• ベストアンサー
※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:blogに記載あった文面翻訳のお願いです)

ミュージシャンのブログ更新 | ドイツから日本への旅行記


  • ベストアンサー
  • Him-hymn
  • ベストアンサー率66% (3489/5257)

僕がこれをタイプしている今、ドイツにいます。先週、このポストを始めたとき、日本にいました。飛行機に乗り遅れないかと絶えず心配しているときに、クリエイティブになるというのは、そんな簡単なことではないのです(つまりいくつか飛行機に乗り遅れちゃったんですーーこれは話しがながくなりますのでしませんがーー) 飛行機の心配ばかりしていると、ミュージシャンとして音楽を作ることに支障がある →世界をかけめぐっていると、本来の音楽活動が滞る ということです。 以上、ご参考になればと思います。





  • 翻訳お願い致します。

    I will invite you at Pierre Herme in Tokyo macaron will be more fresh. Because with flight travel taste will not be so fresh when I will give you French one. 日本語に翻訳お願い致します。

  • 英語の翻訳をお願い致します。

    英語の翻訳をお願い致します。 Hello, I'm just coming back. If I buy this item, could you just pack it extremely well to avoid any damage in transit since it has its own case, wrap the lens in bubble wrap then put it in its case then do the same when repacking it and double boxed it when posting. Also, label it clearly with my address in a computer typed to be clear.. It is really too much for me if I pay again extra hundreds of dollars in custom fees if you declare its original value. Make it at least 145USD and mark it as "used lens FOR PARTS AND REPAIRS" since this is expedited shipping. Just do extra care in packing and labelling to avoid damage and lost in transit. I'm ready to buy anytime when I receive your feedback regarding this my e-mail. 申し訳ありませんが、解る方よろしくお願い致します。

  • どなたか翻訳していただけないでしょうか

    I missed on you . and I waited for you . To miss and wait is same ? For me is not present . When you wait , you do not wake up in five mornings, refusing the best dreams . Milk does not lose the taste . And when you miss ? yes "When day has ended , forget about everything that occurred . Never take with itself past luggage in new day .

  • 英語の翻訳おねがいします。

    翻訳ソフトでは意味が不可能でした。 Not cancelling until I decide wether to send the item back in the next couple or days or so... Just deciding wether its worth it or not. Im not angry and know its an oversight just disappointed.. thats all.... よろしくお願いします

  • 翻訳お願い致します。

    いまいち、内容が良く解りません。翻訳お願い致します。 Many thanks for sending this new order through. When did you need this order by? We do not have the grey mugs available until January, would this be ok? I can send you the invoice now if you like. Let me know.

  • 英語の翻訳をお願い致します。

    英語の翻訳をお願い致します。 I see. Its really hard to think now. Because of this custom fees, its really a lot when paying them. Almost a quarter to pay of the original value. Only in my opinion, I think when it is properly labelled and pack extremely well we can at least be sure the item is safe, but still we don't know what will happen.. I think Japan post is secure and can be trusted. I am with you, in my case I don't really want to lose my money if something happen in the item.. Hard to think.. よろしくお願い致します。

  • 翻訳をお願い致します。

    Per Scott Weiland: I learned of my supposed “termination” from Stone Temple Pilots this morning by reading about it in the press. Not sure how I can be “terminated” from a band that I founded, fronted and co-wrote many of its biggest hits, but that’s something for the lawyers to figure out. In the meantime, I’m looking forward to seeing all of my fans on my solo tour which starts this Friday. ※ 『Stone Temple Pilots』はバンド名、『Scott Weiland』は人物名です。

  • 翻訳をお願い致します。

    So, media (social and news) has been blowing up over this Charlottesville thing. Yes, there are racists who still believe in white supremacy, but not very many. I think we're giving them way more attention than they deserve, and at a cost of our own collective peace of mind. Listen, I can't stand this neo Nazi bullshit, either, but I'm not going to let them ruin my day. Maybe I'll just listen to some Dead Kennedys, and remember this shit has been around my whole life. This one's for the ignorant racists everywhere, not just in Charlottesville.

  • 翻訳をお願い致します。

    While the song is generic structure wise, it does rock, and it makes me excited about STP's upcoming 7th album. While this obviously isn't the same STP any more and is more of a supergroup now, I'm trying not to let any names or bias cloud my judgment when listening to the music. I do the same thing when I listen to new Alice In Chains stuff, despite it being a very different band I judge it based on the music.

  • 翻訳をお願い致します。

    When are we going to admit what’s right in front of our eyes - the whole world knows!! Trump works for Putin!!! This is fucking embarrassing. If I had the money I would leave the country right now. Im embarrassed - I’m shamed - I can’t believe this !! I denounce the us government and anyone that tries to defend trump.