• ベストアンサー

, up fromにつて


  • ベストアンサー
  • Him-hymn
  • ベストアンサー率66% (3489/5257)

up fromの前にはどうして,  があるのでしょうか? →obeseまでで一区切りになっています。ここでは現在53%であると言っています。up以下は、その数値に関して言えば、4年前の45%から上がったという別の内容を言っています。which is up from 45 % four years ago.という感じでご理解なさるといいと思います。(本当はbeing up from 45% four years agoと考えるのが正式ではありますが、あくまでも理解のために)。 この関係代名詞のときには、継続用法(限定していない)ので、カンマが必須です。そのカンマと同じと考えるとよいでしょう。 カンマがないと、upがfromの付け足しのように感じられるので省略してみますと、なんと文がつながりません。In the U.S., 53 percent of dogs are overweight or obese from 45 percent four years ago.という文は成立しません。 以上、ご参考になればと思います。



ご無沙汰していますHim-hymnさん。 その節は沢山ご教授頂きありがとうございました。 文が一区切りになっていることが , の必要性と理解しました。 which is up from 45 % four years agoという理解方法とても役立ちました。 よい勉強ができました。 これからもご指導の程頂ければとても嬉しいです。


  • There are from...

    there are from unlucky animals that were trapped in the tar pits thousands of years ago. のfromはどのような働きをしているのでしょうか? なくても良さそうですが。 ちなみに、Thereは化石のことです。

  • women 20-30 …fromなし?

    women 20-30 …fromなし? 次の文の発音を聞いていたところ、「トウェンティ・ツー・サーティ」となっていました。 from は入らないものですか? About 75 percent of women 20-30 years old were working.

  • 英訳お願いします。

    やたらと一文が長いので、訳せません。お願いします。 Eight percent of centenarians said they had sent text or instant messages, compared to one percent last year. And 12 percent are using iPods, four percent more than three years ago, the GfK Roper survey for Evercare showed. Nearly 100,000 centenarians are living in the United States, and the number is expected to climb to more than 601,000 by 2050, according to the U.S. Census Bureau. "I think everybody should have something to say in what's going on in their life and not just take everything for granted," said Marie Keeler, 101, from Minnesota. White, the octogenarian star of a popular Super Bowl commercial, was the top choice of a dinner date for most of the centenarians. She usurped actor Bill Cosby, who was the winner for the past two years. Tiger Woods, who was the second most popular pick a year ago, did not make the list this year following revelations about his marital infidelities. More than half of respondents said they would not invite Woods. Bill Clinton, Michelle Obama and Sarah Palin were also favorites of the centenarians to invite for dinner.

  • 英文(数学?)の問題がわかりません

    The anticipated income from an investment is $40000 per year for the first 5 years and $30000 per year for the remaining 5 years of life. The desired rate of return on the investment is 12 percent. The salvage value at the end of 10 years is expected to be 20 percent of the first cost. Determine the first cost that will result in the 12 percent return. Ans.:$219,700 考え方と途中式をお願い致します。

  • waitにつて

    お世話になっております。 以下の文についてお教え頂けないでしょうか。 More and more of them are being asked to wait a week or longer for service from a repair crew. waitのあとのどうしてforがないのでしょうか?waitは自動詞なのでforとなると思いました。 それともa week or longer は副詞と考えるのでしょうか? ご指導の程何卒宜しくお願い致します。

  • 英語を日本語に翻訳してください。(翻訳ソフトNG)

    The education market accounted for 9 percent of units and 7 percent of revenues. Most school had limited budgets for computers, what most educators were interested the most in was the availability of suitable software. As for the individual/home market, it accounted for 31 percent of units and 23 percent revenues. In 1991, the four largest PC manufacturers are said to have been IBM, Apple, NEC, and Compaq. They accounted nearly 37 percent of the world market. (See Exhibit 3.) More than 200 companies were from a dozen countries.” U.S, firms had over 60 percent of global revenues, Taiwanese small companies, like Acer, were gaining share in the very low end, and Japanese firms were the biggest manufacturers in portable computers. Tbshiba, a huge Japanese conglomerate, dominated laptops with (26 percent share in 1990), followed by NEC (15 percent).

  • from which

    Anglo-Saxons are one of the Germanic tribes that migrated from northwest Germany in the mid-fifth century,from which the British people are descended from. from whichのfrom  descended fromのfromと2つあり、それぞれの役割がよくわかりません。 whichの前にfromがあるのでdescended fromのfromは不要かと思うのですが・・・_?

  • followed up with

    I’ve worked at a 25-employee firm for over 20 years. I’ve also had breast cancer for 15 years. About two years ago my cancer traveled to my brain, and I had to leave my job because of the treatment I was receiving. I almost died, yet I never heard from my co-workers. Not one even called to say, “How are you feeling?” My boss told me he wanted me to come to the office holiday luncheon, yet never followed up with the date and time. never followed up with the date and timeはどのような意味でしょうか?よろしくお願いします

  • ''an'' 80 % decreas

    下記の文中で気になる箇所があったので質問させてください。 80 percent の前にある ''an'' はどいう意味をもっていますか。 As a result, there has been up to an 80 percent decrease in livestock losses and farmers have developed more tolerance for having cheetahs around. --補足-- 【出展】 http://www.voanews.com/english/news/usa/people/-US-Woman-Fights-to-Save-Cheetahs-123739294.html 【前後の文】 Over the past 15 years, CCF has donated more than 400 dogs to Namibian livestock farmers. As a result, there has been up to an 80 percent decrease in livestock losses and farmers have developed more tolerance for having cheetahs around. Since the introduction of the guard dog program, CCF says the population of cheetahs in Namibia has risen from about 1,000 to 1,500, to between 3,500 and 4,000.

  • 記事の翻訳お願いします。

    家族についての話だと思うのですが、上手く英訳することができず、困っています。 長文ですが翻訳お願いします。 You will hear a lot about the American family in the election campaign. For most of us, that calls up an image of a man and wife and two or three children. Forget it. Predominant as the social pattern for several hundred years, that American family has lost its place. Households of unmarried couples and households without children outnumber "American family" households. And only about 20 percent of families fit into the traditional structure with father as the only breadwinner. Here is what has been happening: In the 1950s, 80 percent of adults were married; today, roughly 50 percent are. Why? Partly because people are delaying marriage, with the median age for a first marriage rising by four years for men and about five years for women. Second, divorce rates have more than doubled since the 1960s as marriage evolved from a sacrament to a contract. Third, millions more cohabit before marriage. Fourth, births to unmarried mothers, white and black, have risen from 5 percent in 1960 to about 35 percent today. So the new American family is a household with fewer children, with both parents working, and with mothers giving birth to their children at an ever older age, having fewer children, and spacing them further apart. This is not good news. Twice as many married people indicate they are very happy as compared with those who aren't married. But it is the children who are most affected. The stable family of two biological parents—surprise, surprise!—turns out to be the ideal vessel for molding character, for nurturing, for inculcating values, and for planning for a child's future. By comparison, the children of single parents or broken families do worse at school and in their career. Marriage, or the lack of it, is the best single predictor of poverty, greater even than race or unemployment. The result is a serious new divide in our society between the children of poorer, less educated, single parents and those of richer, better educated, and married parents. The married parents typically earn more than $75,000; in only 20 percent of cases do married parents with children earn less than $15,000. The startling increase of those who grow up with only one parent has markedly added to poverty among children, shifting poverty from the old to the young. Children in mother-only families are more likely than those with two parents to be suspended from school, to have emotional problems, to become delinquent, to suffer from abuse, to take drugs, and to perform poorly on virtually every measure.