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英語の翻訳依頼 | 転回とは?


  • marbleshit
  • ベストアンサー率49% (5033/10253)

高速における運動は『回転』 と称される。 シングルステッピング(8.2に図示)から、高速回転に至るまでの推移は漸進的であり、これは図8.4の略図の通り。概してモータのステッピング値が、シングルステップ振動周波数を超えた場合には『回転』すると言える。 ★大変よく出来ています。訳語は文章内で統一を図りましょう。





  • ぐじゃぐじゃって英語では何と言いますか?

    ぐじゃぐじゃって英語では何と言いますか? ここに示します通り、左の図はラインはきれいですが、右の図のラインはぐじゃぐじゃできれいでないことが分かります。 As shown here, there is no disturbance in the line in the left figure but there is ○○ in the line in the left figure. ○○には何を入れるべきでしょうか? ramplingという単語はどうかと思うのですが、どうでしょうか?

  • 翻訳をお願い致します。

    Tommy is the band's primary lyricist. His style has changed with the band's evolution; much of the lyrics on debut album were written about societal issues such as religion, abuse of power, and isolation. The band's breakthrough single "NO BLACK" polarized critics with its lyrics, some interpreting it as advocacy of date rape. ※Tommyは人名であり、NO BLACKは曲名です。

  • 翻訳お願いします

    翻訳していただけるかた、 お願いできますか? よろしくお願いいたします。 I hope the reading has been like a light cast into the shadows, Tomoko, and that it has illuminated parts of the future and the path that this relationship is making. I come now to the end of our time together. However complex and detailed any reading is, it is really just a fragment of ones life. A few aspects of the chart interpreted as this is all there is ever time for. The synastry reading holds within its secret depth both your life and your friends. An infinite web of events, images, feelings, that span great depth and vast extents of time it is not possible in any one reading to show the whole of that picture, just as it is not possible to write your life story on a single sheet of paper. This then is just an insight.

  • 三相VR形ステップモータと誘導電動機について

    ・図の様な回転子4個、固定子6個の三相VR形ステップモータにおいて300rpmで回転させるとき、各スイッチのスイッチング周波数はいくつにすればよいのでしょうか。 また、 ・4極、50Hzの三相誘導電動機が1450rpmで回転しているとき、二次(回転子)起電力の周波数はいくらになるのでしょうか。 ご回答よろしくお願い致します。

  • 翻訳をお願い致します。

    英語の訳をお願いします(´;ω;`) Hosoda kogyo recently unveiled its specialized bean sprout washing and cleaning line. The most innovative feature is a mechanism to remove the root from the sprout. The bean sprouts are carried along the line by the flow of water. The metal plate beneath them is perforated with thin slits. Water is injected from the top, and only the root sinks into the slits. It's then removed by the cutter. By cutting the root this way, the bean sprout remains crunchy. As consumers hunger for the convenience of fast food with the health benefits of fresh vegetables, new mass production tech-nology is stepping up to the plate. です(´;ω;`)よろしくお願い致します。

  • 英語の翻訳をお願いします…

    Loss of the ability to walk safely is often a primary reason for nursing home placement . the most common causes of such gait and balance disturbances are organic brain syndromes and musculoskeletal disorders . but even in the absence of specific diseases, disturbances in gait and balances may produce disability in up to 13%of older individuals . furthermore, nonspecific changes in gait and balance affect nearly all older individuals and are attributed to the normal aging process .reported changes have included increased postural sway accompanied by decreases in ambulatory velocity , step and stride length , step cadence and swingtime ratio . Impairments in gait and balance lead ton such undesirable consequences as heat of falling, galls with fractures , loss of confidence , loss of independence and lowered quality of life. Within long term care institutions , between 40 and 50% of residents will fall during any given year . musculoskeletal weakness , poor balance and number of prescribed medications have been associated with falling among institutionalized subjects . additionally, isokinetic testing of institutionalized fallers has demonstrated both knee and ankle weakness compared with controls . postural sway has also been found to be higher among those who fall . gait comparison of subjects hospitalized after falls versus controls has demonstrated slow walking speed , short step length , narrow stride width , a wide range of stepping frequency , large variability of step length and increasing variability with increasing step frequency . 毎度です(笑) 翻訳出来る方よろしくお願いします。

  • 翻訳をお願いします

    どなたか翻訳お願いできませんか? Only when you fall in love with a man is your destiny truly decided for a fixed length of time. This fixed length of time may be presently, all your life, or for as along as a long relationship lasts. When you fall in love your spirit attaches to the fate inescapably, your drawn unconsciously like a moth to the light and you are propelled towards whatever destiny is there at the end of it. Be it beautiful or painful. This takes place on an etheric level. Its is a bit like boarding a train and not being able to get off before it reaches its predetermined station. There is a point before you board the train when the future is not formed, when you haven't stepped onto that path, and a point after your board the train when you cant step off and are compelled to remain there to a destination, this point is determined and becomes a destiny when you fall in love. your spirit attaches to this fate yet. If you don't fall in love, or if the love within you is destroyed you then move on to a different fate.

  • 翻訳をお願いしたいです。コンピューター関係の書物の文章です。翻訳サイト

    翻訳をお願いしたいです。コンピューター関係の書物の文章です。翻訳サイトのコピペはご遠慮ください。 The last constraint, scaling, is different from the others in that it constrains, not resources, but design elements. A centralized design, that is, a design that incorporates a single point of storage or control, is limited to the storage or processing capacity of the central point. Thus, an arbitrarily scalable design must minimize its use of centralized elements. This forces such designs to use distributed algorithms for control and coordination. Of course, a distributed system has its own problems, such as communication overhead and complex interconnection. Scaling is hard to measure, and arguments about whether a design can scale verge on the religious. Nevertheless, history shows that a system must scale well if it is to succeed.

  • 翻訳をお願いしたいです。コンピューター関係の書物の文章です。翻訳サイト

    翻訳をお願いしたいです。コンピューター関係の書物の文章です。翻訳サイトのコピペはご遠慮ください。 The last constraint, scaling, is different from the others in that it constrains, not resources, but design elements. A centralized design, that is, a design that incorporates a single point of storage or control, is limited to the storage or processing capacity of the central point. Thus, an arbitrarily scalable design must minimize its use of centralized elements. This forces such designs to use distributed algorithms for control and coordination. Of course, a distributed system has its own problems, such as communication overhead and complex interconnection. Scaling is hard to measure, and arguments about whether a design can scale verge on the religious. Nevertheless, history shows that a system must scale well if it is to succeed.

  • 翻訳お願いします。

    Almost single-handedly, Freud created a new framework for the clinical understanding of dreams, which became an important activity in the new therapy of psychoanalysis. Dreams were called "the royal road to the unconscious." In the classic Freudian view, the dream is a method for maintaining sleep in spite of unacceptable impulses-usually sexual oraggressive-that arise when the censorship of the conscious mind is relaxed during sleep.the unacceptable impulse which might disturb the sleeper is transformed into a more acceptable and dramatic form by the dream work, using such mechanisms as displacement and condensation. Displacement , for example, is unconsciously moving the repressed sexual wish for the mother to the doream image of a more acceptable substitute woman, thereby hiding the incestuous nature of the wish. In the mechanism of condensation, several discrete figures are condensed into one composite figure that stands for all of them. Secondary elaboration, such as disguising actual persons and events, is used to put the resulting images into more acceptable form before they are experienced as a dream. The dream in the Freudian view allows a partial discharge of the original impulse, without allowing it to appear in such a primitive form as awaken the dreamer. In Freudian dream interpretation, the free-association of ideas to the motifs of the dream is supposed to lead back to the original and undisguised latent dream behind the experienced and remembered manifest dream.