• ベストアンサー



  • ベストアンサー
  • marbleshit
  • ベストアンサー率49% (5033/10253)

まさにあなたは劇場の女神 ようやくあなたに出会える あなたの素晴らしさが今や目前にあるとは あなたしか目に映らない あなたが好きだから





  • 英歌詞の和訳が知りたいです

    Alessandro SafinaのLunaという曲の和訳が知りたいです 翻訳サイトだと少し不自然な部分があったため、 英語に自信のある方の自然な和訳が見てみたいです 訳してあげてもいいよという方がいらっしゃいましたら どなたか Chorus: Only you can hear my soul, only you can hear my soul You, moon, How many are the songs that resound Desires, which through the centuries Have furrowed the sky to reunite with you Portal for poets who write no more And who still lose their sanity You recieve the sighs of those who writhe And fullfill a dream in every soul Moon who looks at me listen to me now Chorus: Only you can hear my soul, only you can hear my soul You, moon, Who know the time of eternity And the straight path of truth Make more light inside this heart of mine, This heart of man who doesn't know, doesn't know That love can hide pain Like a fire can burn your soul Chorus: Only you can hear my soul, only you can hear my soul You, moon, You illuminate the sky and its immensity And show us only the half you want Somehow like we always do Angels of clay that don't fly Souls of cardboard that catch fire Hearts like leaves that later fall Dreams made of air that vanish Son of the Earth and son of yours, for, you know That love can hide pain Like a fire can burn your soul But it is with the love that our heart breathes And the force that moves everything and lights it up!... Chorus: Only you can hear my soul, only you can hear my soul White light, my goddess, goddess is silent!.... もとはイタリア語、英語、ラテン語が混ざっているようなので こちらから英訳をお借りします

  • 和訳お願いします

    ・I really like that. You can tell me things like that too, I would love it. ・It can go away, it did for my father but it is kind of random. ・ I know I seem really direct now, but i feel the same, we need to meet. ・I want to be the one to do that one you. Me either. I love it though. 以上です。前後の文が見えていないので、難しいと思いますが、分かる範囲で大丈夫です。お願い致します。

  • 和訳よろしくお願いします。

    以下の和訳に困っています。 切実ですので、教えて下さい。 You can Say I live the moment and take it like it comes. First I finish school and then i look. になります。 よろしくお願いします。

  • 和訳お願いいたします!

    和訳お願いいたします! How are you this morning? I guess you're quite happy ... maybe you don't need to work today. Listen ... I've been thinking about your trip ... and I feel a little bit bad. When I was in Japan, you traveled all the way to Osaka, only be there a couple of hours and then go back. Now you're going to come all the way to Belgium and stay here a 2,5 days. I feel this is wrong I should be the one making all this effort. But since it might be interesting for you to come to Europe ... hmmm ... I guess it's ok for you to come. And I will be very happy to be your guide in Belgium :) But the least that I can do is to arrange your ticket. Please consider giving me your passport details and when you would like to return. I'll propose a few options and I'll book the one you want. Last time you payed for the shinkansen to come to Osaka please let me arrange your travel to Belgium. Now smile and be a good girl, don't be stubborn and say ... "hai" ... Now that I have this of my chest ... I can go bed and sleep with a clear conscience :)

  • 和訳をお願いします。

    海外の友人が英語について教えてくれているのですが、何と書いてくれているのでしょう? **When you start a sentence with "so," it's like it connects it to the previous sentence. For example. The man was hungry. So, he decided to go buy a burrito. In this case it's like it's filling in for "because of this." "Let me see what I can do," and "I translated my message into Japanese" don't seem to connect in quite the same way. If you wanted to use "so", you could say- I'd like to help you as well. So, I'll translate my message into Japanese. Another way you could think of it is if the two sentences COULD connect naturally with only a comma you can use "so." You can write- I'd like to help you as well, so I will translate my message into Japanese. You can't write- Let me see what I can do, so I will translate my message into Japanese. Hope this helps, let me know if I'm writing too many notes here!

  • 和訳をお願いします。

    I would like to know if you ship to brazil and how can i do to by the sashimi knife. In ebay i can only buy for shipping in the USA

  • 和訳お願いします!

    和訳お願いします! 自分でも調べてみたのですが、お恥ずかしい話、文章がつながりません… 宜しくお願いします。 Nobody loves you like I do I belive I can meet you someday I belive you'll come back to someday I'll be waiting foryou forevr Don't forget about me. I'll cherish you and your family

  • 和訳お願いいたします。

    Another week has gone by ... 3 more weeks and I'll be waiting for you at the airport :) Maybe I'm a bit selfish ... but I don't mind to come to Paris and pick you up ... because then I can see you 2-3 hours sooner ... hahaha The weather is getting colder again ... this morning it was only 5 degrees when I went running. So you can expect the temperature to be between 5-10 degrees when you come. So you might want to bring gloves, scarf, ear muffins or something to keep your head warm. I can only image that you will look very cute in winter clothes :) Oh I also gave myself a little bit of homework. I downloaded a picture dictionary so if you need something that I can understand you. So if you ask for an extra "mofu" ... that you don't stay cold. Or when you need to set your "mezamashi dokei" that I understand what you're saying. But I think your home work was much easier :( Actually I wanted to cook a nice diner for you ... but since your visit is only very short, I took the liberty to arrange diner is some nice restaurants. I hope you don't mind and that you will like the food.

  • 和訳お願いします。

    「Are you nervous to meet me?.... I like you and I want to meet you. If you do not want to meet, please tell me. I can't wait forever... I am very lonely in Japan. 」 特に「I can't wait forever...」の部分がよく分かりません。 何を待てないんでしょう・・?

  • 和訳をお願いします。長いです‥

    和訳をお願いします。長いです‥ When we met it was so nice, but it's not the time we spend together that was like a dream ... it's you ... you are a dream ... and when I think of you or when I look at your picture ... it gives me a happy feeling, but also such an empty feeling, because we're so far apart and I don't know when we can meet again. If it's possible for us to meet again I will make it happen ... it doesn't matter if I need to travel to Japan ... go to the US ... I'll even fly to the moon just to meet you ... But if we can choose ... maybe we should choose a place that not so warm as Osaka in summer :) On my flight back I indeed got a very nice view of Fuji-san ... I'm sorry that the photo doesn't show how nice it really was. Did you go half way? It must really be nice! Actually do you want to go all the way to the top? Yes let's do that ... you and I, together we can walk all the way to top of mount Fuji and enjoy the view ... But we have to wait till July or August next year ... Do you know I followed a mountain climbing course and I climbed some summits in the Alps (Austria, close to the Italian border). And I also climbed Mount Meru (4566 meters) in Tanzania ... that's the mountain next to the Kilimanjaro (the highest mountain of Africa). So I was on the top of Mount Meru during sunrise. Only Kilimanjaro and Mount Meru were above the clouds and then ... the sun was rising from behind the Kilimanjaro ... soooo nice ... I got tears in my eyes. ... next time we meet or the time after that or after that ... I'll try to make it special for you ... so that you can say it was like a dream ... just like you are special for me and I can say you are like a dream for me ...