• ベストアンサー
※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:英語に詳しい方お教え願います。)



  • ベストアンサー

So *every evening he *married a fresh wife and had her strangled the following morning *before the grand-vizier, *( whose  ) duty *it was to provide these unhappy brides for the Sultan. 1. every eveningは文法的に何と言いますか?( 副詞的目的格と呼ばれる副詞句      ) 2. marriedは( 過去形の  )全(  動詞   詞)である。 3. before の品詞は?(  前置詞    ) 4. *(   )に適語を入れなさい。(  whose    ) 5. itの真の主語はどの単語以下ですか?( to という単語以下すべて。つまり to provide these unhappy brides for the Sultan     )


  • 次の文を英語にしたのですが、

    間違いがないかご指摘お願いします。 (1)彼が帰宅すると、家族はみんなもう寝てしまっていた。  His family had already slept when he got home. (2)私たちがホテルに着くまでに、1時間以上雨が降っていた。  It had been raining for more than one hour until we got to the hotel.  (ここの until は beforeの方がいいのでしょか?) (3)私の両親は来月で結婚30年になる。  My parents will have married for 30 years next month. (4)私がバスを待っていたら、急に雨が降り出した。  It suddenly started to rain when I was waiting for a bus. (5)何でか分らないけど、最近とても疲れてるんだ。  Though I don't know, I’m very tired these days. (6)新しいビデオゲームを買って、毎晩遅くまでやっているんだ。  I bought a new videogame and I'm doing it until late every night. どなたか添削していただけるとありがたいです。   

  • 100人の不倫妻の物語

    以下の問題は原文が英文なので、そのまま示しますが、最後に結論がありますが、それがなぜ起きるのか、論理的に説明してください。 This story concerns a village of 100 maried couples, who were all perfect logicians but had somewhat peculiar social customs. Every evening the men of the village would have a meeting, in a great circle around a campfire, and each would talk about his wife. If when the meeting began a man had any reason to hope that his wife had always been faithful to him, then he would praise her virtue to all of the assembled men. On the other hand, if at any time before the current meeting he had ever gotten proof that his wife had been unfaithful, then he would moan and wail and invoke the terrible curse of the (mail) gods on her. Furthermore, if a wife was ever unfaithful, then she and her lover would immediately inform all of the other men in the village except her husband. All of these traditions were common knowledge among the people of this village. In fact, every wife had been unfaithful to her husband. Thus, every husband knew of every infidelity except for that of his own wife, whom he praised every evening. This situation endured for many years, until a traveling holy man visited the village. After sitting through a session around the campfire and hearing every man praise his wife, the holy man stood up in the center of the circle of husbands and said in a loud voice, "A wife in this village has been unfaithful." For ninety-nine evenings thereafter, the husbands continued to meet and praise their wives, but on the hundredth evening they all moaned and wailed and invoked the terrible curse. 簡単化のため、この問題の村人の男子の数が100人ではなく、A,B,Cの3人(したがって村人の数は彼らの配偶者をいれて6人)からなる場合について、説明してください。したがって、最後の結論部分は"For two evenings thereafter, the husbands continued to meet and praise their wives, but on the third evening they all moaned and wailed and invoked the the terrible curse."となります。 なお、妻たちの不倫の相手は同じ村の男とはかぎらない、外部の人間と考えてかまいません。質問文に不明な部分がある場合は遠慮なく質問をください。

  • 英語の問題です!

    英語の問題です! 9問もあるので余裕のある方お願いします! ()の中から適当なものを選んでください! 1.It is certain (that, whether, if)he will pass the examination. 2.I wonder (that, unless, if)you could manage not to smoke in this room. 3.It does not matter (that, how whether)you like it or not. 4.Who can prevent us from getting married (before, unless, now that)we are of age? 5.(Every time, That, Whether)we burn something, we are polluting the air. 日本語の意味になるように()内の語を並べ替えてください! 1.すべての人がこの方法に満足しているわけではない。 (everyone/is/method/not/satisfied/this/with) 2.彼はいつも先生の言うことに注意を払っているわけではなかった。 He(always/attention/did/not/pay/the teachers/to) 3.18世紀になってやっと蒸気エンジンが開発された。 (the 18th/century/it/not/that/until/was)steam engines were developed. 4.このことについては他の誰にも決して言ってはいけませんよ。 You(anybody else/ should/ by no means/ to/ about this/ talk) 以上の9問です! 多いですがお願いします!

  • 英語翻訳できる方、よろしくお願いします。

    大学からの返答がきましたが、細かい意味が掴めません。 恐れ入りますが、翻訳出来る方、以下の文の通訳をお願いいたします。 お手数をおかけしますが、宜しくお願いします。 ------------------------------------------------- 私は大学へ以下の質問を送りました。、 1. I want to enter from starting a course a school in December. Can the vacant seat be confirmed before it applies? (12月のコースから入学したいが、登録する前に入学できるかどうか調べることはできるか?) 2.Is it permitted to work while studying the language study? (学校に通っている間、働くことはできるか?) ※ワーキングホリディVISAで留学予定です その返答がこちらです。 I am also including a bulletin for your perusal. For further information (application forms, brochures, tuition fees, visa procedures, food & accommodation, etc.) please go to the MTC website at MTC accepts all students that turn in complete application packages on time. If you require a scanned copy of your admissions letter please make a note in the mailing address section of your application. Application, Bulletin and Academic Calendar are attached. I do not believe you are legally allowed to work here as a student, and we do not provide working visas.

  • 英語の問題です。

    解答と合わせて、訳と文法的な解説などをつけていただけると助かります。 ランダムにさまざまな問題が混ざっているので、できるだけ何か説明がほしいです。 お願いします。 【A】 1 May I borrow that magazine when you () reading it?   アfinished イhave finished ウwill finish エwill have finished 2 It´s a pity that John and Mary broke up. They () married today.   アhave got イwill have got ウhad got エwere to have got 3 The chair is broken. You´d better () someone to fix it.   アmake イget ウcause エlet 4 How can he qualify for the job () he is only thirteen years old?   アthat イwhen ウwhere エwhy 5 A tax is to a country () gasoline is to a car.   アwhat イwhen ウwhich エwhy 6 He went out () so much as saying goodbye to me.   アdoing イeven ウnothing エwithout 7 Such a poor country cannot provide good medical services, much () a good       education.   アfew イmore ウless エlittle 8 Dick () arrived here already. I´m afraid he has lost his way.   アcannot have イshould have ウmust have エmight have 9 A computer is essencially an efficient means of processing ().   アinformation イan information ウinformations エany informations 10 It´s a () your wife couldn´t come. I really wanted to meet her.   アharm イshame ウsorrow エtrouble 11 She reads all the fashion magazines to keep () with the times.   アover イup ウalong エoff 【B】 1 そのパーティでとても愉快に過ごしました。   I enjoyed () very much at the party. 2 バスでも列車でも、どちらでも私はかまいません。   It makes no () to me whether we go by bus or train. 3 昨夜彼と口論したが、今朝仲直りした。   I had words with him last night, but we () up this morning. 4 中に入ってお待ちになったらどうですか。   Why () come in and wait here? 【C】 1 My sister was filled with joy.   =My sister was beside () with joy. 2 He adviced her to stop talking, but she didn´t.   =She didn´t stop talking in () of his advice. 3 He was ninety when he died.   =He died at the () of ninety. 4 This car is already out of date.   =This car is no longer () to date. 【D】 1 Nuclear weapons may (bring about) the destruction of mankind. 2 They all (look on) him as their leader. 3 Do you agree with what he (came up with)? 4 Her request for a pay raise was (turned down) again. 5 It took her a long time to (get over) the shock from his impolite remark. (アovercome イcause ウreject エregard オpropose カutilize) 【E】誤りの選択です。 1 He forget (bringing) his homework (to school), so his teacher (got) angry (at) him. 2 Every boy and (every) girl (was) glad to see (the) new teacher (to come) in. 3 They kept (a fire) (burn) all night (to protect) themselves from (the cold). 4 They said they (have got) (married) (three years) (before). 5 (It) is interesting to (compare) the manners and customs of Japan (with) (that) of   the United States. 【F】 1 (should,of,great,be,taken,care) the aged. 2 I could hardly believe that (be,everything,it,the,to,used,was still,way). 3 She was (to,person,I,expected,see,the,last,had). 4 Philosophy (difficult,subject,as,so,a,is,not) you imagine it is. 以上です。

  • 英語 適語選び

    【1】(  )に入る適語を下から選び、記号で答えなさい。  (1)Would you mind ( ) me your MP3 player?   (a)to lend (b)lend (C)lending (d)lent  (2)I know this picture. I remember ( ) it somewhere before.   (a)saw (b)seeing (C)to see (d)see  (3)He was made ( ) some exercise to lose weight.   (a)to get (b)getting (C)get (d)gotten  (4)We heard the doorbell ( ) early in the morning.   (a)rings (b)have rung (C)to ring (d)ring  (5)She found it important ( ) of others.   (a)thought (b)to think (C)think (d)have thought  (6)Every kid is ( ) to participate in the sports event.   (a)must (b)exciting (C)joined (d)surprised  (7)This land will bring you a large harvest in the long ( ).   (a)order (b)run (C)end (d)race  (8)He tried to finish eating the especially hot curry ( ) vain.   (a)in (b)for (C)to (d)with  (9)My mother always prepares meals for me, so I ( ) ever cook.   (a)often (b)usually (C)hardly (d)clearly  何度もすみません。よろしくおねがいします。

  • ツタンカーメンを殺したのは・・

    お願いします。エッセイでツタンカーメンを殺した容疑者に対しての提出課題があります。以下文法の添削願います ※自信がない英語は()の中に日本語を入れています In my opinion, these evidences such as Aye are vizier, he is commoner and Aye married Ankhesenamen are not sufficient evidence to persuade me. I readily understand that Aye is the key person in this story. However, these evidences cannot support Aye is suspect(これらの証拠はAyeが容疑者と裏付けることはできない)because it is lack any physical evidence. I need objective evidence to establish a hypothesis such as his subordinate’s diary.

  • doyの意味を教えて下さい。

    洋ドラマ「フレンズ」の102(シーズン1、第2話)でdoyという言葉が使われています。 日本語字幕では「抜け作」という意味になっていました。 辞書で調べてみましたが、ほとんど載っていません。 ネイティブの方に聞いたのですが、 Duh(当たり前じゃん!)のことではないかと言われました。 Doyとは、古い言葉なのでしょうか? ならば、いつぐらいに使われていた言葉なのでしょうか? 品詞は何になるのでしょうか? 「抜け作」なら名詞、 ネイティブの方が言うようにDuhなら間投詞になるのでしょうか? どなたかご存じないでしょうか?ご教授お願いします。 ちなみに、Doyが使われるスクリプトは以下の通りです。 ----------------------------------- レイチェルが婚約指輪をなくしてしまう。 指輪を探してあげるため、ジョーイが話し出す…。 Joey: Alright, when'd'ya have it on last?(最後にみたのはいつだい?) Phoebe: Doy! Probably right before she lost it! (抜け作ね!なくす前に決まってんんじゃん!) Chandler: You don't get a lot of 'doy' these days... (「抜け作」なんて最近使わないね…) -----------------------------------

  • 英語 熟語 穴うめ

      英語の熟語についてわからないものが多数あり、投稿しました。多くてすみません。 【1】日本文の意味に合うように、与えられた文字で始まる適語を(  )に入れなさい。 (1)隔週刊の雑誌は二週間ごとに発売される。   Bi-weekly magazines are sold (e ) two weeks. (2)彼は毎朝、新聞を読むことにしている。   He makes it a (r ) to read the newspaper every morning. (3)ひと休みして、散歩に行こう。   Let’s (t ) a break and go for a walk. (4)あのカフェでコーヒーを飲みながら話すなんてどう?   Why don’t we talk (o ) a cup of coffee in that café? (5)急いだって無駄だよ、電車はもう出ちゃったよ。   It’s no (u ) hurrying, the train has already gone. (6)その灰色の石はダイアモンドだとわかった。   That gray stone turned (o ) to be a diamond. (7)外国で、言うことを理解してもらうのは難しい。   It’s hard to (m ) yourself understood in foreign countries. (8)昨日、昔の友達と偶然出会った。   I met my old friend by (c ) yesterday. (9)ブラッド・ピットの新作映画を見逃さないで。   Don’t (m ) Brad Pitt’s new film. (10)出かける前にパソコンを切るようにしなさい。   (M ) sure that you shut down the computer before you go out. (11)僕は、君に追いつこうと必死だった。   I was trying hard to (c ) up with you. (12)君はこの問題と何の関係もないよ。   You have nothing to (d ) with this problem. 【2】日本文の意味に合うように、(  )に入る適語を下の語群から選んで書きなさい。 (1)映画に間に合いたいんだったら、急いで!   If you want to be ( ) time for the movie, hurry up! (2)映画は時間通りに始まった。   The movie started ( ) time. (3)結局、彼らは15分遅れてその映画館に着いた。   Finally, they arrived at the theater 15 minutes ( ) time. (4)ジェームズはときどき、約束の時間に遅刻する。   James is late for his appointments ( ) time to time.   語群 in / on / at / for / from / behind / during  いつも投稿が多くてすみません。回答、よろしくお願いします_(._.)_

  • incidental

    After a 29-year relationship (we never married), my partner became ill with cancer last May. Although we were told it was highly treatable, he died in October. Throughout the entire ordeal, his two sons and ex-wife were wonderful. They drove a significant distance every weekend throughout his sickness. They spent more time with their father than ever. The oldest hadn’t been to our home in years. After he died, his children put together a “celebration of life” in their hometown, which I attended in early November. Although I was pretty incidental to the celebration, it was a nice acknowledgment of their father. incidental to the celebrationはどのような意味でしょうか?よろしくお願いします