• ベストアンサー



  • ベストアンサー
  • takotoika
  • ベストアンサー率45% (16/35)

この間、一緒に遊べて嬉しかったです。 The other day, I was glad to have a good time with you. 遊ぶはplayにしてしまうと、子どもの遊びのニュアンスが出てきてしまうので、have a good timeにしました。 だけど歩きすぎて靴擦れしました。 However, I walked so much that I got a shoe sore. すごく痛かったです。 My foot hurted badly. 次はいつ会えるかな? When can I meet you next? 話したいことがたくさんあります。 I have a lot of things I want to talk about. 後半の文章はiku1129さんが書いてらっしゃるので、添削したいと思います。 また会えることを楽しみにしています。→ I look forward to see you again. 「楽しみにしている」となっているので、I am looking forwardがいいでしょう。そして、look forward toで、このtoは不定詞のtoではないので、see→seeingとしましょう。 look forward to ~ing またはlook forward to somethingと覚えておきましょう。 沖縄の海を泳ぎました。→ I swam in Okinawa's sea. Okinawa's seaにtheの冠詞をつけましょう。 私は初めてそれをしました。→ I did it for the first time. 問題ありません。 それはとても楽しかったけど少し怖かったです。 →It was very fun, but a little scary. 問題ありません。 私はフィリピンのマニラに行きました。 →I went to Manils in (of?) Philippines. Manils→Manilaです。後半はinで大丈夫です。 私はそこでマンゴーを4回食べました。 →I ate a mango four times there. 問題ありません。 私の英文、添削が参考になれば幸いです。 長文失礼しました。





  • 助けて下さい!!

    下の文の英語があっているか、見てほしいです。 なんとか自分で考えましたが英語能力がないので文章的に合っているか分かりません。 お願いします!! ちなみに商業高校レベルですので・・・汗。 題は「思い出」です。 1.A high school life was very short. 2.This three years was many event. 3.For example, every year, It is a high school 4.baseball championship tournament in summer. 5.I went to Koushien stadium and watch the baseball game. 6.I have never watched high school baseball in Koushien stadium more than watch TV. 7.I will go to the Koushien stadium to watch high school baseball since I graduated from high school. 8.I went Okinawa to school trip when second year in high school. 9.I never ride on airplane my life since I was born. 10.It is warm in Okinawa then. 11.I ride on jet ski in the sea. 12.I swam in the sea then and enjoyed myself. 13.Bus guide acted as our guide when we went to botanical garden. 14.Thanks to her guide, I enjoyed myself. 15.I go to Okinawa once again.

  • 英訳

    (1)ジェスチャをして、それを英語で書きなさいと先生に云われた。 I did a gesture, and it was said to write it in English by a teacher. (2)彼女は山登りをしています。 She does mountain climbing. (3)彼女は写真を撮って下さいと頼んでいます。 She asks you to take a photograph. (4)子供達は海辺で泳いでいます。 Children swim by the sea. (5)彼は映画を見て外に出たら雨が降っていました。 When he watched a movie and went out, it rained. (6)彼女は劇場で芝居をオペラグラスで見ていた。 She watched a play in opera glasses in a theater. いつもお世話になっています 自信が無いのでよろしくおねがいします

  • 英作文の添削をお願いします。大学受験

    添削お願いいたします。 英語が苦手なので、文法のミス・表現の仕方など教えていただけると嬉しいです。 設問: 以下の問いに100~150語で例や理由を添えて答えなさい。 If you could travel anywhere, where would you like to go? 解答: If I could travel anywhere, I would go to Okinawa. When I was high school, I could not go to school trip for Okinawa. Although, I had been looking forward to going to the trip. I brought many books myself in order to know beautiful spots in Okinawa and to get nice items for my family. However, I had been sick before I went to there. It was three days ago. So, I could not see beautiful sea and buy presents for my family. Moreover, I have no memories of this trip. Therefore, I want to enjoy taking a trip in Okinawa. If I could travel in Okinawa, I could make a lot of memories with my friends.(116)

  • 英訳の採点お願いしますm(_ _)m

    I drew a Shisa to express a quality of Okinawa. Why I made a Shisa a motif, this is because it is known as the guardian angel of the house and a talisman against evil for a long time in Okinawa. A custom to put in a roof or the entrance hall is now and is installed in many houses. I expressed the personality as the symbol which protected strength that the Shisa lasted and dignity, Okinawa and pictured the scenery which made a Shisa Maine. 【本文】 私は沖縄らしさを表現するために、シーサーを描きました。なぜシーサーをモチーフにしたかというと、沖縄では古くから家の守り神、魔除けとして知られていているからです。屋根や玄関などに置く習慣が今でもあり、多くの家屋に設置されています。そのシーサーの持つ、力強さや、威厳、沖縄を守るシンボルとしての風格を表現し、シーサーをメインにした風景を描きました。 ☆あと、シーサーは英語でShisaと書きますか??教えて欲しいです

  • 英訳あっているでしょうか?(;_;)

    英訳あっているでしょうか?(;_;) 英訳してみたのですが、文法的にあっているかどうかなど不安です; どなたか英語が得意な方見ていただけませんか?m(__)m 日本語文↓ 私は、12月24日から三日間家族と友達で沖縄に行きました。 私は、沖縄へ初めて行きました。 沖縄の気温はとても暖かかったです。 沖縄では、ちゅら海水族館や首里城などたくさんの場所にいきました。 でも、一番の思い出は沖縄で見たとても綺麗な海です。 私は、海を見ていてとても幸せな気持ちになりました。 私にとってとても楽しい三日間となりました。 また沖縄に行きたいと思います。 英訳文↓ I went to Okinawa for 3 days with my family and friend. It was first time to go there. Okinawa was warm for me. During our trip, we visited [Tyuraumi]aquarium,Syurijyou and so on. My vest memory was the beautiful sea of Okinawa. It made me happy. My trip was really good. I want go there again. このようにしたほうがよりよいなどのアドバイスもしていただけると嬉しいです。なお、贅沢かもしれませんがなるべく簡単な表現にしていただけると嬉しいです。宜しくお願いしますm(__)m

  • 翻訳してください(^-^)

    Yes me too I booked a ticket yesterday :-) I will go to Tokyo for a month haha. But also maybe one week Okinawa :-) ikitai!!!!! :-) I did not succeed to buy the blue jeans I still have to look a bit further in order to find it :-)  I don't know what I will do on holidays in Tokyo yet. But I want to relax :-) I have to find an apartment first in Tokyo. Domestic travel nice!!! Where are you going in Japan? Sapporo? Or also Okinawa? haha if you are in Okinawa I will say HELLO RiRi!!! :-) お願いします\(^o^)/ Sleep well for now!!

  • 英訳をお願いします。若干、難しめ。

    I see that you have many straight razors for sale. I am in the process of opening a 'Shaving Store' in Southern California. I would be interested in purchasing a number of quality straight razors for my stock. Would you be interested in selling a number of your razors to me at a price level that would allow me to resell them ? Please advise and thank you for your kind consideration to this matter.

  • 英訳のチェックお願いします。

    次の英文です。 彼はちょっと前まで部屋に居ましたよ。 He was in his room for a minute ago. 彼がさっき部屋に入っていくのを見ました。 I saw that he entered his room for a minute ago. 部屋の電気が点いていた。 His room was turned on the light. 彼女は今日来ていないから、今日休みなんじゃない? she doesn't here,so she semms to absent(it looks like she is absent~?)herself from a class today. ご指摘よろしくお願いします。

  • 英訳お願いいたします。

    英訳お願いいたします。 I really look forward to our holiday and seeing you. Last week was not the best week for me ... so I can really use a holiday and I can't think of anyone else who I would like to spend my holiday with. I'm really looking forward to see you again. My Korean customer is having some problems and management is breathing down my neck to solve the problems ... but it seems the problems are not in my area. And also this week my cleaning lady quit! I need to find a new cleaning lady. She said I asked her to do too much for only 4 hours of cleaning. I checked with my mother, our secretary ... and they all agree that even 2-3 hours should be more than enough. Maybe she might be a bit lazy. Today I'm going to time how long it takes me ... :( I guess I will clean very hard today and also try to look for a new cleaning lady. And the most tragic news of all ... a team member of me, ●●, who was working in ●●, passed away last Monday. He was already on sick leave for some time ... but the tragic news still came as a shock. But it was not all bad news this week :) That's why we're going to make a super nice holiday. Looking forward to see you ●●. When I think of you, I get a feeling of beauty, softness, kindness ...

  • 英訳なんですがわかりません

    うまく訳せません。わかる方いましたらお願いします ちなみにどのような感じで言っているのかも知りたいです。私との約束は少し迷惑そうな感じでしょうか?教えてください Got your message...I've been in meetings for the last few days...We are getting ready to release a CD project in the Philippines in March, and I am recording a song with Rachelle Ann Go, my producer just finished the song so now we are getting ready to record my part here in the states, then he goes to the PI in two weeks to record her part there in the Philippines. So, I have been pretty busy, but I have not forgot about your lyrics...I promise that you will have them by the end of next week, and I don't make promises that I can't keep