読んでいます。 その中で、The Law and the Graceというタイトルの詩の一節で、文構造が良く分からない文がありましので、教えてください。 ~~上記本の上記詩の一部引用~~~~~~~~~~ It's law they ask of me and not grace. 'Conform,' they say, 'your works are not enough. Be what we say you should be' even if graceful hypocrisy obscures my face. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ *質問箇所は、タイトルの通り一番上の行の一文だけですが、文意をわかりやすくするために、少し多めに引用しました。 続きの文章を考えると、It's law they ask of me and not grace.は、 It's law and not grace they ask of me. つまり、「規律が彼らの要求するもので、上品さではない。」の意味だと思うのですが、、、、どうやったら正しく復元できるのでしょうか? It's law they ask of me and (it's) not grace (they asked of me). これを、it'sをxとして、数学的にax+bx=x(a+b)と考え、 It's (law they ask of me )+ (it's) (not grace (they asked of) me). =It's (law they ask of me and not grace (they asked of me)). その後共通要素の省略で、冒頭の、 It's law they ask of me and not grace.になるのでしょうか? 僕的には、It's law and not grace they ask of me.だったら、僕の考えた訳「規律が彼らの要求するもので、上品さではない。」の意味に絶対なるのにな~、、、やっぱり、違った訳を考えるべきなのかな???とも考えています。 教えてください、よろしくお願い致します。

  • 英語 英作文

    (1) Situation: Two friends, Chris and Kim, find that they are lost after walking for a long time in a forest. They have no maps, no phones, and no clear memory of the point at which they lost their way. Directions: Complete the conversation below by filling in the blanks (A) to (D). The number of words used in each blank should be within the word limits indicated. Chris: I guess it’s safe to say that we’re lost. What should we do now? Kim: (A)(10 to 20 words) Chris: No, that’s not going to work because we do not have the right stuff. Kim: You’re right. That’s not a very good idea. Chris: (B)(10 to 20 words) Kim: What? Are you joking? That’s really (C)!!(1 word) Chris: Well, how about (D)(10 to 20 words) Kim: I like the idea. Let’s try that!! (2) Situation: The map below indicates where Chris and Kim are currently located. They started at the Camp Office and originally planned to go to the Mountain Hut, but they did not make it there. Directions: In 80 words or less, describe the route that you think they took to get to where they are now. In your description, include two occasions where they failed to follow a route that would have taken them to the Mountain Hut. (NOTE: The map does not show which way is north.) よろしくお願いします。

  • "It's Not"歌詞解説お願いします。

    AIMEE MANN の It's Not という曲の歌詞についてです。 何が It's Not なのかが分かりません。文法的な解説でなく文意の解説をお願いします。 I keep going round and round on the same old circuit A wire travels underground to a vacant lot Where something I can't see interrupts the current And shrinks the picture down to a tiny dot And from behind the screen it can look so perfect But it's not So here I'm sitting in my car at the same old stop light I keep waiting for a change but I don't know what So red turns into green turning into yellow But I'm just frozen here on the same old spot And all I have to do is to press the pedal But I'm not People are tricky you can't afford to show Anything risky anything they don't know The moment you try - well kiss it goodbye So baby kiss me like a drug, like a respirator. And let me fall into the dream of the astronaut. Where I get lost in space that goes on forever. And you make all the rest just an after thought. And I believe it's you who could make it better. But it's not. No it's not

  • この英文を訳してほしいです

    "If the history of that time, and especially that of the year in the middle of which our narrative commences, were not dissolubly connected with the two names just mentioned." お願いします

  • mottoの和訳をお願いします

    小説の中の "We shall dominate the skies and soar above all." という文の和訳がうまくできません。 これは○○財閥のmottoだそうで、設定としては and they were a high-class samurai family for many years in the story, they're now a zaibatsu they descended from samurai not as rich as fujiwara or toyotomi ... but still lots of money very wealthy で、このmottoのイメージとしては it's a fancy word for fly well, it's much more substantial than the word 'fly' it's like, 'you're on top of the world' you're above everything you're free you're superior it's not just flying, it's SOARING だそうです。私が「君臨する」という言葉を使おうとしたら 「そこまで威張っていない、ただselfishなだけだ」とのことでした。 どなたかおわかりになる方、宜しくお願いいたします。

  • 英語の文法と訳について

    Since they're similar words, they share the same meaning:"a favorable set of circumstances, a suitable time." 訳をお願いします。 また、: とはなんですか? それと、circumstancesの後の , はどういう意味をあらわしているのでしょうか?

  • 和文英訳の質問です

    以下の英文の和訳をどなたかわかる方 お願いできませんでしょうか。 History is full of examples of apparently simple discoveries that were not made even when they would be surpassingly useful in that culture. お願い致します。

  • 英文の意味が理解できない

    In 2009, college students studied a “stack” of 20 digital vocabulary flashcards by looking at each word four times. Half of the students studied the words in one go (which allowed for a long space between each time they saw the same word) while the other half studied in four smaller stacks of five cards each. という文章を読んだのですが、生徒を半分にわけて勉強しているところはわかるのですが、 words in one go (which allowed for a long space between each time they saw the same word) と in four smaller stacks of five cards each の部分の適切な意味が理解できません。 片方は一度に全部、もう一方は5枚のカードを5回に分けたって意味なのでしょうか。

  • 和訳お願いします!

    the word which enablesthem to uncover the meaning of events and of the words they encounter. を和訳お願いします 汗