• 締切済み



  • Dandanius
  • ベストアンサー率53% (42/79)

日本語が多少誤っているかもしれないので、すみません。以下が和訳したものです; ロシアびいきのハーモニー・センター党が九月の急な議会選挙で議席を最も多く勝ち取ったにも関わらず、政権を握っているユニティー党が民族主義の政党と合同を選択した事によってラトビアに新たな緊張をもたらした。 「ロシア語を喋る少数派たちが合同の一部では、人々の支持を得られないと私は信じています」と言うニルズ・ユサコフ氏はハーモニー・センター党のリーダーであり、ラトビアの首都でラトビア最大の都市リガの町長でもある。 「この投票が問題を作ったのではない。」とユサコフ氏は電話インタビューで語る。「これは存在している問題の現われです。」 元ソビエト連合国の一部だったもう二つのバルト諸国のエストニア、リトアニアなどの国々と同じく、ラトビアはロシア語の重要性を1991年の独立以来減じている。 ロシア語を母国語とするラトビア人はおよそ二百万人、人口の四分の一を占めているという、パーセンテイジ的には世界でも最大人数と思われるのマイノリティーである。だがラトビアの公用語はラトビア語のみであり、国籍を得る者はラトビア語と国の歴史の試験に受からなければならない。 政府の系統によると、ソビエト連合が崩壊した当時に滞在していた二百九十万人以上のラトビア人でない住人たち(多くがロシア語のみ)はいまだにいわゆる「非国民身分」であるらしい。結果、彼らは税金を払うにも関わらず、選挙権を持たず、公共職業にも就けられない。


  • 和訳をお願いします

    MOSCOW - Voters in Larcia on Saturday overwhelmingly rejected a proposal to adopt Russian as a second official language, defeating a constitutional referendum measure that underscored the ethnic and political tensions that remain more than 20 years after the collapse of the Soviet Union. "The vote on a second state language endangered one of the most sacred foundations of the Constitution - the state language,"the Latvian president, Andris Berzins, said in a statement after the vote."I would also like to thank everyone who, despite the emotions and impassioned atmosphere which were conjured up by the referendum, maintained a cool head and tolerance without yielding before provocations and attempts to foment hatred." Prime Minister Valdis Dombrobskis, who actively opposed the referendum, said he was grateful to Latvian voters for resoundingly rejectingit, but he said some conciliatory steps would be needed. "What we need to think now is what additional measures could be done on integration and naturalization policies, including more opportunities to study Latvian," Mr. Dombrovskis said in a telephone interview. He added, "It is clear that we need to look at what more we can do." Supporters of the referendum, however, said the bid for official status for Russian was not the cause of fissures in Latvia but an outgrowth of longstanding divisions and historically unequal treatment for the country'slarge minority of native Russian speakers.

  • 和訳お願いします。

    Japanese are fond of saying that Japan is a very small country and America a very large country. America is not the largest country in the world, and Japan is not the smallest. If one limits oneself to the forty-eight states that are the main part of the country, the United States is not even the largest country in the western hemisphere. Brazil is larger. Japan, on the other hand, is larger than any European country except France and the Soviet Union, and about the same size as two Germanies combined. Yet it remains true that America is a much larger country than Japanese. The area of the forty-eight adjoining states is more than twenty times that of Japan, which is almost exactly the same size as the third largest of the forty-eight, Montana.

  • 和訳してください

    [ ]に入る適切な語を選んで和訳していただけませんか? In the 1980s, when the Soviet Union’s last leader, Mikhail Gorbachev, came into power, The Soviet Union was faced with two serious problems. First, their economic planning failed to [meet/ reflect/ find] the needs of the State, which was caught up in a vicious arms race with the US. This led to a gradual economic decline that called for economic reform. Second, the Government had underestimated the growing demand of the non-Russian ethnic groups for independence from the Soviet Union. In order to address these problems, Gorbachev introduced a two-tiered reform policy: glasnost (freedom of speech) and perestroika (economic reform). However, perestroika did not work and only encouraged people to exercise their newly given freedom of speech to [praise /criticize/ explain] the Government for its unsuccessful economic reform.

  • 英文の和訳

    次の英文の和訳をお願いします。 The next lower house eelection must be held by September 2013 and the possible poliferation of smaller parties will also make coalition politics a necessity. Opinion polls suggest no single party will win a majority in the next election, underlining voters' disgust at the in ability of mainstream parties to tackle persistent problems such as social and economic effects of shirinking , ageing population. よろしくお願いします。

  • 和訳をお願いします。

    The Battle of Jugla was a defensive battle of the Russian Republic's 12th Army of the First World War from 1 to 3 September 1917. It was part of the German offensive called the Battle of the Gulf of Riga or Schlacht um Riga. The main objective for the Russian 12th Army was to prevent the German 8th Army from forcing the Daugava river and besieging Russian troops in Riga. The battle took place at the banks of the river Mazā Jugla. One of the main units involved was a brigade of 6,000 Latvian Riflemen from the 2nd Latvian Rifles under the command of Ansis Lielgalvis.German generals began to prepare for the battle as early as December 1916. It was decided to force the Daugava River at Ikšķile and quickly advance north and northwest. This had two main intended purposes: to cause the surrender of the Russian 12th Army and to capture Riga. This would also afford the benefit of straightening the German front line, which would allow a number of German divisions to be freed up and sent to France, where ultimately the fate of the war would be determined. On the morning of 1 September 1917, after a three-hour artillery bombardment, the Germans launched the assault and began the construction of three wooden pontoon bridges over the river Daugava near Ikšķile. 1159 German artillery guns fully suppressed 66 opposing Russian guns. Artillery fire forced Russian 186th Division to withdraw from the right bank of the Daugava, thus allowing the Germans to successfully cross the river. The commander of the Russian 12th Army, General Parsky, ordered the XLIII Army corps to counterattack the German bridgehead and deployed for this task four infantry divisions as well as the 2nd Latvian Rifleman Brigade. The Russian force, including the Latvian brigade, received orders in the afternoon of 1 September and started to move from Ropaži against the Germans. The 5th Zemgale Latvian Riflemen Regiment reached fortified German positions along the river Jugla in the late afternoon. After heavy shelling at midday of 2 September by German artillery, the German attack against Latvian Rifleman positions started. Intense fighting started along the entire 14 km front line of the bridgehead.

  • 和訳してくださいm(_ _)m2

    Unfortunately, this is a dream.While there is no doubt that English will play a vital role,there are other lan ua es that will do so,too. The most obvious of these are Chinese, Spanish, and Arabic. There are about 1.2 billion speakers of the main dialects of Chinese, but thev are concentrated in China. However, China's rapid development, and the spread of increasinglv economically powerful Chinese mean that Chinese will once again become adominant regional language,as it was more than 1000 years ago.Spanish is the is the main language of Spain,but also of the majority of nations in Central and South America. Furthermore with Hispanics having recently become the largest minority group in the United States, Spanish may become as influential a language as English. よろしくお願いしますm(_ _)m

  • 英文を和訳して下さい。

    The Battle of Kostiuchnówka was a World War I battle that took place July 4–6, 1916, near the village of Kostiuchnówka (Kostyukhnivka) and the Styr River in the Volhynia region of modern Ukraine, then part of the Russian Empire. It was a major clash between the Russian Army and the Polish Legions (part of the Austro-Hungarian Army) during the opening phase of the Brusilov Offensive. Polish forces, numbering 5,500–7,300, faced Russian forces numbering over half of the 46th Corps of 26,000. The Polish forces were eventually forced to retreat, but delayed the Russians long enough for the other Austro-Hungarian units in the area to retreat in an organized manner. Polish casualties were approximately 2,000 fatalities and wounded. The battle is considered one of the largest and most vicious of those involving the Polish Legions in World War I.

  • 和訳していただきたいです

    どなたかこの文章を和訳していただきたいです。 The disintegration of the Soviet Union began in 1987 in the Baltic region, where Estonia, Lithuania and Latvia demanded autonomy and won independence from the Soviet Union. “Pandora’s box” was opened. Secession movements spread throughout the Soviet Union: Georgia, Ukraine, Moldova, Belarus, and the Central Asian republics. The weakening Central Government could no longer control those movements. In August, 1991, a group of anti-Gorbachev hard-line Communists organized a coup d’etat, kidnapping Gorbachev and announcing Gorbachev’s downfall. However, this coup attempt failed due to the citizens’ massive protests led by Russian SFSR President Boris Yeltsin in Moscow. In December, 1991, Gorbachev stepped down, and then the Soviet Union finally broke up.

  • 和訳をお願いします。

    29 August Brutinel's Brigade, the first fully motorized brigade in the British Empire armies, advances the front line by approximately one kilometer by seizing Bench Farm and Victoria Copse. The Canadian Corps Cyclist Battalion established posts right up to the Scarpe River. 30 August Soldiers from the Canadian Corps cleared portions of the Fresnes-Rouvroy trench system, including Upton Wood. After holding all day under heavy fire, they drove off a German counterattack, capturing 50 prisoners and five machine guns in the process. The Battle of Baku (Azerbaijani: Bakı döyüşü, Russian: Битва за Баку, Turkish: Bakü Muharebesi) was a battle in World War I that took place on August–September 1918 between the Ottoman–Azerbaijani coalition forces led by Nuri Pasha and Bolshevik–Dashnak Baku Soviet forces, later succeeded by the British–Armenian–White Russian forces led by Lionel Dunsterville and saw briefly Soviet Russia renter the war. The battle was fought as a conclusive part of the Caucasus Campaign, but as a beginning of the Armenian–Azerbaijani War. In 1917, the Russian Caucasus Front collapsed following the abdication of the Tsar. On 9 March 1917, the Special Transcaucasian Committee was established to fill the administrative gap in areas occupied in the course of the war on the Caucasian front by the Russian Provisional Government in the Transcaucasia. This administration, which included representatives of Armenian, Azerbaijani and Georgian groups, did not last long. In November 1917, the first government of the independent Transcaucasia was created in Tbilisi and named the Transcaucasian Commissariat following the Bolshevik seizure of power in St. Petersburg. On 5 December 1917, this new "Transcaucasian Committee" gave endorsement to the Armistice of Erzincan which was signed by the Russians with the command of the Ottoman Third Army. Russian soldiers mainly left the front and returned to their homes. A number of Russian troops left for the Persian Campaign, contrary to the rules of the Armistice. General Nikolai Baratov remained in Hamadan and at Kermanshah, a Russian colonel named Lazar Bicherakhov remained with 10,000 troops. Both forces were supplemented by British liaison officers. In 1918, the British invited the Armenians to hold out and picked officers and non-commissioned officers to form an "advisory" force, organizing them under the command of Lionel Dunsterville at Baghdad. Baku バクー

  • 和訳してくださいm(_ _)m

    It is easy to say that English will be the dominant language of the 21st century. After all, it is the main language of the world's biggest economy, the United States, and the common language of business. A large percent of the information on the Internet is in English, and worldwide, many countries are rushing to learn English, since they regard it as vital for economic success.For example, English is the working language of the Asian trade group ASEAN. ln addition, in Malaysia English recently replaced Malay as the language used to teach mathematics and science in schools. The dream of many is that English will develop into a truly global language so that wherever we go, we can understand and be understood. This would ease cultural misunderstandings, encourage tourism, enable trade to work smoothly,reduce the conflict between nations, and lead to a more peaceful world. たくさん投稿しますが、よろしくお願いしますm(_ _)m