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Friendship and Harassment: A Troubling Situation


  • ベストアンサー
  • SPS700
  • ベストアンサー率46% (15295/33014)

1。ignoreとdismissはどう違うのでしょうか?  ignore とは「無視する」(なんとも言わない)  dismiss とは「相手にしない」(そんなの馬鹿馬鹿しい、という) 2。I have three terms of it left in meの意味  こういうのが私には3学期残されている > (私がいなくなれば、形勢は悪化するだけだと彼女も私も思う、でも)こういうのが続くと、私に3学期も我慢ができる(とは思わない)





  • よろしくお願いします

    My niece got married recently. I gave them a family Bible. Having not heard from them, I asked them if they got it. Then they wrote and said they have not sent out thank-you's because they were waiting on pictures. She said she is working and hasn't had the time. I said, can't her husband help? I mean, if she has time to go to the gym, she has time to write thank-you's. waiting on picturesとはどういうことでしょうか?よろしくお願いします

  • "love you bunches"

    My wife of 25 years feels that emailing and texting male friends is nothing to be concerned about. By accident, I discovered she had visited one of these men when she was supposed to be at her girlfriend's for the weekend. She swears nothing happened. But I checked her laptop and found photographs of the two of them. When I asked about the pictures, she claimed she was planning to send them to me but never got around to it. We went for counseling after the weekend trip, and things calmed down for a while. She ceased communication with that guy, as far as I can tell. But I recently found email evidence that she is still communicating with the other guy she knew from high school. They close their emails with "love you bunches" or "xxxoooxxx," and I found one that said, "Good night, Sexy." bunchesはどのような意味でしょうか?よろしくお願いします

  • parse

    (相談投稿) Hi Carolyn: My friend's boyfriend passed away last week and the funeral is tomorrow. My friend told her roommate that she didn't want her friends going to the funeral if they were going just for her, and I'm torn on whether to go. Although I liked her boyfriend and considered him a friend, my connection to him was through her and I would mostly go to support her. I want to respect her wishes, but I'm also worried that not going is the wrong thing, and that she will look back and be upset I wasn't there. The service is being held six hours away from me, so I've got to figure it out today. -- To Go or Not to Go Maybe it's just me, but I find "her wishes" almost impossible to parse. parseは「理解する」くらいで良いでしょうか?よろしくお願いします

  • よろしくお願いします

    Q. Fertile Cats: My wife and I just acquired two kittens, a male and a female. I had assumed we would get them fixed, but my wife thinks that is cruel. She said that we can keep them separated during heat, which apparently is how her family handles fertile cats. To me, that sounds much more cruel than neutering, but my wife doesn’t see it that way. Is there any way to reason with her? fixedとは何をなおすのでしょうか?よろしくお願いします

  • 英語のメール

    ペンパルからのメールです。 自分のペット(犬とねずみ)の話なのですが、詳しく教えてください。 英語圏の人ではないので、よくスペルミスをする人なのですが、たぶん間違いだろうと思うところは直しました。 I have a dog and a rat. I know You may not like rats, but this one is different - he's very clean animal- just like cat. I did not planned to have a rat, but after my dog was operated ("Ruda" - ルダ - redhead, because she's redhead like a fox) she changed a lot. My dog became very pessimistic, started to think about life and death. All i want to say is that i felt like i lost my dog- she was staring at the window day after day. So to help her with her depression i gave her little rat to raise. That moment changed everything. Now they are good friends, rat fall asleep laying on her back:). They are both great and they make my parents laugh what is important.  Well i planned to put a cat between them, but my dog did not agree it:).

  • よろしくお願いします

    My roommate is a very dear friend whom I have known since I was 2 years old. About a year ago, she started dating another friend of mine (I introduced them). Last weekend, I found out that last year (around two weeks after they became an “exclusive” couple) my roommate’s boyfriend cheated on her with another one of our good girlfriends. They were caught after the fact by some other people at the party they were at. My roommate couldn’t be there because she was sick. Apparently, he planned to tell my roommate the next day, but the girl he cheated with convinced him not to. Besides my roommate, I am the last person in my group of friends to know about this. I don’t think I can live with her and also myself knowing that this happened while she does not. I really think she would want to know not just because she’s been cheated on, but because she considers that girl a really good friend. Would it be within my right to tell my roommate’s boyfriend that I know about what happened, I’m not going to keep his secret, and that he needs to tell her ASAP? Otherwise, I’ve watched him be a fantastic partner to her and I know how much they love each other. This hookup was really an isolated, drunken mistake. I don’t want to cause drama or insert myself into other people’s business. I just want to do right by my friend. 1 They were caught after the fact by some other people at the party they were at.の和訳を教えてください。 2 I’ve watched him be a fantastic partner to herの和訳を教えてください。 3 ここでのdramaはどのような意味でしょうか? 4 do right by my friendの意味を教えてください。 以上、よろしくお願いします

  • grow absent

    I had my daughter about six months ago. In my circle of friends I’m the only to have a baby, so needless to say she gets a lot of attention. One friend in particular seems to be a little obsessed with her, and it kind of freaks me and my husband out. She’s constantly buying things for her, referring to herself as her godmother (she’s not, my sister is, and she knows it). She asks for pictures of her throughout the day to help get her through work, and mentions that while she’s looking for a new job she would never relocate because she wants to be near my daughter. And recently when she comes over, she asks if she can wear her in my baby carrier so people will think she’s her child! I appreciate that she is so supportive of us, and I know most people find their childless friends grow absent once they have a baby, but this is just a little over the top. grow absentはどのような意味でしょうか?よろしくお願いします

  • よろしくお願いします

    I am a 24-year-old college graduate in my first serious romantic relationship. My experience with girls before this was extremely limited. I've been dating my girlfriend for over six months now, and she is wonderful. However, her weight has always been a minor issue in the back of my mind: She is not fat but she has a few extra pounds and this can be seen more when she's wearing fewer clothes. I love her and would never ask or demand her to change just for me, but I've been thinking more and more about how her weight bothers me a little bit. I'm a very thin guy and have naturally gravitated physically toward thinner girls. Until now, I have avoided talking about the matter with my girlfriend except in general terms about others, or the few times she has brought up and engaged with me directly on the matter. When her doctor told her she needed to lose some weight to be healthier, she was upset, although she did not disagree. So I spoke to my therapist and my roommate, and although they're both men, they both thought that if it was something on my mind and was making me a little uneasy that I should bring it up with her. I did, and she did not respond with as much understanding as I hoped. She felt hurt and a little violated, like the one guy who's supposed to love and accept her and find her beautiful just the way she is was attacking a part of her identity. She was shocked, confused and taken aback. She tried to explain how some issues are so sensitive, touchy and personal for women that they should never really be brought up for the sake of the satisfaction in the relationship. In all fairness, I did bring it up a little suddenly and not in the most tactful or direct way, but I didn't know how else to start a hard, uncomfortable conversation I was not looking forward to. She has genes that make it easier for her to gain weight and harder to lose. She has recently started going to the gym, and I was trying to support and encourage her to go more consistently. My question for you is: Was I wrong for not being sensitive to how women think? Should I have let it go if I considered it a smaller issue in our relationship? Would it have made a difference if I spoke to another woman to ask her thoughts beforehand on if and how I should bring this up with my girlfriend? Did I need to? I love her and she is very big on being honest and open and comfortable in trusting each other. Our relationship never hinged on her weight, but I just want to come out stronger. they both thought that if it was something on my mind and was making me a little uneasy that I should bring it up with her.のところはifをthat節で受けているのでしょうか?thatの代わりにコンマの方が自然ではないのでしょうか?あと、come out strongerはどのような意味でしょうか?よろしくお願いします

  • off at a university

    My daughter is 19. Her boyfriend is 18. Over the summer, they were busted for smoking marijuana in her car. The officer gave them the option of letting just one of them take the fall. My daughter volunteered; I considered this a very bad decision. If this gets on her record she will lose her financial aid and college will be, if not impossible, very, very hard. Her boyfriend, however, comes from a very well-heeled family. Regardless, she said that she would take the citation and he would pay the fine. Well, the case has now been heard and it was plea bargained down to a lower offense, but it comes with probation and $700 in costs/attorney's fees. Her boyfriend has paid her $200. She says she is fine with that. I am NOT fine with that. He's well-off. She is broke, and is working while going to a local college. He's off at a university, and I think she's worried that if she makes a big deal about this, he'll reconsider the relationship. off at a universityはどのような意味でしょうか?よろしくお願いします

  • singled out

    Dear Annie: I have an 88-year-old friend who can't hear and refuses to get tested for a hearing aid. I have talked with her many times about this situation, but she either makes excuses about her hearing problem or gets angry and refuses to discuss the issue. She just smiles and nods when people try to talk to her or tells them she can't understand them. Talking on the phone with her is impossible. And her hearing problem has gotten her into trouble when she's at appointments with doctors, as she sometimes misses what they tell her. The cost is not an issue, because she could easily afford hearing aids, and I have offered to drive her to any appointments. You cannot have a conversation with her, and she is becoming more isolated and distracted in her interactions with others. I am losing patience with her. Help! -- Frustrated Friend Dear Frustrated Friend: Denial can be a dangerous coping mechanism, but it's a coping mechanism nonetheless -- so your friend will cling to it until she's ready to let go. Continue encouraging her to get her hearing tested, and even suggest getting your own hearing checked at the same time. If she were to feel less singled out, she might feel less defensive and more open to the idea. If she were to feel less singled outの意味を教えてください。よろしくお願いします