• ベストアンサー
※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:英語が堪能な方!訳をお願いできますか? )



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  • cbm51901
  • ベストアンサー率67% (2671/3943)

I: リッキー、今季の目標をどこに置いていますか?教えて下さい。 R: まだシーズンは始まったばかりですので、取り敢えず良いスタートを切りたいと思っています。マウイでは良い結果を出せましたし、ここTorrey Pinesは相性が良いですから。ここでも良い結果を出せることを期待しています。そしてシーズンを通して二勝以上はしたいです。 I: 先週ハワイでプレーしましたが、その後の調子はどうですか?本トーナメントに参加するにあたっての手応えは? R: えー、スイング自体は良く振れています。満足できる休養をとれたのでその効果もあります。身体を休めることができました。ですのですぐにでもプレーに入れます。休養の効果は本当に大きかったです。今言ったようにスイングの調子は良いので、あとはもうコースに出てプレーし、優勝争いに食い込むだけです。 I: ところでこれは訊かなければならないと思っているのですが。あなたは「ゴルフ界のジャスティン・ビーバー」と呼ばれています。彼のようにアイドル視されている気分は? R: えー、確かに僕のファンの多くは若い、何と言いますか、そうですね、女子や男子です。しかしジャスティンとの立場で言えば、彼の方が大差で僕に勝っています。でもそうですね、できれば僕も自分のファン層、特に若い層からの支持は広げていきたいと思っています。まぁ、ジャスティンほどではないとしても。 I: ビーバーと比べて、どちらのヘアスタイルの方がイケてると思いますか? R: そりゃー、僕の方が全然イケてますよ。 I: 大人へ成長する過程で、最も尊敬した人物は誰ですか? R: そうですね、恐らく僕が最も尊敬した人物は、実は出身が同じでして、スーパークロス界のジェレミー・マクグラスです。僕は若い時、ゴルフをする傍らバイクレースにも出ていたので、ゴルフ界で一流アマチュア・プレーヤーとしての地位を確立するまでは、実はまだスーパークロス界の方に知人が多かったんです。 もっとも、当然のことですが、フィルやタイガーといった選手も僕の尊敬する人物です。言うまでもなく彼らは世界でも最も優れたプレーヤーですし、私もその仲間に入りたいと思っています。ジェレミーに関して言えば、異なるスポーツで活躍した人であるということと、彼の実績や彼の生き方に憧れます。. I: あなたご自身、類まれなゴルファーですが、それでもあなたにとってフィルやタイガーとプレーするのは脅威ですか? R: いいえ。僕はコース出たら彼らをこてんぱんにやっつけるよう心掛けています。ほんと、僕は彼らとすごく親しいんです。フィルとは遊びで試合をしますし、練習でも回ります。 ご存知の通りタイガーとは地元でもプレーします。彼らのようなプレーヤーと知り合えたことはとても楽しいことですし、少しづつ学ぶようにしています。 I: ありがとうございました。週末にかけ幸運を祈っています。



助かります(;_;) ありがとうございました!!


  • 英語が堪能な方! 訳をお願いできますか?

    I wanna try a song about being blonde, blondes. I was trying to think okay what I have to say. Well, I'm a blonde and blondes are more fun. There is several against them. I decided to play with it and I get sick out of it at the same time. I am totally forgot 'o person and I know that. So it's like yeah, I'm blonde so I'm sorry and I get kind of quirky. But you know, I don't consider myself a domb person. So it was just like this is what I'm like as an individual. And yes, there is a label being blonde but it doesn't define me. I wanna try the song 'bout being blonde. They showed me this track and I really liked it and just kind of singging along to it, singging with it and the song just flew pretty quickly.

  • 英語が堪能な方 訳をお願いできますか?

    I: We hung out about six months ago or so. CS: I was like I've been here before and I came in the back way. I: You did exactly the same thing. And the last time you were here, I think you had about a hundred thousand followers on Twitter. CS: Yeah I'm at like 500 and it goes up like 5,000 a day and I'm like wow. I: At the Cody Simpson, talk to me about how this happened. Of course you were found on YouTube by mediators. CS: Yeah I was found I think it was two thousand and was the end of two thousand and nine. Um like October 2009. I had this producer was just like send me messages to Myspace I think it was and he was just like I think you're really talented why don't you come over and record some songs for me. So he flew me and my dad over and we just gotten in a studio and see what happen and.. I: Next thing you know. CS: Yeah it just it just went like that. I: And you teamed up with Flo Rida with..

  • 英語→日本語に翻訳願いますm(_ _)m

    どなたか下記の英文の和訳をよろしくお願いします! (1)Feet kind of freak me out I don't know why but I don't really like to touch them even my own. (2)Again the way you speak its as if you know my thoughts as if you know my prayers to God and what I spoke I desired in a woman. (3)You are so amazing and I am so excited to continue to dig deeper into who you are. (4)You treat me so well.

  • 英語の翻訳をお願いします

    長文ですが、次の英語の翻訳をお願いします。 ある俳優にファンが出演した映画について聞いています Q:I was going to ask you Randy about Lorton Lake. A:You know Danny finished that and like re-edited it and did something with it. The director, sorry, the director has had like full control of overall about whatever we make and then he is going to cut down. And I think he did some weird re-edit of it and it played at some places under a different name, but I don't actually have that in control over that anymore. I was like… Q:Don't know if we are going to get to see that then? A:I don't know, I should talk to him while I am here, I need to… Probably not. Q:There is so many things that you guys do that we don't get to see. A:I know, I know, but it's like not good enough for you guys yet, if you see it now. 宜しくお願いします。

  • とても分かりづらい英語ですが訳を助けてください!

    訳を見てほしいのですが、ちょっとわかりづらい英語で困ってます。おしえてください。ちなみに相手mの方はアメリカンなんですが英語がちょっと自己流な感じです・・・ 分けました。 (1) I told myself That I well send you a email before I go to sleep so you well know me alittle more. This email maybe long or not, I don't know right now LOL. But what I want to say is. Alot of time when I think I know the woman or girl I can see myself marring. 寝る前に君にメールを送るということを話したけどもう少し私がわかる。このメールが長いかそうじゃないかいまはわからない(笑)でも私が言いたいこと。。。?? 私が考える多くの時間は・・・・・・・??? (2)I have to hold back what I feel and what I really want to say. I don't want that girl or woman run away of me because she think that I'm moving to fast. It is just all of my friends but one are married. And they are happy. And there is me, fun, kind, caring, a joy to be around. But a little sad. But for the good news! I do hope that are that one person I do end up with. And yeah I well be happy. 私は・・・私の感じること私が本当に言いたいこと・・・??私から逃げる女の子はほしくない。なぜなら彼女は・・・・・れは私の友達でも一人だけ結婚してる。彼らは幸せだ。・・・・・でも少し悲しいでもいいニュースだ。・・・・

  • メールなんですが訳せません

    訳を見てください。間違えや分からない箇所を教えてください。 Well I'm going to bed my hurt because I been thinking about you all day. I been doing ok here in Georgia. I have get out more. What do the malls look like there? And the next time you to buy me something LOL. 私はベットにはいるよ なぜなら私は君のことを一日考えてた。 私はジョージアでうまくやってる。もっと・・・??? どんなモールで??何をしてたの 次ぐは私に何か買ってきて Anything, anything you think I was like. But I well like anything you get me. I hope I dream of you again so I have to look like your pic so I can. One of the best things you know about me is. That I'm funny and I make fun of anything good or bad. But I well put it In a nice way or loving way not to hurt your feeling. And I always try to plan things for I do it. I want my life to be happy and living with my living kids and wife. ・・・また君の夢をみれるといいな。君の写真をみなければ・・・??私にとって楽しみの一つ  私はおもしろいとかいいことや悪いことを楽しむ。・・・・?? すみません、わかりませんでした。知り合いからのメールなんですが。。おしえてください

  • 英語の訳、お願いします。

    至急お願いします。 誰か訳して下さい。 why did you wait so long to tell me I asked you before what you wanted to do and it lead up all the way here because both of us can't communicate so well being with you this summer my feelings for you grew day by day but this relationship is just a pause to me .. yea my love was real too .. i am going to miss my 2013 summer with you .. i dont know why the whole time we talked about the things we did.. but it was an encounter and an experience, because it was with you. thanks babe

  • 英語の翻訳をお願いします!

    下記の文章を日本語へ翻訳して下さい! 英語力がなく困っています・・・。 宜しくお願いします! *************************************** We wanted to inform you that ABC Store will be having a 40% off sale November 6th- 17th. We would like to welcome you to shop with us either before or after the sale so we can better accommodate our in store customers as well as yourself. We can offer 40% off to you starting the October 23rd-November 6th and again after the sale starting the November 18th –December 1st. Please let us know if you can make it in to shop with us so we can set up a special day and make sure we have employees who can assist you. If you are unable to make it during these time but would like to try and place an email order please let me know ASAP. I have attached a list of our most recent markdown list so you can get an idea of some of our great deals. please refer to the first tab on the excel spreadsheet title "Store-by sty#".

  • 英語の訳を教えてください!

    You know why I hired you? I always hire the same girl...stylish,slender,of course...worships the magazine. But so often they turn out to be...I don't know,disappointing. And stupid.So you,with that impressive resume,and the speech about your so-called work ethic,I thought you would be different. I said to myself,go ahead. Take a chance. Hire the smart,fat girl.

  • 英語が得意な方、和訳お願いします!

    英語が得意な方、和訳して下さると助かります。 baby in a few more days we get to see each other. i know how it is to have hard times and how important it is to have a great support system so you wont let it slow you down or bring your feelings down. i know your friends are there for you when you need them but there are situations where you need to handle on your own. i want to always learn how to change your mind and help your feel positive in your life. i want you to feel like you are growing all the time. i know that what is not growing is dying and when you feel like that you can't help but wonder what is the meaning of your life? when you feel like you are growing, you never want to die; you just want to live forever. feel like yelling out "i love my life" . that is what i hope i could be for you. make you feel and scream out " i love me life". i wont give up on you! i just want you to know that! with or without me i only want you to be happy!!! 長文でお手数おかけしますが、宜しくお願いします。。