• ベストアンサー



  • ベストアンサー

fescue:ウシノケグサ bluestem:ウシクサ と言う意味だそうです。 したがって、「バンカーやコースのまわりに生えている草地」という意味になります。



ありがとう御座いました。助かりました。 ゴルフ用語だと思いましたが間違いでした。


  • 英文解釈について

    以下の意味について教えてください。 Today more than half the population lives outside the city, more often than not in segregated worlds of housing tracts and office parks and shopping centers. わからないのは後半部分下記です。 more often than not in segregated worlds of housing tracts and office parks and shopping centers. よろしくお願いします。

  • どういう意味ですか?

    "Sumerians believed in many powerful gods, for the nature on which their agriculture depended often seemed swift and unpredictable." 歴史の本から。 この文の、"depended often seemed swift and unpredictable"の部分の意味がよくわかりません。

  • どうやって並べれば・・・?

    英語の問題で、 In Japan,people often perform activities in groups,and (Japanese people travel,more clearly than,nothing, shows this, the way in which). の( )の中の英語を並びかえる問題がありました。 わからないので、教えてください。どうやって訳すのかも教えて ください。よろしくお願いします。

  • not more than 12には、12がはいる?

    以下は、アメリカの食品規制法の一部です。この文脈で、12か月はinfantとchildのどちらになるでしょうか? For the purposes of the regulations in this part, the terms infant, child, and adult mean persons not more than 12 months old, more than 12 months but less than 12 years old, and 12 years or more old, respectively.

  • 和訳をよろしくお願いします

    An expatriate (often shortened to expat) is a person temporarily or permanently residing in a country other than their native country. In common usage, the term often refers to professionals, skilled workers, or artists taking positions outside their home country, either independently or sent abroad by their employers, who can be companies, universities, governments, or non-governmental organisations. Effectively migrant workers, they usually earn more than they would at home, and more than local employees. However, the term 'expatriate' is also used for retirees and others who have chosen to live outside their native country. Historically, it has also referred to exiles. 本記事はこちらをご覧ください。 https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Expatriate

  • 英語

    More than ever, women today are (C) their own. ①in②of③on④with どれがはいりますか。 分かりません。

  • 英語の語順について答えてください

    英語の語順のことで質問したいことがあります。 Ownership in the beast and in the primitive savage was (  ) than it is in the civilized workd today. という文で空欄に下の選択肢のうちのどれかを入れなければいけないのですが、どれが適切でしょうか? 選択肢としては 1)a more far intense thing 2)far a more intence 3)far more an intence thing 4)far more intence a thing です。 自分としては空欄に目的語が入ると考えて1)の選択肢が「a」から始まっているのでこれではないかと考えています。 できれば解説もしていただけると助かります。よろしくお願いします。

  • この英文の文法解釈

    Starbucks now has more than 250 stores in 10 Asian countries and is planning to more than double that by 2003 特に、二つ目のmore thanはdouble(動詞?)にかかる副詞でしょうか?

  • どなたか英語が分かる方よろしくお願いします。

    翻訳をしていただけたらと思っています。 どうぞよろしくお願いします。 In your future life together with this Soul Mate he will be quieter more reserved than you. You will often be the one to starts the conversation, or bring up topics for discussion more than him. But his opinion and advice will be very important to you, and you’ll seek it out. He will be the better educated and more bookish, or intellectual. He will have more know how and will seem to know more than you, or be able to find out more and to supply you with information when you need it for various things. You and he will hardly ever quarrel or be nasty and unpleasant with each other. But there may be many disagreements with those around you. You will always be tactful diplomatic careful and polite and loving with each other. You will have a similar mentality and communication will be one of the great strengths of this relationship.

  • 和訳お願いします。

    In the early 1800s, explorers in north america came back from the west with stories about a strange land with boiling mud, streaming lakes, and trees made of stones. The stories seemed incredible but they were true. The explorers had discovered Yellowstone. In 1892, it became America's and the world's first National Park. Today, more than two million people visit Yellowstone National Park every year. One of the most popular sights is it's famous geyser called Old Faithful, which erupts every 90 minutes, day and night. The park has more than 300other geysers more than 60% of all the geysers in the world. There are also pools of hot mud, and hot blue lakes with stream above them. Because Yellowstone is full of warm places in the winter, it is the homeofmany kinds of animals and plants. Visitors to the park have the opportunity to see wolves, bears, and , if they are lucky, a mountain lion. Just be careful where you walk: every year, some visitors are burned by hot mud or water.