• ベストアンサー

Evaluate Teachers?


  • ベストアンサー
  • cbm51901
  • ベストアンサー率67% (2671/3943)

For universities, there are "word-of-mouth" web communities such as below, where students of differenty universities share information on lectures and/or lecturers. [Ref] http://campus.nikki.ne.jp/ I am however not aware of any university that systematically takes surveys from students for evaluating their professors' performance. If there are, they are certainly in the minority. As for schools, I have never heard of performance evaluatio of teachers by their pupils.



Thanks for introducing an interesting site.


  • 和訳お願いします!!!

    (1) The nature of children's rights is unique in that children are socially powerless to voice their views, and that their realisation is subject to an understanding of children's rights by parents, teachers and the public in general. (2) What may be considered as ”violence" in the public arena is often committed at school under the labels "cane of affection" and educational consideration. (3) some schools maintain strict rules in the name of anti-deliquency measures and improving students' academic performance, without questioning whether this might contradict the underlying assumption of respect for children's rights.

  • 英語の添削をお願いします。

    文法のミスや10/10で点数をつけて下さい。 あと、ある記事から引用を載せる場合の英作ってどのようにするのがよろしいでしょうか " ~"を載せるだけでよろしいのでしょうか? それプラスhe writes みたいな形でいいのでしょうか あとまた 記事を書いた人物が男性か女性かわからない場合にheと書いても大丈夫なのでしょうか? だめであればどうすればいいのか教えて下さいm(._.)m According to Foanes'article he writes ,"Joseph simon said he searchs the CONTENTS of every cell phone that he finds in school." However I can agree to that statement. Of course, when the students use the cell phones for cheating during the exams , the phones should be cllected and kept by the teachers. But, the state that the teachers have the right to search a contents of a cell phones violates students'privacy. Therefore, I can't agree the examples.

  • 単数形か複数形か

    1 Most Japanese children can study in an elementary school and a junior high school. 2 Teachers make students understood contents of study well. という文を書いたのですが、 1はelementary schools and junior high schoolsとしたほうが良いですか? 2はcontent of studymにしたほうが良いですか? また、他にもおかしな点があったら教えて下さい。よろしくお願いします!

  • 次の英文の和訳をお願いします。

    送られてきた以下の英語のメール文が上手く読めません。途中までは訳してみたのですが、だんだん難しくなり、途中から全く分からなくなりました。英語に堪能な方、どうかよろしくお願いします。 ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー 1. ACT in general is an organization of teachers and non-teaching personnel, from pre-school to colleges and universities. Most of the members are from the public schools that is more than 500,000 nationwide. We have chapters in all (17) regions in the country. It is in the Philippine Constitution that public servants have the right to unionize and in 1987, there was the Executive Order 180, that created the Public Sector Labor Managemant Council. It was only recently, September, 2011 to be exact, that the government thru Civil Service Commision has come up with a clear guidelines on how public school teachers will be unionized. The main essence is that public school teachers can form union on a regional basis. With this, we registered our very union in the National Capital Region (ACT-NCR union) then gained our recognition from the government last Septembr 17, 2012. We are now in the process of negotiation with the Deped NCR. In fact, we already had 2meetings with them. Our Davao region is already in the process of registration. Soon other regions will follow. We are the only teachers organization that is already officially registered and recognized. 2. The ACT-Ncr union is more or less 26t members out of 50t. Membership campaign is on going. Over all we have, 40t members. Trade unions in the Phil are separate from teachers. And also private schools have different unions (school to school basis) 3. Some of our major issues are  a. Increasing of education budget from 3% to 6% of the GDP like all other countries. So that shortages in the number of teachers, rooms, chairs, toilets and sanitation facilities will be addressed  b. Adequate , decent and living wages for teachers and non-teaching personnel. At present, the minimum salary of teachers in the public school is $464.  c. Increase budget for the state colleges and universities  d. Basic education curriculum that is relevant to the needs of the people and national development. We are campaigning for education that is scientific, mass oriented and nationalistic.  e. Implementation of the laws in education that is related to the benefits of teachers like RA 4760 Magna Carta for Public School Teachers, RA 8790 GSIS Law, etc Hope that this explation helped.

  • よろしくお願いします

    I'm going to be a sophomore in college. I wasn't very happy with my current school, so I decided to apply to transfer out and got into a top school, one which is a better fit academically and environmentally. But I'm so conflicted. On one hand, I've got great friends at my current school and I'm on a scholarship that covers almost everything, so my parents can take it easy financially. However, the school doesn't feel right; the vast majority of students commute, so it's always dead. There's no school spirit, no football team, and a strong sense of apathy in just about everything non-school related. Most students here are either hard-core gamers or over 35 years old continuing their education. And, quite frankly, the academics feel a bit too easy for me (I know I only had a taste, but no class felt intellectually stimulating because the students weren't very curious), so I'm cruising and feel like my brain is lagging—my work ethic has regressed since high school because of this. The environment is very impersonal because it's a large state school. Furthermore, my current school's humanities department isn't very strong -- professors even confessed so themselves, and I want to study in the humanities. 1 I'm so conflictedは「矛盾しているように感じる」でしょうか? 2 a strong sense of apathy in just about everything non-school relatedの意味を教えてください 3 I'm cruisingはここではどのような意味でしょうか? 4  my current school's humanities department isn't very strongとはどういうことでしょうか? 以上、よろしくお願いします

  • 英語の添削をお願いします

    文法上のミスや点数なんか大体で教えて下さいm(._.)m 内容はある学校の規則にあなたは同意しますかしませんか、そしてそれは何故かという問題に対しての解答です ある学校の具体的な規則はスルーして下さい。 I think in protecting students privacy, japanese school shouldn't follow the example of it . in his 2010 article privasy at school "choices ahead'by sm Foane write," the rules do not openly state that the teachers have the right to search a cell phone. " This clealy violates student's privacy. Of course, it is right that the phones are only collected and kept by the teachers, when the students cause the problem. But to see the content of the phones is no good. Therefore, I can't agree with the examples.

  • 緊急! 訳してください!!

    「what is it like to live in japan my other friend lives in korea republic of and her boyfriends in a gang」 という一文を翻訳してください!! お願いします!

  • 和訳お願いします

    I teach Japanese at community colleges outside Philadelphia in the United States The demographics of my students have completely changed in the past 10 years Until several years ago, the majority of my students were interested in commerce: they were businesspeople, lawyers and doctors. Now, the students enroll in my classes because they are interested in anime, manga, Japanese pop culture, or even video games. Some of the students are also interested in joining the Japan Exchange and Teaching Program. As a result, my classes have become more youthful. I get a completely different atmosphere from these students compared to previous ones. While most have never visited Japan, I feel I can relate to them better. The earlier students, even those who had been to Japan, didn't have as good an understanding of git. Although they often had a lot of knowledge about Japanese culture, they retained a certain detached attitude toward it. However, my new students come into the classroom listening to J-pop and toting backpacks adorned with nime characters. They informally say, "Sensei, ohayo!” On tests, they draw their favorite anime characters and after class they exchange anime DVDs and music I began to realize that these students were absorbing Japanese language and customs directly with their eyes and ears, not trying to intellectualize their experience in the way my previous students often did. Some of the kids learn Japanese intonation and grammar through anime. Of course, this creates problems at time For example, I'll teach: "Kyo wa ii tenki desu ne," and they'll respond "li tenki dayoooo. as if they were anime characters themselves charming, but somewhat inappropriate in this context. you like anime?" I inquired. A few of the many answers are: "Because One of my students said: "I find the unusual storylines refreshing in comparison with racters in anime seem it's fun! "The pictures are so pretty" "Because there's actually a plot and a story the redundant ones of American television and cinema. The characters in anime seem to be more fully developed. The characters fail, learn and grow, so I feel that I can really late. Animation may be the initial attraction for many fans, but its the creative plots and unique storylines that keep us interested

  • 妥当な英作文への修正お願いします。

    Ineed to improve my communication skills. because,I am not good at express skills. after evening, I bought a book that title was social psychology of bad communication. I haven't discoverd that another person said a part of my foolish behavior. So, I decide that I don't bother all of my field of my family,co-worker,friends. I wish happiness all of my relative people,and achivement my goal in life. 文法の間違いがあり、うまくまとめきれてないんですが、よろしくお願いします。

  • 翻訳をお願い致します。

    Bono said that the culture he grew up in during the Seventies not only defined him, but also the music he would go on to create. "Myself and my friends dealt with the kind of skinhead, boot boy culture of the time by creating our own reality, and eventually our own rock and roll band. That's how we dealt with the fear that we felt," he said.