• 締切済み




別に問題と思いますが、内容です。 せっかく興味深い趣味の内容なのに  But before having a new pet, you need to study every day for a high school exam. Let's study hard and think about your future. "外国人の先生" には興醒めでしょうね。 中学生?が 趣味(ペットとの生活)を楽しむ前に「将来に向けてお勉強しよう」とは、、、 まぁ 先生 帰国する際の土産話トップ5に入れるでしょうけど。(笑) 飼育の注意点も交えて ペットのどういうところが魅力的か 書いた方がいいと思います。


  • 英語が正しいか教えてください。

    Firstly, I maintain that the exam. Now, children have to do exam in my country. Mid-term test is part of exam. They study for mid-term test. My score is very bad when I was junior high school student. I was very sad. This is because I have study hard. It is true I could give good score, but I had given the exam for go to high school. My friend had given the exam too. While she have study hard, she couldn’t gave the exam. It is because she gave off heat on the day of the exam. Now, however, she is very happy. After all, she can do what she wants to do. I think it was luck. I didn’t know it happens. Now, but, I thinking it was luck. So I suppose that luck is important very much. この英文が正しいかどうか教えてください。 間違いがあれば、指摘してほしいです。 よろしくお願いします。

  • 明日急遽英語のスピーチをすることになりました

    将来の夢を話すのですが、 以下のようにまとめてみました。 文法など誤りがあったり、 言い回しがおかしかったら訂正お願いします。 Hello! Myname is ○○. Today,I will talk about my dream. My dream is to become one of staff members of the United Nations. There is hardly any reason for my dream. But I'm just fond of Mathematics and English. So,when I thought about my dream,that was it. I have two goals to make my dream come true. First,I have to make more and more efforts for studying every subject to be admitted to a private university in Tokyo. Second,after I enter university I would be have to study not only Mathematics and English but also economics. In conclusion,I will work for the United Nations as a officer in the future. In closing,I would like to thank you for listening so attentively. 以上です。お願いします。

  • 英語のスピーチ原稿の添削お願いします!!

    添削お願いします!中学生です。自分なりに書いてみたのですが、文法とかぐちゃぐちゃで。お願いします。テーマはunforgettable memory です。 When I was a sixth gread an elementary school ,I decided to take an entrance examination for junior high school. But I didn’t tell a my friends this. And I didn7t tell “ going to junior high school different classmate. I was telling the lie for classmate one year.  I decided to take an entrance examination for junior high school , and I began to study . Study time increase and play with friends decrease. that time I think “it is shameful if I fail an examination” so. I didn’t tell this my classmate. The examination was taken I can’t told. And it passed the examination. the winter vacation of the year passed my friend began to prepare of the junior high school. “Did you buy a uniform?” "You and I go to the same junior high school? "”junior high school life pleasure” The answer was always "YES”I con not go to the same school. I can not wear same uniform. ”where did you buy uniform” my friend asked to me. But I can’t answer that. And I said “I cannot remember . I forgot it.” It was impossible to tell the truth unawares. Even now, I remember these days was very hard.  The day of a graduation ceremony I told to my friends going to different junior high school. and my friend said to me“I am lonely. I can not go same school. But good luck.” If I stand on the same position as her, I will be said many severe things. because I am not told truth a year. It cannot said it is the right thing I did .but I found friend who push my back.

  • 英語の前置詞

    お世話になっております。 私は大学で野球がしたい。 私は中学校で社会を教えたい。(社会の先生になりたい) これらの前置詞で悩んでいます。 I want to play baseball in the university. I want to play baseball at the university. I want to teach social studies in junior high school. I want to teach social studies at junior high school. I want to be a junior high school teacher of social studies. どれが正しいのでしょうか?またニュアンスの違いがあればぜひ教えてください。

  • 明日、英語のスピーチの発表で困っています。英語の添削お願いします!急いでます><

    明日英語のスピーチで発表なのですが、添削お願いいたします。 In this summer vaction,I could do a many things I wanted to do such as a trip,a part time job,meeting old friends and so on.Everything was good and I had a good time. Today I will talk to you about highscool basketball club's tratraining camp.In this summer,I took part in the training camp as a coach and went to Gumma for three days.Sice I entered university,I have had few opportunities of playing basketball.Therefore I played basketball after a long time at the training camp.Because I lost a lot of strength,I thought the training camp was very busy and hard.On the other hand,I thought it was pleasant that I exercise too.I watched high school students who devoted themself to club activities desperately and longed for my high school life.From the experience of this year, now I think I want to go again next year.Thank you for listening.

  • 英語 a/the/-sの使い方がいまいち分からない

    英語で文章を書くとき、 I have a PC of red and white zebra colors. I have PCs of red and white zebra colors. I have the PC of red and white zebra colors. I have this PC of red and white zebra colors. I have these PCs of red and white zebra colors. は何となく、正しいような気がします。 ただ、テキストを見ると、名詞にはa/the/sが付くと言いますが、 しかし、下記文章は間違いだと思うのですが、なぜでしょうか? 単文ですといつも何となく答えていますが、長文ですと、どこにa/the/sを使えばいいのか分からなくなってしまいます。 I have a PC of reds and whites zebras colors. I have a PC of a red and a white a zebra colors. I have a PC of a red and a white a zebra a color.

  • 英語の添削をお願いします

    A高校からB高校に転入して、B高校で自己紹介をするという設定なのですが、英文の添削をお願いします。 I lived in A until last month, and went to the A high school. But I will move in to B high school by the father's transfer. I want to become you happily early. Because I have a lot of things that do not become accustomed, I want you to teach. I belonged to the brass band at the previous school. Therefore, I like music very much. I want to enter the brass band also at this school. Because a lot of nature overflowed, the B high school thought that it was a very wonderful school. Life in this school of the future is the enjoyment. My best regards. 最初の部分は、「早く皆さんと仲良くなりたいです。慣れない事が多いと思うので、色々と教えてください」としたかったのですが、よく分かりませんでした。最後の部分は、「これからのこの学校生活が楽しみです。これから宜しくお願いします。」という文にしたかったのですがよく分かりませんでした。吹奏楽部はbrass band で良いのでしょうか。 宜しくお願いします。

  • 中学弁論スピーチ

    I study English now. The reason is because it thinks that it is a method of the one for a person to speak it in the world of the lots. Friends increase if I can talk with a lot of people, and I think that surely the life will become happy. However, I do not have the friend of the foreigner now. Therefore I want to study a lot of English now. As for the and Japanese thing. And it wants to come to be conveyed a Japanese good point by a lot of friends of a lot of countries when I became an adult. 私は今英語を勉強している。 それは世界中のたくさんの人話すための1つの方法だと思うからだ。 たくさんの人と話せれば友達が増えて、きっと人生が楽しくなるだろうと私は思う。 しかし私には今、外国人の友達はいない。 だから私は今英語をたくさん勉強したい。そして日本のことも。 そして、大人になった時には、たくさんの国のたくさんの友達に日本の良さを伝えられるようになりたい。 長文すいません。単刀直入に言いますが、 中学生でもわかるような内容にしてください!! ネットで翻訳しても難しい単語ばかりで分からないのです…。

  • 英語の添削お願いします。

    語学学校を卒業するにあたりスピーチをしなければいけません。 文章を考えたのですが添削してもらえますか? Thank you everyone,especially.....Thank you my friends. I've spend in here for three months.I could have a lot of friend and experience.I had a great time in here. I want to talk about a lot more if there is an opportunity to meet you again.So,I'm going to continue to study English for improving my English level. I'll miss you.Have a good school life.Thank you. よろしくお願いします。

  • 英語が正しいかどうか教えてください。

    Many people want to be success. Many people have dreams and become happy. I also want to be success. And I have a dream. It is not easy to success. And many people have felt sad because they can’t success. I don’t think people can’t succeed that it is because of hard work. I suppose that luck is very important for succeed. I argue about exam and I was read a book. この文の英語に間違いなどあれば教えてください。 よろしくお願いします。