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※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:日本語への翻訳をお願いします)



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早速のご回答ありがとうございます。 とても分かりやすく翻訳して頂き、助かりました。


  • 日本語にして下さい

    That sounds like fun. I am glad you have good weather there. I spend most of my spare time at the gym. That keeps me busy other than working. I miss my kids. And I feel so lonely sometimes. I wish you live closer to me. Lol

  • 英語の長文を日本語に翻訳お願いします。

    During September and October 1905 it was decided, at Denzaburo’s request, that Kaoru Inoue, amajor political figure in Japan at the time, who was also highly influential in the business would, would act as arbitrator to decide on the distribution of funds to the two men who were to become independent. Inoue had Denzaburo,Kotaro, and Fusanosuke hand him formal letters of agreement that they would raise no objection to his decision. Inoue valued the assets of Fujitagumi and Co. at ¥18,920,000, and proposed that Kotaro and Fusanosuke would each receive 25% of this figure – a sum proportional to their investment. This came to ¥4,730,000, to each of them, to be paid in annual installments over a period of 10 years. These sums were paid from the accounts of Fujitagumi and Co. from 1906 through 1915. Prior to this arbitration decision Fusanosuke had argued, unsuccessfully, that it would not be unreasonable to value the assets of Fujita and Co. as high as ¥40 million, but that he would be willing to set the figure at ¥24 million, and accept 25% of this, namely ¥6 million. Out of consideration for Fusanosuke’s dissatisfaction with the arbitration, Inoue arranged for the Mitsui Bank to furnish Fusanosuke with a loan of ¥4.5 million, on the security of his share of the fund allocation from Fujitagumi and Co.

  • 英語を日本語に翻訳して欲しいです。

    英文を日本語訳にして頂けますか。 about your requested on the different species, a lot of those species we are not allow to export them from Florida and even to touch them$B!D(B i know a lot of those species are been exporter thru California and now is been more restriction on a lot of the turtles i'm not going to be able to help you with that on lizard yes some of them i get them from time to time$B!D(B please send your complete order and as you want to proceed with the order... お願いします。

  • 日本語訳(翻訳)をよろしくお願いいたします。

    日本語訳(翻訳)をよろしくお願いいたします。 6月3日の昼過ぎまでによろしくお願いいたします。 (翻訳サイトなどを使用した訳はご遠慮願います) ↓↓ IN SCIENCE NEWS: A recent study has given strong evidence that all humans have a common African ancestor. The study says a common ancestor first appeared in Africa about 170,000 years ago. The study also says that humans left Africa to populate other parts of the world about 50,000 years ago. The study was done at the University of Uppsala in Sweden. Researchers looked at the DNA of 53 people from all over the world. The chief researcher of the study said looking at the DNA of each person permitted researchers to find their genetic ancestry.

  • 日本語訳をお願いいたします。

    At closer range, Weddigen discovered three old Royal Navy armoured cruisers, HMS Aboukir, HMS Cressy, and HMS Hogue. These three vessels were not merely antiquated, but were staffed mostly by reservists, and were so clearly vulnerable that a decision to withdraw them was already filtering up through the bureaucracy of the Admiralty. The order did not come soon enough for the ships. Weddigen sent one torpedo into Aboukir. The captains of Hogue and Cressy assumed Aboukir had struck a mine and came up to assist. U 9 put two torpedoes into Hogue, and then hit Cressy with two more torpedoes as the cruiser tried to flee. The three cruisers sank in less than an hour, killing 1,460 British sailors.

  • 翻訳お願いします。

    翻訳お願いします。 (1)But all the models suggest some impact on the distribution of precipitation. (2)The main reason why geo-engineering is supported by many in the scientific community is that most researchers have little faith in the ability of politicians to agree ー and then bring in ー the necessary carbon cuts.

  • 日本語に翻訳してくれていただけませんが

    I have passed the interview of NEC internship and will begin the job in 8.22. So I cannot take your(company) internship and feel realy sorry. That it, I want to refuse the offer and what to say is the most polite way?(In Japanese) Thank you very much!!!!!!!!!

  • 日本語訳を教えてください。

    大学のゼミの資料の一部です。日本語訳を教えてください。 Increasing numbers of revolutinaries have begun to recognize that "the revolution" is not going to come as some great apocalyptic moment, the storming of some global equivalent of the the Winter Palace, but a very long process that has been going on for most of human history [even if it has like most things come to accelerate of late] full of strategies of flight and evasion as much as dramatic confrontations, and which will never-indeed, most anarchists feel , should never-com to a definitive conclusion.

  • 英文の日本語訳をお願いします。

    以下の英文を自分なりに訳してみたのですがよくわかりません。 訂正をお願いします。 (1)That was no longer the case. それはもはや事実ではない。 (2)Another example of a benefit came when people wanted to compare prices. 人々が価格を比較したかったときに利益のもう一つの例が生じた。 (3)Before the euro was intoroduced, if people wanted to compare the prices of, say, accommodation in those countries, ユーロが導入される以前、(以下はどう訳せばよいのかわかりません…) (4)they had to do complicated calculations,. それらは複雑な計算をしなければならなかった。 (5)Afterwards, that was no longer neccessary. あとがきで、それはもはや必要なかった。 (6)Of course, the euro was not intoroduced to benefit tourists. もちろん、ユーロは利益観光客に導入されなかった。 (7)Its aim was to draw EU members closer together and make business easier. そのねらいはEU加盟国と利益観光客をより近くにひきつける、そして業務をより簡単にするためだった。 (8)But there is no doubt that travelers, too, have benefited greatly from the introduction of this new currency. しかし観光客もこの新しい通貨の導入から大いに利益を得ているということは疑いがない。 (1)~(8)の文はつながっています。 文法や連語なども教えていただけると嬉しいです。 よろしくお願いします。

  • 翻訳をお願い致します。

    It’s all part of a government scheme to address the country’s unique housing crisis. A 2013 government report found that there were more than eight million abandoned dwellings littered throughout Japan, many of them located in regional areas or in the outskirts of major cities, The Japan Times reported. Fujitsu Research Institute has projected that that number will grow to more than 20 million by 2033—making up almost a third of all homes nationwide. It’s understood that Japan’s akiya glut is due in part to the nation’s dramatically ageing population. As more and more Japanese citizens either kick the bucket or shuffle into retirement homes, an increasing number of houses around the country are being left empty without anyone to live in them. There aren’t enough young people around to fill the void, and those that are present are taking longer to have families.