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Stone Temple Pilots Band: Challenges with Scott Weiland



スコットは、基本的には(周りの意見に)否定的であった。彼は、自分の歌声に自信があった。他のバンド・メンバーがほぼ同意していたのは、”ピース・オブ・パイ”、”シン”、”Where the River Goes”などの曲は到底無理だということだった。 それで、スコット以外のメンバーは、”ヒット曲だけを演奏する。あとは、スコットが歌える曲だけにする”とコメントを流した。彼らが偉かったのは、メディアにスコットの悪評を流したり、スコットが歌えないのを公表しなかったことだ。 でも、一時、クレッツが”うちのバンドには、約一名、他人からの批評を全然受け入れられない奴がいる”といっていたのを覚えているよ。 談話なので、適当に口語に直してください。





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    Then Scott lobbied and pushed really hard to do Core, and the band said “fine let's try them”. So they did. And Scott just couldn't pull it off. He just doesn't have that range anymore. So the band is saying “dude we can't do it, you can't sing it” and Scott was really defensive about it.

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    The band was not cool with that at all, but Scott decided to do it anyway because he said “hey if you guys don't want to play these songs, I'll do them myself”. So the band views Scott as promoting something that could alienate fans from STP, but they felt they couldn't perform those songs themselves without their legacy taking a hit based on how they sounded in rehearsal.

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    Guitarist Corey Hickok and keyboardist Britt Willits initially remained from Soi-Distant, and the lineup was rounded out by ¾ of the STP lineup we have come to know: Scott Weiland, Robert DeLeo, and drummer Eric Kretz. There was also a drummer named David Allin, a high school friend of Scott's, who played drums before Kretz. The details surrounding his time in the band are vague. Scott and Robert had seen Kretz performing with another band, and were impressed and immediately asked him to join their band. Kretz was from San Jose, California and attended Willow Glen High School. DeLeo eventually decided that they didn't need a keyboardist, and they became a four piece. The band were based in Hollywood but played in Los Angeles and Orange County. Swing had more of a funk and hard edged alternative rock sound than Soi-Distant, one of their early songs was called “Drop the Funk.” Dean, Robert's older brother, moved to San Diego in the mid 80's and became a successful businessman. He had given up the guitar, but helped out the early version of STP get some gigs down in San Diego.

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    In the above video, Stone Temple Pilots guitarist Dean DeLeo says the band's communication with Scott Weiland began to break down in 1994. He said things have always been good between himself, Robert, and Eric but that after continually trying to make things work with Scott, he couldn't take any more. DeLeo said, “There's only so much [you can do]. I can go to my grave saying I gave it my all.”

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    That's obviously Scott. So anyway, after some time Scott basically said “that's fine, fuck you guys, I'll do my own solo tour and advertise and play the songs as a Core celebration myself”. The band said if you make money off our legacy and tour promoting a “Core” anno then you're taking money from us. The band wasn't ok with that because he was basically taking money away from the band and essentially touring under the promotion of the STP brand.

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    Bennington said that the band can now go out to lunch now and hang out as friends since they've been working together in secret. Bennington mentioned that “there's so many good songs we've got in the works right now” and that they can now plan a tour now that the cat is out of the bag regarding the new lineup. Bennington said the plan is to play and create as much new music as they can.

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    Dean explained that they wanted to be able to fulfill their commitment through the band too. He said: "Robert, Eric [Kretz, drums] and I, we want to be able to come to town and give you everything we've got and it was getting to a point where we were unable to do that." STP will release the new EP through their own label. It will contain five songs, including "Out Of Time". STP fired Weiland in February after reuniting with him in 2010 for a series of tours and one self-titled album. The band had previously been on hiatus since 2002, primarily due to the singer's struggles with drugs and alcohol.

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    Dean explained that they wanted to be able to fulfill their commitment through the band too. He said: "Robert, Eric [Kretz, drums] and I, we want to be able to come to town and give you everything we've got and it was getting to a point where we were unable to do that." STP will release the new EP through their own label. It will contain five songs, including the previously released "Out Of Time". STP fired Weiland in February after reuniting with him in 2010 for a series of tours and one self-titled album. The band had previously been on hiatus since 2002, primarily due to the singer's struggles with drugs and alcohol.

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    Robert was also full of praise for his new bandmate, telling Pop-Break.com, "Chester is an amazing human being. "Coming in, we knew we wanted to do this right and sing our songs the way they were supposed to be sung and move forward as a band. "LINKIN PARK will always be his first priority and we respect that. "The guys in LINKIN PARK have been amazing with all this. "Everyone likes to be surrounded by amazing people. We have a great management team, everyone's excited and working hard. We've got a lot of work to do. "There's people out there that really don't like the fact Scott isn't in the band. We have to go out there and prove ourselves. Our goal is to play the best set of songs we can play and really make that count."

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    Former STP frontman Scott Weiland just recently embarked on the second leg of his “Purple at the Core” tour with his solo band, The Wildabouts. He recently had the chance to chat with Alan Sculley of HamptonRoads to reminiscence on STP's early days and provide a hint at what's to come for his solo career. When inquired about the band's disparate recording of their 2010 reunion album, Weiland said “No, we weren't hanging out much.” He noted that life in the band changed after the release of “Purple” in 1994. “That's kind of when it stopped. We were all chummy and all that up until then.”