• ベストアンサー

take a pen to


  • cbm51901
  • ベストアンサー率67% (2671/3943)

No.1 の補足です。 "take a pen to" の「書き込む」とは、要するに「申し込む」ということです。





  • takeの使いかた(2)

    時間を表す時のtakeの使いかたついて混乱しています。例えば“その駅に行くには30分かかる”という時、It takes thirty minutes to get to the station, あるいは The station takes thiry minutes to get to. と2通り言えると思うのですが、 では She takes a lot of time to get dressed. はどのような構文になるのでしょうか? It takes a lot of time to get her dressed. だと“誰かが着替えさすのに”時間がかかるということですよね? 例えば“私は、朝仕事に行く準備をするの時間がかかる”は I take a lot of time to get ready for work in the morning. でいいでしょうか? もしOKとしたら、これは It takes me a lot of time to get ready for work in the morning. と言えますか?何か違和感があような・・ 混乱してきました・・

  • bringとtake 速読速聴basic

    bringとtakeの使い分けについて教えてください。 以下は、速読速聴basic2200という本に出ていた例文です。 *************************************************************** A:I'm putting some clothes in my bag for my trip to Hawaii. What shoud I bring? B:Of course, you need to bring your swimsuit, a T-shirt, shorts and sandals. And, because you'll be in the sun alot, you'd better be sure to take a sun hat and sunglasses, too. A:Shall I bring a coat? 以下略 *************************************************************** そこで質問ですが、 Aの発言中のbringはtakeではないでしょうか? (自分の元から、他の場所へ持っていくため。) また、Bの発言にはbringとtakeが使われていますが、 どう使い分けられているのでしょうか? よろしければ教えてください。

  • takeにこんな意味はありますか?

    It takes work and patience to be a good family.これはどう訳せばいいのでしょう? It takes ~ は「(時間が)かかる」で It costs ~ は「(お金が)かかる」ですよね. なのでこの場合のtakeは何の意味なのでしょう? このtakesはneedsに変えられますか?

  • "take a skin of water"の意味

    タイトルの通り、"take a skin of water"という文の意味が分からずに困っています。辞書も使いましたがわかりませんでした。 Googleでこの言い回しが使われている文章を探してみると、 "Lord Winslow would take a skin of water and half a loaf of bread up to The Hill and..." "Won't you allow me to take a skin of water from your pond?" などが出てきました。 ご存じの方、ご回答お願いします。

  • このitが指すものをお教え下さい。(一文です)

    It takes all the plants and animals living together to keep the earth a good place to live in. (1)このitはto keep以下を指しますか? (2)「take O 現在分詞」という形は始めてみたのですが、そういう構文ではありませんか? 訳もお願いいたします。 謝辞はきちんと書かせていただきます。 よろしくお願いいたします。

  • Take a look at のニュアンス???

    Take a look at のニュアンス??? 最近,英語雑誌に投稿して,返事が帰ってきたが,次の英語ニュアンスがよく分かりません。 教えていただければ幸いです。 I would like to accept your paper for publication, but require a few modest changes. In addition, please take a look at the comments of the reviewer. In your modest revisions, please be sure to adopt those changes suggested by the reviewer which you think are needed to improve the paper.

  • take one's cues

    Dear Prudence, My husband and I made friends with another couple, “Katie” and “Steven,” last year. We have kids around the same age, and we get together a few times a month for backyard dinners and drinks. Recently, I remarked to Katie how much her children resemble her, and she replied that she hears that all the time. I jokingly asked how Steven feels about that, and she said: “Well, Steven’s trans. Didn’t you know?” I didn’t know. It hadn’t occurred to me. I was so surprised that my reaction was something along the lines of, “Oh. Cool!” And then the conversation naturally shifted course. I’m concerned that maybe I underreacted. Gender identity is important, and I can’t begin to imagine what Steven went through before and during his transition. My husband and I consider ourselves to be LGBTQ allies, and I want Steven to feel comfortable and supported in our home. We’ve seen them a few times since and nothing seems weird or awkward, so maybe I’m just overthinking this. But could or should I have responded differently? It didn’t feel like a coming-out conversation, more like a casual disclosure of information. Still, I’m worried that I said the wrong thing, and I’d love your perspective. —Underreactionary? You took your cue from Katie, who made it clear that this is information she (and presumably Steven) are comfortable with you knowing but that didn’t require a serious, involved follow-up conversation, and your response in that context was wholly appropriate. You’re likely right in assuming that Steven has gone through a great deal before and after transitioning, but that doesn’t mean he wants to go into detail about it with even the friendliest of neighbors. Steven and Katie already do feel comfortable and supported in your home, and there’s nothing you need to do here except continue to be friendly and welcoming and to take your neighbors’ cues on the subject of his transition. 2回take one's cuesという表現が出てきますが、それぞれどのような意味でしょうか?よろしくお願いします

  • all it takes to send us

    添付記事の下から4パラグラフの文章に関しての文法解釈に付いてです。 http://www.chron.com/opinion/outlook/article/Krugman-5691790.php http://okwave.jp/qa/q8727744.html All it would take is a few bad shocks and/or policy missteps to send us down the same path. ↓ 【・・・・申し上げたように、 all (that) it would take to send ... is a few bad shocks and/or policy missteps take の後に必要なものがくる。 関係代名詞の目的格を補えるので見かけは take の目的語が欠けた形。 all you need is ~を考えればわかること。 そして、その「必要なことすべて」が a few bad shocks and/or policy missteps ・・・・・】 質問文を下記のように置き換えて意味を説明されたようです。構文解釈はできますが、意味をなさない文ではないかと悩んでいます。 All it takes to send us down the same path is a few bad shocks and/or policy missteps. ■特に、下記4点について解説の上で意味をなすのか知りたいです。 (1)itが何を指すのかについて (2)allの用法 (他の英単語に置き換えてください) (3)take 意味(他の分かり安い英単語に置き換てください。) (4) 主語が”All”で主部が”All it takes to send us down the same path”と理解をしています。間違いであれば指摘をしてください。 「置き換えた文章は正しい文章なんですか?」 が質問となりますので間違いの無いようにお願いします。 尚、お礼は火曜日の午後以降となりますので悪しからず。

  • make a spectacle of

    I live in a Southern state, and our home is located in a community of houses that are built pretty close together. Our neighborhood is a mix of families and young professionals. My husband and I have a 15-year-old son and an 11-year-old daughter. Our newish neighbor is an attractive woman in her early 30s. I don’t know her very well, but she seems perfectly nice. My issue involves the fact that she likes to lounge naked by the small pool in her yard. I found out that you can see her from our backyard deck when I caught my giggling son and his friend pointing her out. My husband and I spoke with my son about respecting someone’s privacy, that he shouldn’t make a spectacle of it, or God forbid take photos of her. make a spectacle of itはどのような意味でしょうか?よろしくお願いします

  • take a write-downとは?

    こんばんは。下記文中に使用されているtake a write-downの意味が よくわかりません…。下記添削お願い致します。 【英文】 "A" took a $410 million write-down when it offloaded "B" and its 1,300 stores to "C." 【訳文】 A社はB社とその1300ある店舗を、帳簿価格を4億1千万ドルに引き下げて C社に売り払った。