• ベストアンサー
※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:和訳をよろしくお願いします)

How to prepare for the arrival of a newborn


  • SPS700
  • ベストアンサー率46% (15295/33014)

1。 赤ん坊を生むにはお金がかかる。お襁褓、ワンジー(上下服)、カーシート、毛布、小さなタオル、ティッシュ、などなど、赤ちゃんが産まれるまでに用意しなければならないものは沢山ある。  生まれる前の両親は赤ちゃんのための小さな赤ちゃん服や靴下、などの買い物を楽しむ。  確かに赤ちゃんの必要とするあらゆる需要に応える準備をしておきたいのは山々だが、給料でそれを賄うにはいくら倹約しても限度がある。 2。直訳  あなたが給料の小切手を引き延ばすのはある点までだけが可能である  意訳、  給料でもらう金を(ゴムのように)いくら引っ張っても(いつかは切れるように)限界がある





  • 英文の和訳をお願いいたします。

    To save us both a lot of time and trouble I will pay the shipping to return the razor to you and ask for a refund of $410USD to my Paypal account. You can keep the other $54USD to cover your time for shipping and handling.

  • 和訳お願いします。 paypal関連です。

    先日、ebayで買い物をしたのですが、支払ページで料金を支払おうとしたのですが、 One or more of the items below cannot be purchased because the seller has not specified shipping costs to the location selected. Change your address or remove the items to continue. You may also contact the seller for an exception. と表示されていて、支払不可能だったので、私から出品者に次のようなメールを送りました。 I have one problem. I try to pay on ebay, but I can not pay when I change my address. I want you to ship Japan. so, is it possible to estimate shipping cost to Japan? and, is it possible send me the invoice again? Thank you. そうすると、出品者から以下のような返事がきました。 It is possible that it is Paypal that won't let you pay. Rather than changing your address as you pay the invoice, go to your Paypal account and I think you can add a shipping address that can be different. Your payment address much match your credit card address - if you change that, the system won't let you pay. It would help me if you could make this change of address, then when I print the shipping label, your address is automatically filled in. Because of my teaching schedule this week, I won't be able to mail this until Thursday or Friday. I will send you another invoice for shipment to Japan. Thank you, とのことなのですが、 It is possible that it is Paypal that won't let you pay. Rather than changing your address as you pay the invoice, go to your Paypal account and I think you can add a shipping address that can be different. Your payment address much match your credit card address - if you change that, the system won't let you pay. のところの意味があやふやで不安です。 このまま、木曜日か金曜日までまってればいいとのことでしょうか? 質問ばかりですみませんが、英語に詳しい方よろしくお願いします。

  • 和訳お願いします!!!!!!!

    We put you on the waiting list for the first flight leaving on the 7th. In the case that this can get confirmed, you will need to pay a penalty of 30.00Bs by the time you check in due to the change of time. If you can please keep in touch with us and contact us the day before in order to know whether your flight got confirmed for the morning one or not.

  • 至急!和訳お願いします!

    「We attach to you a copy. We can try to change your booking to the new date of travel, only (depending on avaliability and prices for the new date). Please, can you tell us the new date? We will answer to you a.s.a.p.」 新しい日程を教えてください。は理解しました。 宜しくお願いします。

  • 和訳して下さい(ホテルからのメール)(2)

    いつもお世話になっております。 過去ご回答頂きました皆様はありがとうございました。 宿泊予約中の海外ホテルからの 返信メールですが 申し訳ありませんが和訳お願い致します。。 Further to your email, kindly to advice that we can make booking for you for the Orang Utan tour at Shang Ri-La Rasa Ria Resort. Kindly advice your prefered tour date and time in order for me to arrange. Fo y our information, tour session available twice a day only. First session will at 10am and secind session will be at 2PM. As of your room booking, we will allocate 01 baby cot for you.

  • 和訳お願いいたします

    It was my pleasure to look for your hair dryer ... this way it made me feel I could do something for you and that makes me very happy. Of course you can use my towels. Actually I also have an extra bath robe you can use. You can use everything in my house ... please consider my house as your home for Do we take off our shoes when we enter the house? Generally speaking ... no. But in my house yes. I always take of my shoes when I enter the house and put on my slippers. And I also ask everybody who enters to do this. (I will prepare slippers for you). So in the house I walk around with my slippers and to go to the bedroom I take off my slippers. But I think in Japanese house it's a little bit different. The part of the house where you can't wear shoes, the floor is a little bit higher, no? Can you be honest ... have you never walked in your house with your shoes? Really never? You were never a naught girl? hahaha

  • 和訳が分かりません。

    下記の英文の和訳をお願いします>< ・It is clear that the starting point for internationalization and the development of a sense of being a world citizen is the attitude each of one of you takes. ・The greater your knowledge and understanding, the more you can contribute, not only by the firmness of your own beliefs, but by your ability to set an example for others. ・No organized system induces people to take the next step to a concern about the world and humanity as a whole, even though ir is now quite evident that the unit of survival is becoming, not the individual country, but the world as a whole. ・It is not at all surprising that the Japanese should have developed one of the most distinctive cultures in the world and particularly strong sense of self-identity.

  • 和訳お願いいたします。

    Another week has gone by ... 3 more weeks and I'll be waiting for you at the airport :) Maybe I'm a bit selfish ... but I don't mind to come to Paris and pick you up ... because then I can see you 2-3 hours sooner ... hahaha The weather is getting colder again ... this morning it was only 5 degrees when I went running. So you can expect the temperature to be between 5-10 degrees when you come. So you might want to bring gloves, scarf, ear muffins or something to keep your head warm. I can only image that you will look very cute in winter clothes :) Oh I also gave myself a little bit of homework. I downloaded a picture dictionary so if you need something that I can understand you. So if you ask for an extra "mofu" ... that you don't stay cold. Or when you need to set your "mezamashi dokei" that I understand what you're saying. But I think your home work was much easier :( Actually I wanted to cook a nice diner for you ... but since your visit is only very short, I took the liberty to arrange diner is some nice restaurants. I hope you don't mind and that you will like the food.

  • 和訳をお願いします。

    どなたか、和訳をお願いします。 「Thank you for taking the time to speak with me about your resume and search for new employment opportunities earlier this morning, it was appreciated. As per our conversation, attached you will find the application for employment with △△for you to complete and return to me at your convenience. I will let you know as soon as any other opportunities arise that you may be a good fit for.」

  • 和訳お願いします。

    イギリスのサイトからネットショッピングしたのですが、間違った商品が届いたので返品しました。 以下のメールが届きました。 I will be more than happy to offer this as a credit and free shipping for your next order. Unless of course you want a full refund including your return postage to us. If you prefer the credit note, when ordering your next order please write it down the following: Credit Note and free shipping due to the item from this order. If you rather have a full refund, I need to get your credit card details from you as we don't keep them on file once an order is processed. You also have the option to place a new order in the website for a T-shirt ( don't worry you will not be charged for the T-shirt) and write in the space for the Notes REFUND so I can get your credit card details safely.