• ベストアンサー

この call の意味


  • KappNets
  • ベストアンサー率27% (1557/5688)

call to see 全体で会いに行くという意味になります。術語ですね。


  • この英文の文法は正しいですか?

    この英文の文法は正しいですか? Had she lost another one, she would’ve end just like her son. (Lucky Sue by Men I Trust) 仮定法大過去だと思うんですが、endはended になるんじゃないのかなと疑問に思いました。 僕の持っているテキストの大過去の例文には、 Had I known you were ill, I would have visited you. と書いてありましたので、have の次は過去形になるのではないかと思います。 これは例外ということですか?

  • should have p.p.

    I should have come to see you yesterday. という文があるのですが、これは仮定法の条件節(たとえば、If it had not been so cold,)が書かれていない帰結節と考えてもいいのでしょうか?

  • If I had known you were late

    If I had known you were late, I would have waited for you. 仮定法過去完了の文です。 「あなたが遅れるとわかっていたら」という意味だと思うのですが you were late になるのがよくわかりません。 you would be late になるような気がするのですが、 説明をお願いします。

  • 文の意味の違い

    次のペアの文の意味はどのような違いがありますか? なんかもう全部同じにしか見えません。どなたか教えてください。 よろしくお願いいたします。 ①・He seems to be ill.  ・He seemed to be ill.  ・He seems to have been ill.  ・He seemed to have been ill. ②・I hoped to see him again.  ・I hoped to have seen him again. ③・I want to have you cut this tree.  ・I want to have this tree cut by you. あと、どのように特訓をすれば、英語力がつきますか?

  • 1、仮定法過去 2、仮定法過去完了 3、1と2が合わさった文

    はじめまして仮定法でつまずいてます。 1、仮定法過去は(~だったら・・・なのにね) If it weren't raining, we could play football. 雨が降ってなかったら、サッカーできたのにね。 2、仮定法過去完了(~だったら・・・だったのに) If I had known you were free, I would have asked you to come with us. あなたが暇だって知ってたら、一緒に行こうって誘ってたのに 3、1と2が合わさった文 If we had left an hour earlier,we would be at the hotel. 1時間前に出発していれば、今頃ホテルにいたのに。 質問です 1,2の違いがわかりません 2の文はIf I knew you were free,I would ask you to come with us. としてはいけないのですか?そうしたら何か変ってしまいますか? 3の文を If we left an hour earlier,we would have been at the hotel. の文にしてはだめですか? よろしくお願いします。

  • 英語 仮定法

    自分の答えが合っているかと 間違っていた問題も合っていた問題も訳や説明をいただけると嬉しいです ・My father (give/smoking/up/wishes/could/he). →wishes he could give up smoking ・I (I/when/had been/Tom/called on/him/at home/wish). →wish Tom had been at home when I called on him. ・You (seen/a ghost/look/if/had/as/you). →look as if you had seen a ghost. ・"Why didn't you tell me she married him?" "()" 1 I have told you because I had known it. 2 I told you because I married her. 3 I would have told you if I had known it. 4 She married him because I had known it.→1 ・If () not for his help, I would not be able to finish the work. 1 I had 2 it were 3 there were 4 they had→2 ・Ken must have had an accident on his way home; (), he would have been here by now. 1 otherwise 2 if 3 but 4 for→1 わからなかった問題です ・並び替え 1 (you/would/she/do/if/what)won a goal medal in the Olympics. 2 (about/we/is/on/set/time/off/it) a camping holiday. ・間違った部分を選んで直す 1 (1 Were) the would (2 to come) to an end, we (3 will) carry (4 on) the plan. 2 Had I (1 knew) that she (2 didn't feel) very well yesterday, I wouldn't have (3 asked) her to(4 work late).

  • 英文の添削をお願いします!

    1)If I (were) not ill, I (would) go fishing with my younger brother. 2)She loves him (as if) he (were) her own son. 3)If I (had known) it, I (can) have told you. 4)I (wish) you (had not) told the plan to your father. 5)You can listen to the music (as far as) you like. 6)(If) you like it (may) not, you have to decide what to do. 7)I studied hard in my high school days; (unless) I would have failed the examination. 8)No (sooner had) he gone to bed than he fell asleep. 9)I'll lend you the money (for) the condition that you return it within six months. 10)It's about time you (have seen) a Shakespearian play. ()内でおかしいところがあったら添削をお願いしたいです。 よかったら解説も加えてくださると助かります。 よろしくお願いします。

  • has had toをつかった例文をお願いします

    いま、時制の勉強をしてて、文を探してるのですがなかなかみつかりません。has had toをつかった例文を教えてください。 また、もう一つ質問があるのですが、she has had to workの主語がIやYouだったら I have had to work(hasをhave)に変えるんですよね?

  • 仮定法について

    I'd have left you home if I'd have you were in such a bad mood. とテキストにあるのですが、これを単に仮定法過去の文章だと解すると後半のI'd have youの'dの部分は誤植なのでしょうか?

  • 連鎖関係代名詞

    She opened a door to learning that I had not even known existed 2文にわけると She opened a door to learning that existed. I had not even known it. 又は I had not even known a door to learning that existed. She opened it. でいいでしょうか? This is the book which you said he is reading これはあなたが言った彼が読んでいる本である。 上記の文はyou said this is the book which he is reading だと同義になるのでしょうか?