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※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:しっかり理解できていない文法5)




もう少し基礎的なことを学んでから質問してください。 そうでないと、回答しても意味がありません。


  • already と yet の使い分け

    以下の文では、alreadyとyetのどちらが正しいですか? She asked her son if he had already finished his homework. She asked her son if he had finished his homework yet. よろしくお願いします。

  • 文法問題をおしえてください

    日本語に合うように、英語を並べ替えた場合、選択肢の中のどの順序になるか。 問1:誰が電話に出たのですか? (answered,telephone,the,who)? (1)The telephone answered who? (2)The answered telephone who? (3)Who telephone the answered? (4)Who answered the telephone? 問2:そこで誰にあったのですか? (did,see,there,who,you)? (1)Who did you see there? (2)Did you there see who? (3)Who you did see there? (4)You did see who there? 問3:誰のコップが割れたのですか? (broken,cup was, whose)? (1)Whose broken cup was (2)Whose cup was broken? (3)Cup was broken whose? (4)Whose was broken cup? 問4:彼は、私が何を読んでいるのか尋ねた。 (asked,he,I,me,reading,was,what). (1)He asked me what I was reading. (2)He asked me what was I reading. (3)He asked me I was reading what. (4)He asked What I was reading me. 問5:セリーナはどの文章が最も大切だと思ったのですか? (did,document,important,is,most,which,Serena,the,think)? (1)Serena did think which most document is the important? (2)Did Serena think which document is the most important? (3)Which cocument did Serena think is the most important? (4)Which document is the most important did Serena think?

  • already, just, yet の位置

    I have just finished my homework. I haven't finished my homework yet. She has already cleaned her room. She hasn't cleaned her room yet. alreadyやjustは過去分詞の前ですが、 なぜyetは文末なんですか。 yetをstillに変えることはできますか。

  • 英語の短縮について どちらが一般的ですか?

    He's not baseball player. と He isn't baseball player. は どちらの略し方のほうが一般的なのでしょうか? また、 I've not finished my homework yet. と I haven't finished my homework yet. では She gave me a book I'd not read yet. と She gave me a book I hadn't read yet では どちらでしょうか? よろしくお願いします。

  • なぜ theirs??

    while she had already completed all the necessary customs documents,neither of her colleagues had finished theirs yet. had finished theirs の目的語 "theirs" はthem ではだめなのでしょうか? 何かアドバイスがあれば教えていただけると幸いです。 よろしくお願いします。

  • 和訳と文法についての質問です

    1. Come to the circus!Come one and come all! このCome one and come all!の部分はどう訳すのですか? 2. The lovely ladies on beautiful horses blow you a kiss as they ride round and round.この分のasは、ーしながらと訳せばいいのですか?和訳をお願いします。 3. He is in a big rush.  和訳をお願いします。 4.かば=hippopotamus ですが、 hippoというときもありますね。これは大人が会話上で使うのですか?それとも幼児語ということでしょうか? a hippo that sings! はどう訳せばいいですか? 5. He is almost as thin as a pin. as...asは ...とおなじくらい...だと訳せばいいですか? 6. She is so fat that she doesn`t fit into her clothes. この so...that はとても...なので~だ。 と訳せばいいですか? 7. He might be in your cup.  might be はなんと訳すのですか?また、どういうときに使うのですか? 以上、たくさんで申し訳ありませんがご回答宜しくお願い致します。

  • passの意味

    弟がすでに亡くなったいるのに待ち合わせをしている兄のことを詠った詩の一節です。 He will not come,yet if I go How shall I know he did not pass Barefooted in the flowery grass? この場合passは逝ってしまうでいいのでしょうか? あるは裸足で花の咲く草原を通り過ぎなかったことなのでしょうか? よく解りません。 宜しくアドバイスお願いします。

  • 並べ替え・穴埋めの添削をお願いします!

    1)My parents got married twenty years ago. =My parents (have) (been) married (for) twenty years. =( ) is twenty years ( )my parents got married. 2)I finished my homework, and then I watched a baseball game on TV. =I (had) already (finished) my homework when I watched a baseball game on TV. 3)Fred started using the computer two hours ago. He is still using it. =Fred (has) (been) (using) the computer for two hours. 4)Nobuyuki (not/over/the flu/get/has) yet. He still feels pretty weak. →has not got over the flu 5)Emi (in/have/be/Australia/for/will) a year next month. →will have been in Australia for 1~3は穴埋め、4,5は()内の並べ替え(※動詞を変形)です。 書けていないところもあります。 添削・解説よろしくお願いします!

  • ( )に入る適切な語句を教えてください

    1,I am surprised to see you are already through with that difficult job.( ) (1)What did you finish it? (2)When do you finish it? (3)When have you finished it? (4)When will you finish it? 2Peter ( )to find a new apartment for some time (1)has been trying (2)was tired (3)is trying (4)goes to try 3When the plane finally took off,she ( )in her seat for more than three hours (1)sat (2)had been sitting (3)was sat (4)has sat 4He told me he would be here about seven.Anyway,I'll tell you when he ( ) (1)comes (2)came (3)would come (4)will come

  • 受験 文法問題

    はじめまして 英語の文法について二つほど質問させてください。 1. By the time Jane was finished with the story, the baby was sound asleep. この文なんですが、Jane was finished with the storyの部分が意味不明です。finish withで「~し終える」だから物語を読み終えるという意味はわかるのですが、なぜJaneが主語で受動態なのでしょうか? 教えてください>< 2. We hoped ( ) and see us off at the airport. a, she would come b,she came (c,d,は省略)でなぜa,なのでしょうか。またなぜb,だとだめなのでしょうか?なるべくわかりやすく教えていただけると光栄です。