• ベストアンサー



  • ベストアンサー
  • 92128bwsd
  • ベストアンサー率58% (2275/3919)

don't get ~ wrongの場合殆どのケースが、don't get me wrong。(自分がその前に言ったことに対して)勘違いしないでね。その後にbutがつくことが多いです。 Don't get me wrong but the fact that I can't speak English well doesn't necessarily mean all other Japanese can't (speak it). もし、自分が言ったことに対してと言うことでなく、純粋に「勘違いしないでね」であれば、 Don't consider all other Japanese also can't speak English well only because I can't, (just in case). just in case は念のため。これを付けると、まさかとは思うけど、念のためいっとくと、見たいな意味になります。


  • 英語の翻訳をお願いします

    Just because we don't talk to each other doesn't mean I don't think about you. I just try to distance myself because I know I cann't have you.

  • 「○○というわけではない」と「○○とは限らない」

    日本語を1年勉強しているアメリカ人の友達に、(1)「○○というわけではない」(It does not mean that...)と(2)「○○とは限らない」(It is not necessarily the case that...)は何が違うのか、と聞かれたのですが答えられませんでした。。 (1)の例文では I don't speak English much, but It does not mean that I can't speak it. (2)の例文では It is not necessarily the case that, all Japanese high school students do nothing but study. でした。何が違うのでしょうか??できたら教えていただけませんか?

  • 英語 和訳

    When you visit other countries, you should understand that people do things differently. However, because somethig is different, it doesn't mean that it's good or bad. 和訳お願いします

  • 英作文です。どなたかよろしくお願いします。

    「マークは練習しないので、 上手にサッカーをすることができない」解答はBecause Mare doesn't practice, he can't play soccer well.です 私の解答はMark doesn't practice, so can't play soccer well.間違いの解説していただけますか?

  • 翻訳お願いします

    OK Well you should have told me you bought that driver because I have already mailed as I didn't know that was you, and by the way would you mind please giving me your shipping address as it should look on the front of the package, I could not figure it out by the way it is on paypal it just looks funny there to me but then I don't live in Japan so I don't know how you guys do it so please show me exactly how it should look on the front of the package, Thanks.

  • 翻訳お願いします。盗まれたり落としたら

    入国審査官に対して、「入国審査が終わったら、ATmでクレジットカードでいくらか現金をおろします。あまり大金を財布に入れて持ち歩きたくないんですよ。財布を盗まれたり落としたらいやなので。そう思いませんか?」 After immigration, I'll withdrow some cash at an ATM by my credit card.I'd rather not carry around much money in my wallet because I don't wan tot either get may wallet stolen or to lose it. Don't yoou think so? 良い表現が(特にあまり大金を財布に入れて持ち歩きたくないんですよ。財布を盗まれたり落としたらいやなので)の部分なのですが、訳して頂きたく思います。 宜しくお願いします。

  • 英訳をお願いします

    次の日本語を英語にしてもらえないでしょうか? ・誤解しないで欲しい、多くの日本人は日本の外交がおかしいと思っている Please Don't be missed, many Japanese people thinks that the Japanese government are not properly in relationship with foreiners.

  • 翻訳をお願いします。

    宗教の話をしていました。 情報が足りないので、翻訳しにくいとは思いますがよろしくお願いいたします。 以下の文です!! I think you should definitely NOT trust these people, if I may. These kind of people usually trick others who suffer for a lost one, and are so incredibly mean. One of the most terrible things a person can do is to play with others feelings. It's just SO incredibly mean. If I were there, I would have had a couple of not-so-friendly words to tell these men/women. And it would have not been a good day for them, I can ensure you. I just can't bear who does these things, they make me SO incredibly angry! I totally agree with you. Yes, things can't always go well, but morning always comes :) And generally, there always are tiny little things that can make us happy. That's my opinion at least. I am catholic so I believe everyone has a soul. I also believe that this soul doesn't get lost when someone dies, as we will ...uhm..meet again someday, somewhere...i guess :) but certainly I do not believe in ghosts, I don't believe dead souls have fun scaring people or telling unlikely people to take money from others. What I mean is, even if you lose someone, that person will always be with you. Caring about you, in a certain sense, but not in the same sense those 2 idiots mean. For sure they cannot talk with dead souls or things like that. So, yes, you should tell your friend. I think she can understand, just explain your feelings quietly and with an open heart. Tell her that you don't think these people know what your grandmother feels, because you already know, feeling her close to you everyday. You are the one who knows these kind of things better than anybody else, so, extraneous people as such can't know it better than you :) Just be honest and calm, I think she will understand :)

  • 英文の添削をお願いします。「日本語が話せなくてもいいですか?」・・

    現在、知人に頼まれ美容室のホームページを作っています。 「よくある質問」のページに一箇所だけ英文を載せたいので、下記の文の添削をお願いします。 日本語 質問:私は日本語が出来ません。それでもやってくれますか? 解答:もちろん可能ですが、できましたら日本語のわかる方の同伴をお願い致します。 私の英文・・・ Q:I do not speak Japanese well. Can I still have you do it? A: Sure, certainly. but we can't speak English. If possible, please come with the person who can speak Japanese. よろしくお願いします。

  • 翻訳お願いします。短い英文です。

    Ok ok I send it one time… and may be it lost I don’t understand because the other to Japan reach before ! ↑の翻訳お願いします。 郵便物が届かないので催促したら返ってきたメールです。 日本に届いていたら、恐らく3ヶ月はどこかに保管されていると思いますが・・・・・・。 「探し出せ・・・・・・」と言うことなのでしょうか?