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※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:1/2 year-old は5か月?)



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  • mshr1962
  • ベストアンサー率39% (7418/18948)

"2歳6か月"は"2 years 6 months old" "2歳半"が"2 and a half years old" こちらの場合は、きっかり半分ということでなく多少の範囲があるようです。 なので間違いとまではいいませんが、訳として"5か月"と明言するのはおかしいでしょうね。



わかりやすい解説をありがとうございます。 「5か月」ときっかり書いてあったので、「あれ?」と思ってしまいましたが、感覚はほぼ日本語と同じと考えてよさそうですね。


  • year-old

    We are a group of twelve and thirteen year-olds from Canada. という文があります。 (1)twelve and thirteen year-olds は,twelve and thirteen-year-oldsとは,ならないのですか? (2)もともと, -が,ついたり,つかなかったりするものなのですか? 6-year-old とか 6 year-old とか両方見ますが。。 (3)6-year-oldには,形容詞「6歳の~」と名詞「6歳の人」の両方がありますか?

  • acknowledge

    I have been with my husband for five years. I have a daughter from a previous marriage who is now 10 and a 4-year-old daughter with my husband. Every year, his parents and other extended family acknowledge my younger daughter’s birthday. ここでのacknowledgeはどのような意味でしょうか?よろしくお願いします

  • タイトルに使われる単語の先頭の大文字

    例えば「わたしにはニ歳になる娘がいます」というとき、 "I have a two-year-old daughter."というように、 ハイフンを使って形容詞を作ることがあるかと思います。 一方、英語のなんかしらのタイトルでは、よく、冠詞や前置詞を除き、 単語の先頭の文字を大文字にしているのが見うけられます。 そこで質問なんですが、先に挙げた英文をタイトルにした場合、 ハイフンでつなげられた各単語はどうすればいいのでしょうか? つまり、"I Have a Two-Year-Old Daughter"となるのか、 または、"I Have a Two-year-old Daughter"となるのでしょうか?

  • came unglued

    My one-and-a-half year-old son and two-and-a-half year-old daughter are having trouble sleeping. My wife and I have tried everything. My wife got mad at me because I suggested giving both of them Benadryl before bed. My wife came unglued and said there is no way she is going to drug our kids. ungluedは「我を忘れて」でしょうか?なぜgot ungluedではなくcame ungluedなのでしょうか?よろしくお願いします

  • 1歳と5カ月 の英語

    英語でI歳と5カ月は (1) one year and five months old で良いですか? それとも (2) one year old and five months ですか?

  • 英語で「彼女は2歳3ヶ月です」ってどういうのですか?

    彼女は2歳ですなら She is two years old. ですよね。でも、小さい子の年齢って何ヶ月かも言うことが多いので、2歳3ヶ月ですなどの言い方が知りたいです。 自分で作文してみました。 She is two years and three months old. She is two years three months old. and は、いりますか? それとも他にもっと適切ないい方があるのでしょうか? 意味が通じれば良いというのではなく、ネイティブの言い方が知りたいです。 どなたかご存知の方、ご教授いただけませんか?お願いします

  • 訳をよろしくお願いします

    My incredible husband of two years has a 4-year-old daughter with his ex-wife. I have actively helped raise "Christie" since she was barely a year. We haven't communicated with the mother since the time we took her to court for refusing visitation, but my husband and I have always provided for Christie in every way possible, above and beyond the court-ordered child support. We haven't communicated with the mother since the time we took her to court for refusing visitation, but my husband and I have always provided for Christie in every way possible, above and beyond the court-ordered child support.の訳をよろしくお願いします

  • from ear to earの使い方

    ハリーポッターの秘密の部屋(HARRY POTTER and the Chamber of Secrets)の29ページ9から10行目 ”The Weasleys roared with laughter and Harry settled back in his seat,grinning from ear to ear.” from ear to earで口を大きく開けてという意味らしいですが、辞書の例文もgrinを使っているし、grinとセットで使うものなのでしょうか?日本語の「笑う」に相当する単語はsmileやlaughがありますが、この二つではどうなのでしょうか? 笑っていなくても、例えば「open your mouth from ear to ear 」と言ったりはするのですか?

  • 定冠詞について

    Our daughter, "Mattie," is 42 years old. She has been married for 10 years and has two school-age children. Due to her husband's work transfers, Mattie twice was left alone with the children for several months while she tried to sell the house and her husband moved to the new location. https://www.arcamax.com/healthandspirit/lifeadvice/anniesmailbox/s-2049183 the new locationはなぜaではなくtheなのでしょうか?よろしくお願いします

  • until 7 most nights

    I am a stay-at-home mom with a 2-year-old toddler. My husband has a 13-year-old son with his ex. We have a restraining order against her after she threatened me while I was pregnant. Right now, my stepson lives with us full time and only has supervised visits with his mother. He used to be a sweet, shy kid, but now I am afraid of him. My stepson has anger issues and is 6 inches taller than me. He has cursed at me, broken plates, and left holes in walls. I don’t trust him near my daughter. My husband is trying, but he can’t be home until 7 most nights. until 7 most nightsはどのような意味でしょうか?よろしくお願いします