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  • hiro_1116
  • ベストアンサー率30% (2409/7800)

DeepLとかの機械翻訳は使わないのですか?そこそこ意味は取れるもんですよ。 日本語 天動説は「人間の本性」を反映したものである。第一に、天動説は自然の外観、つまり傍観者の目に見えるものに基づいていること、第二に、人間のエゴを満たすものであることだ。地球が天の中心で、その周りを惑星や星が回っていると信じられたら、どんなに嬉しいことだろう。宇宙全体が人間のために作られているように思えた。この美しい構造は、ヨーロッパに知的覚醒の大きな時代、ルネサンスが訪れるまで、実質的に無傷で残っていた。ルネッサンス期を代表する「万能の人」の一人、ニコラウス・コペルニクスの手によって破壊されたのである。コペルニクスの70年にわたる生涯(1473-1543年)は、ヨーロッパの歴史の中で最も刺激的で冒険的な時代であった。 コロンブスは新大陸を発見した。マゼランは地球を一周し、ヴァスコ・ダ・ガマはインドへの最初の航海を行い、マルティン・ルターはプロテスタント宗教改革を行い、ミケランジェロは新しい芸術世界を創造し、パラケルススとヴェサリウスは近代医学の基礎を作り、「あの途方もない万能の天才」レオナルド・ダ・ヴィンチは、絵画、彫刻、工学、建築、物理学者、生物学者、哲学者として繁栄していたのである。そして、もう一人の天才コペルニクスが新しい宇宙体系を世に問うにふさわしい時代であった。



ありがとうございます。 辞書や翻訳機、いろいろ使って勉強頑張ります。


  • 英文和訳をお願いします。

    The ability to own and dispose of property under a rule of law, a notion spawned by the 18th century’s Enlightenment, spread through Europe and North America. It produced new ways to organize society’s pursuit of the industrial means required for people to the Enlightenment, people could barely improve upon their short and miserable lives. Indeed for generation after generation, people tilled the same of land. Material progress was marginal at best. Global life expectancy was 25 year, unchanged for a millennium.

  • 英文を和訳して下さい。

    The idea for a general economic and financial conference of European nations had roots in a January 1922 session of the Supreme War Council held in Cannes. With Europe facing an economic catastrophe brought about by half a decade of World War, marked by millions of deaths, shattered infrastructure, and vast sums of squandered economic resources, British prime minister David Lloyd George sought an authoritative international gathering to set Europe's political and financial house in order, and to firmly establish his leadership at home. The formal proposal was made at Cannes on 6 January 1922 in the form of a draft resolution presented by Lloyd George and approved unanimously that same day calling for such a conference. Lloyd George told his parliament that the primary intent of the conference was to provide for "reconstruction of economic Europe, devastated and broken into fragments by the desolating agency of war. The economy of Europe was at the point of collapse, Lloyd George noted: "If European countries had gathered together their mobile wealth accumulated by centuries of industry and thrift on to one pyramid and then set fire to it, the result could hardly have been more complete. International trade has been disorganized through and through. The recognized medium of commerce, exchange based upon currency, has become almost worthless and unworkable; vast areas, upon which Europe has hitherto depended for a large proportion of its food supplies and its raw material, completely destroyed for all purposes of commerce; nations, instead of cooperating to restore, broken up by suspicions and creating difficulties and new artificial restrictions; great armies ready to march, and nations already overburdened with taxation having to bear the additional taxation which the maintenance of these huge armaments to avoid suspected dangers renders necessary." Lloyd George controversially sought the inclusion of Germany and Soviet Russia to the international conference as equal members, which met with the particular opposition of France, which sought to neutralize and isolate the two pariah nations of Europe by including them only in an inferior capacity. Any softening in the hardline stance towards Germany was perceived by France as a weakening of the Treaty of Versailles, of which it was a prime beneficiary and to which it was immutably committed.

  • 和訳をお願いします。

    A German attack from south-eastern Belgium towards Mézières and a possible offensive from Lorraine towards Verdun, Nancy and St. Dié was anticipated; the plan was a development of Plan XVI and made more provision for the possibility of a German offensive through Belgium. The First, Second and Third armies were to concentrate between Épinal and Verdun opposite Alsace and Lorraine, the Fifth Army was to assemble from Montmédy to Sedan and Mézières and the Fourth Army was to be held back west of Verdun, ready to move east to attack the southern flank of a German invasion through Belgium or south against the northern flank of an attack through Lorraine. No formal provision was made for combined operations with the British Expeditionary Force (BEF) but joint arrangements had been made and during the Second Moroccan Crisis in 1911, the French had been told that six divisions could be expected to operate around Maubeuge.

  • 和訳してくださいm(_ _)m3

    Several groups of scientists have been working on projects to revive the mammoth. One, for example, is the French explorer, Bernard Buigues, and his team. In December 1997, they used new technology to dig out a mammoth which had been in the Arctic ground for about 23,000 years. Then they carried it by helicopter to a research center in Khatanga, a small in Siberia. What the scientists did in the center was to thaw small parts of the animal and look for clues―that could tell us more about the world of the mammoth. They also wanted to collect DNA from the animal and examine its genetic makeup.

  • 【至急】和訳お願いします。

    うまく訳せない部分があるのですが、どなたか和訳していただけませんか? Today Europe faces a new flow of immigrants from countries that have not shared the experiences of Western culture. Eastern Europeans are moving west since the fall of the Communist regimes in 1989. The influx is destined to increase, perhaps dramatically, because of the changes in Eastern Europe. Immigrantion from Third and Fourth World countries is creating new social and economic problems. The impact of immigrants from so many different cultures may also undermine Europe's delicate cultural equilibrium. These newcomers have to adjust to two new cultures. They must learn to live in a society that is both European and technological. 以上です。よろしくお願いしますm(_ _)m

  • 和訳お願いいたします。

    In Europe we use different type of electrical plugs. Japan and US use the same type. Europe uses round pins. And in the UK they use another type of plugs. I will bring a conversion plug from my work for you. So you don't need to bring anything, ok? For your mobile phone, maybe it's better to disable data access when going outside of Japan. In Europe it will be really expensive for you. Does your mobile phone have wifi?

  • 和訳お願いします

    Those days and nights were filled with critical and exciting moments.All tests were most thorough and complete.Even outside bridgebuilding exports were called in to try the iron structure upon which the six steam dynamo rested.Then Edison began to test his station electrically and many trials and experimrnts were made,furnishing valuable data of a commercial nature for the oeration of central stations.The tension indicator designed by Edison for controlling the electrical pressure at the feeder ends of his underground network was put into operation and found satisfactory.Its proper working and standardizing was one of the functions especially confided to Lieb.The underground network was tested by Herman Claudius,an Austrian veteran of the old school,and its insulation was found perfect.In the tests of a radically new system,of course,certain unexpected things will happen,and minor defects will appear from time tobtime;that was reason Edison conducted such careful trials before permanent operation of the plant began.

  • 和訳をお願いします。

    A German attack from south-eastern Belgium towards Mézières and a possible offensive from Lorraine towards Verdun, Nancy and St. Dié was anticipated; the plan was an evolution from Plan XVI and made more provision for the possibility of a German offensive from the north through Belgium. The First, Second and Third armies were to concentrate between Épinal and Verdun opposite Alsace and Lorraine, the Fifth Army was to assemble from Montmédy to Sedan and Mézières and the Fourth Army was to be held back west of Verdun, ready to move east to attack the southern flank of a German invasion through Belgium or southwards against the northern flank of an attack through Lorraine. No formal provision was made for combined operations with the British Expeditionary Force (BEF) but joint arrangements had been made and in 1911 during the Second Moroccan Crisis, the French had been told that six British divisions could be expected to operate around Maubeuge.

  • 和訳お願いします、

    Over a period of years after the war, international financial and capital transactions were banned, in principle. However, since the Foreign Exchange and Foreign Trade Control Law was amended in December 19880 (the new Foreign Exchange Control Law), the system of licensing international financial and capital transactions was changed to a prior reporting system, making them free in principle. Furthermore, by virtue of an amendment to the new Foreign exchange Control Law in April 1998 (one the main reforms under what was locally called “the Japanese version of the Big Bang”), the prior reporting system of currency transactions was abolished, completely liberalizing direct financial transactions with overseas customers. A survey of inbound investment made by foreign investors in recent years shows that they have consistently net bought Japanese stocks except for selloffs in the markets that occurred in 2000 and 2002 after the bursting of the IT.

  • 和訳お願いします。

    The laws of gravity, the weight of history and of precedent, have caught up with the Obama presidency. We are beyond stirring speeches. The novelty of the Obama approach, and the Obama persona, has worn off. There is a whole American diplomatic tradition to draw upon—engagements made, wisdom acquired in the course of decades, and, yes, accounts to be settled with rogues and tyrannies. They might yet help this administration find its way out of a labyrinth of its own making. 第4文の意味がわかりません。訳して頂けませんか。