• ベストアンサー
※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:Lateral Thinking (1))

Lateral Thinking: A Merchant's Dilemma


  • ベストアンサー
  • bakansky
  • ベストアンサー率48% (3502/7245)

> fate of her and her father,もしくはher fate and father'sとしても同じ意味ですか?  前者については、fate of her でなくて the fate of her とすれば、少なくとも意味は同じになると思います。  後者については、the daughter and her father's fate なら 娘とその父親 を一体のものとして扱っていることになるとは思います。しかし her fate and father's というふうに分離するくらいなら、the fate of her and that of her father とする方が自然に感じられます。でも、「同じ意味をこうも表現できるか」 という問いではなくて、「こういう意味か?」 という問いであれば、人によっては、「まぁそんなところだ」 と答えられるかもしれません。意味は正しく理解されているということがはっきりしていますから。



回答してくださってありがとうございます! fate of her and her fatherは the fate of her ~とする必要があるのですね。 her fate and father'sはthe fate of her and that of her father とするのが自然なのですね。 勉強になりました!


  • Lateral Thinking (2)

    『Lateral Thinking (1) 』の続きになります。 What type of thinking would you use to solve the problem? You may believe that careful logical analysis must solve the problem if there is a solution. This type of thinking is straightforward vertical thinking. The other type of thinking is lateral thinking. Vertical thinkers are not usually of much help to a girl in this situation. The way they analyse it, there are three possibilities: 1. The girl should refuse to take pebble. 2. The girl should show that there are two black pebbles in the bag and expose the money-lender as a cheat. 3. The girl should take a black pebble and sacrifice herself in order to save her father from prison. None of the suggestions is very helpful, for if the girl does not take a pebble her father goes to prison, and if she does take a pebble, then she has to marry the money-lender. straightforward vertical thinkingの箇所なのですが、 vertical でそもそも”垂直の”という意味だと思うのですが、それにstraightforward(まっすぐな)という形容詞をつけている理由がよくわかりません。 ここのstraightforwardは何か別の意味なのでしょうか? よろしくお願いいたします。

  • Lateral Thinking (3)

    『Lateral Thinking (2)』 の続きになります。 The story shows the difference between vertical thinking and lateral thinking. Vertical thinkers are concerned with the fact that the girl has to take a pebble. Lateral thinkers become concerned with the pebble that is left behind. Vertical thinkers take the most reasonable view of a situation and then proceed logically and carefully to work it out. Lateral thinkers tend to explore all the different ways of looking at something, rather than accepting the most promising and proceeding from that. The girl in the pebble story put her hand into the money bag and drew out a pebble. Without looking at it she fumbled and let it fall to the path where it was immediately lost among all the others. "Oh, how clumsy of me," she said, "but never mind--if you look into the bag you will be able to tell which pebble I took by the colour of the one that is left." itとthatが指すものを教えてください。 1)Vertical thinkers take the most reasonable view of a situation and then proceed logically and carefully to work it out. itはthe most reasonable view of a situationですか? 2)Lateral thinkers tend to explore all the different ways of looking at something, rather than accepting the most promising and proceeding from that. thatはsomethingですか? よろしくお願いいたします。

  • 英語の和訳です。お願いします!!

     I was doing some last-minute Christmas shopping in a toy store and decided to look at Barbie dolls for my nieces. A nicely dressed little girl was excitedly looking through the Barbie dolls as well, with a roll of money clamped tightly in her little hand. When she came upon a Barbie she liked, she would turn and ask her father if she had enough money to buy it. He usually said "yes," but she would keep looking and keep going through their ritual of "do I have enough?"  As she was looking, a little boy wandered in across the aisle and started sorting through the Pokemon toys. He was dressed neatly, but in clothes that were obviously rather worn, and wearing a jacket that was probably a couple of sizes too small. He too had money in his hand, but it looked to be no more than five dollars or so at the most. He was with his father as well, and kept picking up the Pokemon video toys. Each time he picked one up and looked at his father, his father shook his head,"no".

  • この英文添削をお願いします。

    以下の私の英文チェックをお願いできますか? (1)だからこそ父の言葉は彼女の胸に響いた。 That's why her father's words have touched her heart. (2)父は自らそれを止めたと思っているだろうが、もともと彼女にはそれをしようという気持ちはなかった。彼は彼女の気持ちがわからなかったのだろうか?父は娘のことをわかっているようで、でもまだ彼女がどういう人物なのかわかっていなかったのかもしれない。 Her father thought he stopped it but that not true. She was not going to do it. Didn't he know how she felt? He believed that he knew his daughter very well and he thought he knew what kind of person she is, but actually not. (3)それでも彼女の父に対する感謝の気持ちは残っている。 Even if, her feeling of gratitude to her father is still remaining. (4)しかし彼女の混乱した気持ちを整理するには時間が必要だった。 However, she did have to take a time to comoise (?) her thoughts. すみませんがよろしくお願いいたします。

  • この英文にわからないところがあります

    下の文を読んでいて、下から2行目のthat doesn't mean の意味がわかりません。会話文の前半は「ただあなたの話がおもしろいと思わないだけよ。」と言っていると思うのですが。よろしくお願いいたします。 Anything she told you immediately became exciting. Sameness bored her and she would jump from on subject to another in a way that sometimes made her conversation bewildering. As my father used to tell her, she had absolutely no sense of humour. To that accusation she would protest in an injured voice: "Just because I don't think certain stories of yours are funny, Fred, that doesn't mean...," and my father would roar with laughter. 訳だけではなく(全訳はいりません。that doesn't mean のところだけでいいです。)、考え方も教えていただけると嬉しいです。よろしくお願いいたします!

  • よろしくお願いします

    My mother died 10 years ago. My father, "Lucifer," started dating "Rebecca" within a week of my mom's funeral. After two years, my father informed me that he was going to disinherit my brother and me in favor of "Rebecca" and her three spawn. I begged my father not to do this, and told him he'd never see me or my kids again if he married her and disinherited us. He said he didn't care, and went ahead. Fast-forward to the present. Rebecca has died, and Lucifer is trying to "mend fences." Meanwhile, he admitted to me that he has spent my mother's entire trust on Rebecca and her three spawn, so I am out the money I was supposed to get from my deceased mother after my father died. 1 ここでのspawnはどのような意味でしょうか? 2 entire trustのtrustはどのような意味でしょうか? 3 out the moneyはどのような意味でしょうか? 以上、よろしくお願いします

  • よろしくお願いします

    Once upon a time a daughter complained to her father that her life was miserable and that she didn’t know how she was going to make it. She was tired of fighting and struggling all the time. It seemed just as one problem was solved, another one soon followed. Her father, a chef, took her to the kitchen. He filled three pots with water and placed each on a high fire. Once the three pots began to boil, he placed potatoes in one pot, eggs in the second pot, and ground coffee beans in the third pot. He then let them sit and boil, without saying a word to his daughter. The daughter, moaned and impatiently waited, wondering what he was doing. After twenty minutes he turned off the burners. He took the potatoes out of the pot and placed them in a bowl. He pulled the boiled eggs out and placed them in a bowl. He then ladled the coffee out and placed it in a cup. Turning to her he asked. “Daughter, what do you see?” “Potatoes, eggs, and coffee,” she hastily replied. “Look closer,” he said, “and touch the potatoes.” She did and noted that they were soft. He then asked her to take an egg and break it. After pulling off the shell, she observed the hard-boiled egg. Finally, he asked her to sip the coffee. Its rich aroma brought a smile to her face. high fireとladled the coffee outとpulling off the shellの意味を教えてください。よろしくお願いします

  • 仮定法?

    would の使い方がよくわかりません。どう訳したらよいでしょうか? Cindy has decided to go and work in Japan after she graduates,but her father wishes she would stay closer to home.

  • この英文は描出話法によるものなのでしょうか?

    次の一節はPearl Buckの短編小説を翻案して書かれた短編小説'The Beech Tree'の冒頭部分です。(検定教科書「Pro-Vision English CourseII」(桐原書店)収録の第5課の最初です。)   When Mary Lou came home from school, she found her father doing something new. With a big sheet of paper on the table, he was drawing lines on it with a ruler and a pencil. “What are you doing?” she asked. “I am going to build something.” Her father's response called for another question. “A playhouse?” Mary Lou always wanted to have a playhouse, and since her father was a carpenter, it would not be hard for him to make one for her. “I am going to build a room onto our house.” Her father now started to reveal the answer. “Your grandfather is coming to live with us.” Mary Lou got so excited at the news that she went upstairs to find her mother. She was sitting in the rocking chair, holding Timmie, Mary Lou's baby brother. “Mother, Grandfather is coming to live with us. Isn't that wonderful?” “I hope he will be happy here,” her mother said in a soft voice. “Why wouldn't he be happy?” Mary Lou asked. “Well, it's just that he's very old,” her mother said. 真ん中より少し前の since her father was a carpenter, it would not be hard for him to make one for her は以下のように解釈してよろしいのでしょうか。 ◎ Mary Louが心の中で思ったことをいわゆる描出話法で書いたもの 特に助動詞wouldをどう考えればいいのかで困っています。ご教示ください。

  • wouldの意味

    My mom used to be quite anti-smoking. She said she had never tried it and never wanted to, that it smelled terrible, and that it was like burning up money. Recently, I started noticing the smell of cigarette smoke on her. I peeked into her purse and found an opened cigarette pack! Why would she do this? Why would she do this?のwouldはどのような意味でしょうか?よろしくお願いします