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素直に読めば、「君にとって一番都合がいいのはいつんだ?」 となります。そんなことは文字通りですから、他の解釈を求めておられるのかもしれませんが、お示しのやりとりからはそれしか思い浮かびません。 of greatest profit については説明の必要はないでしょうが、of + 名詞 → 形容詞 というパターンで、つまり = profitable ということになります。





  • 英文法と訳について

    What am I listening to? You don't recognize that famous gravelly voice? I guess you young people wouldn't. It's Louis Armstrong singing "What a Wonderful World." No, doesn't ring any bells? Brings back so many lovely memories for me. 上記の英文のpeople wouldn'tのところのwouldn'tは仮定法ですか? Brings back so many lovely memories for me. この文に主語が無いのはなぜですか?主語を付けるとすればItですか?thatですか? He was one of the greatest improvisers jazz had ever seen, not only when playing the trumpet but when singing, too. Ever heard of scat singing? It's where you sing using sounds, not actual words and lyrics: shoo-doo-shoo-bee-ooo-bee. That sort of thing. 上記の英文で He was one of the greatest improvisers jazz had ever seen、 とありますが He was one of the greatest improvisers +jazz had ever seen ということで、ジャズでかつて見たことの無いもっとも偉大な即興演奏家の一人だった。 と言う訳し方でいいのですか? not only when playing the trumpet but when singing,too 上の文のwhen playingと when singingはそれぞれ助動詞 isが省かれてるのですか? not only when playing the trumpet but when singing,tooは、どう訳していけばいいのですか? Ever heard of scat singing?は Have youが省略されているんですか? 教えて下さい。宜しくお願いします。

  • 翻訳お願いします><

    Multiple camera angles are used to deconstruct the space as well as time, so each time we revisit the passage of play, it is the same moment of time presented from a different perpective. It does seem rrather overstating the case to call the slow-motion replay in a spoting event a synchronic deconstruction, and yet it is undeniable that something is happening to our sense of time when these 'sub-texts' are presented. Threre is this compulsion to analyse when we witness the slow motion - we are being told that this is a moment of significance and worthy of closer, slower examination. The telecast itself takes such interruptions and rather than losing the sense of the immediacy of the images actually strengthens that sense. 英語できるかた宜しくおねがいします。

  • 英作文お願いします ネットショッピングで

    海外個人輸入(ネット)で買い物したのですが、在庫切れと返信が来ました。納期がかかってもいいので、注文を継続したいのですがどのように英作文をすればいいでしょうか?サイト上では、awaiting customer - orderedになっているので、返信が必要ですが上手く英文が作れず困っています。 --- We regret to inform you that there will be a delay until the end of February for the ○○○, this is when it is due to come off of the production run at the factory, however this may very well be sooner. May we please ask you to confirm whether you wish to wait for the ○○○,once again we are very sorry for the delay. *** Please note that we will not proceed with this order until we have received your instructions. *** ---

  • That’s big of him.

    Q: Invalid Marriage: We recently found out that my “husband” is still married to his first wife. I feel like a fraud and want to get an annulment. My “husband” feels like it’s no big deal. It’s a big deal to me. What say you, Prudence? A: Someone who marries his second wife while still married to his first wife is someone who would say bigamy is no big deal. That’s big of him. That’s big of him.はどのような意味でしょうか?よろしくお願いします

  • 期限ギリギリまで待ってというのを丁寧に英語では?

    特許事務所で働いています。 外国の代理人へ「返事はあなたの引いた期限(日付A)では無理なので、実際の期限(日付B)までだとどのくらい待ってもらえますか?」と伝えたいのです。 We are sorry to say that we could not give you our instructions by the given deadline of A. Please let us know how long you could wait until the closest to the deadline of B. でOKでしょうか? お願いします。

  • 翻訳お願いします 英→日

    翻訳お願いします 英→日 First of all this is in the court As I said and we will wait for that process to finish to get a verdict. Secondly This is none of your fucking business and I do not need to answer anything to you

  • 翻訳をお願いします。

    翻訳をお願いします。 ebayで買主から商品が届かないと連絡がありました。 あと5日待って下さい。もし届かない場合は全額返金しますと連絡した際の返信です。 I inform you that i should ask to post office on the package, they notified to me that they could not help me, i have to wait the days that you mentioned me, that of being like that, if the package is not delivered, is returned to the sender really I want this plush, it is a gift of birthday for a friend. It will wait the days that you mentioned to me. I hope that I come near. Or if it is forwarded you, realize the sending with number of follow-up if inconvenience is not great, or as you said the reimbursement. its so bad cuz i want that plush :( for my friend i´ll write you when i have inform the last day, saturday よろしくお願いします。

  • どなたか翻訳していただけないでしょうか

    I missed on you . and I waited for you . To miss and wait is same ? For me is not present . When you wait , you do not wake up in five mornings, refusing the best dreams . Milk does not lose the taste . And when you miss ? yes "When day has ended , forget about everything that occurred . Never take with itself past luggage in new day .

  • 和訳をおねがいします

    長文の途中ですが、訳のとりかたがわからなかったので、 和訳をお願いします(><) The starting point for a better life is discovering that we have choices. Sadly, many people never make that discovery. They live in a country that offers a lot of freedom of choice, yet they live like prisoners, trapped by circumstances. I'm always amazed at some of the excuses people come up with for not taking advantage of life's opportunities to make new choices: not enough money, no time, wrong conditions, poor luck, lousy weather, too tired, bad mood, and the list gose on. But the truth is that they just don't see their choices. It's like being locked up somewhere and having a key in your pocket that'll set you free, but never using it simply because you don't know it's there. You have more choices than you ever dreamed possible. The key is knowing that they're there―every day of your life. We live by choice, not by chance. It isn't what happens that's most important. It's how we deal with what happens. It's what we choose to think and we choose to do that are most important.

  • Obama Wins South Carolina Primary

    Mr. Obama did not mention his rivals by name, but alluded to his challenges ahead. “We are up against decades of bitter partisanship that cause politicians to demonize their opponents instead of coming together,” he said. As the crowd cheered, he added: “It’s the kind of partisanship where you’re not even allowed to say that a Republican had an idea -- even if it’s one you never agreed with. That kind of politics is bad for our party, it’s bad for our country.” >“It’s the kind of partisanship where you’re not even allowed to say that a Republican had an idea -- even if it’s one you never agreed with. ” この部分が何を言おうとしているのか漠然としていていまひとつで、訳をしようとしましたができません。 文章構造も知りたいですが概略でも結構ですのでお願いします。