• ベストアンサー



  • ベストアンサー






  • 和訳と解説をお願い致します

    先日、イスラエルの作家 Etgar Keretの本を読んでいると、 こういうくだりに出くわしました。 She says I don't really love her. That I say I do, that I think I do, but that I don't. I've heard of people who say they don't love someone, but to decide for someone else if he loves them? このうち、3行目の意味がはっきりとつかめません。 愛してるかどうかを他の誰かが決めるは聞いたことがないよね? という感じなんでしょうか? 特に最後にどうして?がついているのか、というのが一番の疑問点です。 読み飛ばしても問題ないとはいえ、ちょっと気になったままです。 和訳とできましたら、何故こういう文章になっているのかというのも分かれば幸いです。 よろしくお願い致します。

  • 訳お願いします!

    You’re in a department store and you see a couple of attractive young women looking at a sweater.You listen to their conversation: “I can’t believe it—a Lorenzo Bertolla! They are almost impossible to find.Isn’t it beautiful ? And it’s a lot cheaper than the one Sara bought in Rome.” They leave and you go over to see this incredible sweater.It’s nice and the price is right.You’ve never heard of Lorenzo Bertolla,but those girls looked really stylish.They must know.So,you buy it.You never realize that those young women are employees of an advertising agency.They are actually paid to go from store to store,talking loudly about Lorenzo Bertolla clothes. Every day we notice what people are wearing,driving and eating.If the person looks cool,the product seems cool,too.This is the secret of undercover marketing.Companies from Ford to Nike are starting to use it. Undercover marketing is important because it reaches people that don’t pay attention to traditional advertising.This is particularly true of the MTV generation—consumers between the age of 18 and 34.It is a golden group.They have a lot of money to spend,but they don’t trust ads. So advertising agencies hire young actors to “perform”in bars and other places where young adults go.Some people might call this practice deceptive,but marketing manager Jonathan Ressler calls it creative.“Look at traditional advertising.Its effectiveness is decreasing.”

  • 英語 問題

    各組の文がほぼ同じ意味を表すように、()に適語を補って下さい。 1 They had a good time last night. They enjoyed () last night. 2 I broke his DVD player. That is problem. They problem () () I broke his DVD player. 3 They say that the actor lives in this town. It is () () the actor lives in this town. 4 We know that he loves science fiction movies. He is () () love science fiction movies.

  • 訳を教えて下さい

    ある歌の歌詞です。 Up close This is how I see it with you Real close This is how I dance it with you Close, so close Is how I feel with you La-la-la, la-la-la This is how I sense it with you La-la-la, la-la-la This is how I sense it with you 詞なので厳密に訳しきれない部分もあると思いますが、 これに訳をつけるとしたらどのような感じがよいでしょうか? 私のレベルではthis is how I see it with you の部分でさえ、これが私がそれをあなたと一緒に見るやり方だ。 とまったく味の無い訳になってしまいます。 そもそもあっているのかもよくわかりせん。 あと6行目のIs how I feel with you はthis が音符の関係で省略されているのか、 close が名詞になっているのかなんかよくわからないのです。 どうとらえたらよいのでしょうか? よろしくお願いします。

  • 訳教えてください

    Oh right, sorry I forgot to right about the flag! その旗のこと忘れてた、ごめんね。 Hmm, I have been thinking about the case, and what I read from the site, I don't think that it is possible for you to buy them, becouse the only way the exept money is cash on delivery. ンー私はそのサイトを読んでずっと考えていたけど それらをあなたが買うのは不可能だと思うよ。 なぜなら現金以外ではカードで配達だから Meaning that when you go to a post-office and they have your package there then you pay it and then you can take it home with you. どういう意味かというと、ポストに行った時(サイトの) 彼らはあなたの小包を持ち、その時代金を払う。 で、あなたは家にもって行くことができる。 But then again, could they send the package to so far as Japan? I'm not sure. But hey, しかし小包を日本に送る事が出来る?わからない。 what if I ask them do they send packages to othercountries, then I will tell you when I get the answer from them? しかしもし私がそこに、他の国に送れるか、尋ね 私があなたに答えを言うね。 Is that okey? I will send an e-mail to them, I don't know how lon it's going to take when they answer back, but as soon as they do, I will inform you! それでいい?それらをーe-mailで送るよ。 私は知らないけど(lon??)どのような答えが返ってくるかは。しかしすぐにあなたに知らせるね! But I'm off to send the e-mail to Fin(URL), so I'll inform you about it soon! しかしそのFinにメールを送るには離れている?? あなたにその事をすぐに知らせるよ! 長文で申し訳ありません おねがいします

  • 下記の英文の訳をお願いします。

    はっきりと意味がわからないので… 英語が得意な方がいましたら、この文章の訳を教えて欲しいです。 回答を頂けるととても助かります。 どうぞよろしくお願いします。 There is one positive in my life, and that is this wonderful woman I have met. She must be sent from a higher power because I don't see any reason why anyone would even be interested in me. Unbelievably, she likes me for the good I do and loves me for the rest. She doesn't judge, she always looks at the positive and for whatever reasons that I hope to understand one day, she chose me. We've been seeing each other for about 3 years now but her home is half way around the world and she just left today. I feel so alone right now.

  • 英文訳お願いします!!

    I am very bad at reading Kanji still. The reason I can type in it, is my keyboard will take the romaji I put in, and change it to hiragana and from there into Kanji. That does sound like very easy English. I'd like to get a job doing that, however I don't think I'm able to to teach in Japan without a university degree. Which I don't have :(. Canada is very hot as well, although I prefer milder weather. It's quite warm where I live. I'm sorry if that is wrong. It was supposed to say "Do you practice sports?" 上記日本語に訳してください!!お願いします。あと、オススメの無料の翻訳サイトあればそれもお願いします。

  • 訳を手伝ってくれませんか??(3)

    First, I can see how one would think that atheists have a mental block. However, I think that if you don't agree with something, you're not going to believe it's the right way of thinking, and therefore may believe the person that does believe it is not capable of seeing the flaws in the religion, or lack thereof. I've had to try very hard to see why people can believe somethings, such as Catholics, or even the people that join cults! How can they believe it?! But then I stop and try to realize that they are just looking for something in their life, and for them, maybe it best suits their personality or needs at the time. こんにちは。これはアメリカ人からのメールで無神論者と信仰者についての話しなんですけれどいまいち何がいいたいのかわかりません。ちなみに彼女は無神論者で私は仏教徒です。 (1)I can see how one would think that atheists have a mental block. のmental blockは思考の停止と訳してよいのでしょうか??無神論者は精神的に成長する段階で壁があるということでしょうか? (2) However, I think that if you don't agree with something, you're not going to believe it's the right way of thinking, and therefore may believe the person that does believe it is not capable of seeing the flaws in the religion, or lack thereof. 貴方が何かに賛成しなければ、貴方はそれが正しい考え方と信じないでしょう。それゆえに貴方は宗教は欠点がないとを信じる人を信じるでしょう。 といった意味でしょうか?とても長い文章ですがどなたかお願いします<(_ _)>

  • 訳を教えてください

    My 3-year-old daughter’s best friend at day care is a boy. They have been together since they were little babies and are inseparable. His family and some of the nursery staff have encouraged the idea that they are boyfriend and girlfriend—when we went to his birthday party, even his extended family said, “Oh you’re Sally’s mom, his little girlfriend!” I know this is fairly common in the way people talk about children, but it’s something I think is creepy and weird. I’ve let it slide because my daughter refers to George as her “best friend,” not her boyfriend, so I don’t worry it’s rubbing off. I don’t worry it’s rubbing offの訳を教えてください。よろしくお願いします

  • 「○○というわけではない」と「○○とは限らない」

    日本語を1年勉強しているアメリカ人の友達に、(1)「○○というわけではない」(It does not mean that...)と(2)「○○とは限らない」(It is not necessarily the case that...)は何が違うのか、と聞かれたのですが答えられませんでした。。 (1)の例文では I don't speak English much, but It does not mean that I can't speak it. (2)の例文では It is not necessarily the case that, all Japanese high school students do nothing but study. でした。何が違うのでしょうか??できたら教えていただけませんか?