• ベストアンサー
※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:海外への振り込み)



  • Tacosan
  • ベストアンサー率23% (3656/15482)

とりあえず外為取り扱いのある銀行にいって振り込みの方法を聞いてみる, かなぁ. 手数料がすっごくかかるけど....


  • 銀行振り込みの支払い方法が分かりません。

    こんにちは。 銀行振り込みはやったことがありますが、いつもは情報の書いた紙を機械に通すだけで済みました。 それ以外は自分の電話番号を入力するだけのパターン。 それで今回はインターネットで注文した物で、「こちらへ振り込んで下さい。」というメールが届きました。 ですが私の名前や電話番号、住所などの情報を相手が知らないので代わりに注文番号という物をもらっています。 その番号で支払った相手を識別していると思いますが、それをどこに入力すれば良いのかが分からなくて困っています。 一応もらった内容をここに張っておきます。 -------------------------------------------- Thank you for your order. We are happy to welcome you as our customer. Please see below for information on your order. We have received your order. Please note your reference number, which is used to identify your order: REF# 33506****. You will receive a separate order confirmation by e-mail. Unfortunately, we cannot process partial payments. Our bank account information is as follows: Payment reference ID: 33506**** Payee: **** ********* K.K. Bank: Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corporation Bank code: 00** Branch: **** ***** Branch Branch code: *** Account number: 000******* (ordinary account) Amount: JPY **** *** PLEASE REMEMBER TO ALWAYS INDICATE YOUR PAYMENT REFERENCE ID: 33506*** *** Processing domestic wire transfers normally takes 3 to 5 business days and does not require an IBAN or SWIFT code. The product delivery will be effected as soon as your payment arrives. You can select a different payment type for your order by clicking on the following link. The data you entered on previous pages will be retained. -------------------------------------------- 回答よろしくお願いいたします。

  • 翻訳をお願いします

    海外のネットショップを利用した際にクレジットカード払いを選択したのですが、 処理中の画面から動かなくなってしまい後でメールが届きました。 簡単でいいのでどなたか翻訳を宜しくお願いします。 Payment method: Please kindly transfer your money to our bank account as below details. We can accept payal at paypal@XXXXXXXX.com Money Transfer: Bank XXXXXXX Bank Office Sukumvit 43 Account No. XXXXXXXXX Account Name XXXXXXXXX Ltd. Account Type saving SWIFT-Adr. (BIC) : BKKBTHBK XXXXXXXXXX Please fax to us your purchase order form , bank pay-in slip to our fax number XXXXXXXXX or e-mail to lilavadee@XXXXXXXX.com to confirm your payment. ** We will deliver the goods immediately once we received confirmation from bank of your payment . Thank you for shopping with us.

  • chase bankからのメール?

    突然こんなメールが送られてきました。どうすればいいのでしょうか? Chase Bank Online Notification Security check ! You have received this email because you or someone had used your account from different locations. For security purpose, we are required to open an investigation into this matter. In order to safeguard your account, we require that you confirm your banking details. To help speed up this process, please access the following link so we can complete the verification of your Chase Online Banking Account: Alert code: 1577590437 - Click on: https://www.chase.com/asp/services/update.php?account67241 Please Note: If we do no receive the appropriate account verification within 48 hours, then we will assume this Chase Bank account is fraudulent and will be suspended.The purpose of this verification is to ensure that your bank account has not been fraudulently used and to combat the fraud from our community. We appreciate your support and understanding and thank you for your prompt attention to this problem. Regards, Chase Bank - Chase Online Banking Department 私はchase bankなど利用したことがないので、アカウントなど持っていないのですが、気になっています。 迷惑メールなのでしょうか??

  • 下記の英文を教えてください。お願いいたします。

    Please find attached your invoice with 10% discount. My manager agreed to the 10% discount only if you keep ordering regularly. But I need to advise you that if your orders remain irregular or if you order every 6 months there is a possibility that the they will cancel the 10% discount. Below are our bank details for bank transfer. Please make payment as soon as you can as otherwise we cannot start packing your order. Also please let me know if you still require the MADE IN 000 labels..?

  • amazon ukからのメール・アカウントが見れない??

    日本で発売されていない商品をAmazon ukにて購入しました。 日本のアマゾン同様に購入後、確認メールが来て一安心していたのですが 本日下記のメールが来て何やら…アカウントにログインすることすらでき なくなりました。 以下のメールはどう言ったことが書かれているのでしょうか?何卒宜しく お願い致します。 Subject:Important notice, response required: Your order cannot bedispatched. Greetings from Amazon.co.uk. Your order (#**********) is currently on hold as we have been unable to verify your billing information. Your Amazon.co.uk account and orders will remain on hold until we have been able to successfully verify the billing information for your recent purchase - you will not be able to access your account until the verification is complete and the hold from your account has been removed. At your earliest convenience, please FAX a recent billing statement for the card used to place your order. To ensure your fax is handled in a timely manner, please label your fax with your order number. Our FAX number is: +44 (0)208 636 9326 **************************************************************** Please note: Your order can be held for a maximum of 4 days, after which time it will be cancelled. To avoid disappointment, please reply to this message with the required information. **************************************************************** There is no need to place another order; we will release the hold on your Amazon account and complete the processing of your orders when our verification process is complete. Thank you for your patience with our security measures, we look forward to hearing from you shortly. Sincerely, Account Specialist Amazon.co.uk ==============

  • 海外サイトに登録したのですが

    海外サイトに登録したのですが http://gigabitdownloads.com/ 登録前にQ&Aを自動翻訳したらダウンロードは無料と書いてありました。サイトを見回しても登録料が必要とは書いてないようです。 フリーメールで登録後に以下の英文が出ました。 Welcome to Gigabit Downloads You are merely seconds away from gaining access to our private download services. In order to cover the cost of upkeep of the site, including server and hosting fees, we ask that our members pay a small fee. This will ensure that our site will continue to run as flawlessly as possible, and satisfy your needs. Since we keep your security in mind, we advise you to sign up through our 3rd party billing system in order to keep your payment and billing information secure. Please note that we do not bill for membership to this website. By clicking the "Checkout" button, you will be redirected to the join page of a website operated by our partners. Membership to our website comes complimentary as a bonus with your membership. Here are the instructions for you to complete the final step to your Download Access membership: Payment - フリーメールアドレス Choose the membership type that fits your needs below, and move on to Checkout. Payment processor will open in new window. $4.95 Promotional Membership (You Save 75%! - Offer Expires 23 October, 2010) $26.65 Full Membership                 CHECKOUT CHECKOUTはヤバそうなのでクリックせず放置しています。ダウンロードは一度もしていません。もし請求メールが来ても無視でいいんですよね?安易に登録して反省しています。

  • 海外通販で買い物しましたがメールの意味教えて下さい。

    海外通販で買い物しましたがメールの意味教えて下さい。 Following our recent email regarding your order we have not yet received a reply from you. Please provide us with the cardholder�s name and registered billing address for the card used to place the order. As soon as these details have been confirmed,

  • 翻訳お願いします。

    海外のサイトで商品を購入したのですが、返金されてきました。内容が良く理解できません(>_<) 翻訳お願いします。 Thank you for shopping with International Checkout! We have an update regarding your beddingstyle order 2861556. The new status is : Order Canceled - Your PayPal payment has been refunded. Comments:- 7. November 2014 Unfortunately, without the confirmation we requested, we are unable to complete your order at this time. Your PayPal payment has been fully refunded. We apologize for the inconvenience and thank you for your understanding in this matter. Please contact us if you would like to reinstate your order. You can also find this item at another store and/or re-place your order at the site. Please let us know if there is anything else we can assist you with. - John B You will receive additional updates regarding your order 's progress as they become available. Your Account Please visit the <https://www.internationalcheckout.com/login.php>My Account page to access your current order status, view tracking details, or to request a return or exchange after you have received your items. Contact Us Our customer service team is always happy to hear from you. Please <https://www.internationalcheckout.com/contact.php>Contact Us for assistance. Please reference your order number so we may better serve you.

  • イギリスからの英文メールの翻訳をお願いします

    イギリスから商品を購入しようとして英文で困っています よろしくお願いします。 長くなりますが順を追って状況も書きます (1)イギリスのある会社の品をネットで注文して同時にpaypalで支払いました    (2)翌日このようなメールが届きました  (同メールにPROFORMA INVOICE という伝票がPDFで添付されていました) Thank you for placing your order with Bits from Bytes. Please find attached a pro forma invoice for the goods required. PLEASE NOTE THAT I HAVE ADDED THE SHIPPING COST OF £160.33. IF YOU ARE COLLECTING THIS ORDER PLEASE LET ME KNOW AS SOON AS POSSIBLE AND I WILL CHANGE IT. Please ensure payment is made for the goods as soon as possible. Once we have received your payment, your order will be processed and an email will be sent, confirming your updated order status. We kindly ask that payment is made for the total amount, and that you quote your BFB order number (starting with 20000) using one of the following methods: PayPal =  ****@*****.com Bank: 会社の口座の情報 Once we have received payment our sales team will contact you with regards to the shipping information. (3) なんとなく送料分の支払いが抜けてた? 自分で判断して  paypalでさらに160.33ポンド支払いました (4)すると翌日このようなメールが来ました  (同時に前と同じPDFが添付されていました) Thank you for your order, please find attached confirmation of your purchase order as receipt of payment for goods required. If you have any further enquiries please do not hesitate to contact us on the details below. 以上の状況です (2)と(4)の英文の翻訳お願いします。

  • TOEFLに多重請求の問い合わせをしました。先ほどメールがきました。お

    TOEFLに多重請求の問い合わせをしました。先ほどメールがきました。お金の事なので自分の拙い英語力で正しく理解出来ているか不安です。どなたか要約でも良いので訳して頂けないでしょうか。宜しくお願いします。 You can print your registration confirmation by choosing “View Orders” from your online Home Page, then selecting the “Print” link in the Registration Confirmation section of the View Orders page. Your test date, start time, and test center address is located on the registration confirmation. We are unable to find a record of multiple payments. It is impossible for us to identify payments that are not accompanied by registration forms, order forms, requests for service, or letters of explanation. Before we can credit your account, provide services, or issue a refund, we must have positive proof that ETS accepted your payment. Please note that a receipt or copy of a receipt is not proof that we have received and cashed your payment. If we received and credited your payment to our account, the canceled check or money order will be returned to your bank. Please ask your bank to give you a copy of both sides of the canceled check or money order and send it to us with a letter of explanation and your request for service or refund. If your bank cannot provide proof that we have accepted payment, you should ask the bank to return your money to you. If you submitted your payment by credit card, we suggest that you contact your credit card company to determine if your credit card has been charged. If you find that the payment was charged to your account, please send a copy of your credit card statement along with your request for service or request to credit your account to us. You may mail your correspondence to: TOEFL/TSE Services, P.O. Box 6151, Princeton, NJ 08541-6151 or you may send a fax to 610-290-8972. Be sure to include your name, address, and registration or appointment confirmation number and test date.