• 締切済み



  • sayshe
  • ベストアンサー率77% (4555/5904)

1. (4) when あなたがそのことを後悔する時が必ず来るでしょう。 2. (1) which 私は、彼のコンピュータの設定を変えました、そして、そのことが彼を怒らせました。 3. (3) what 暗くなってきていました、そして、一層悪いことには、雨が降り出しました。 4. (3) better 私は、そんなバカなことを言わないだけの分別があります。 5. (3) whoever この部屋のエクササイズ・マシンは、それらを使いたい人が、誰でも利用できます。 6. (2) still これを5時までに仕上げるためには、私たちは、一層頑張って働かなくてはなりません。 7. (2) so much 彼の成功は、才能と言うよりはむしろ、勤勉によって成し遂げられました。 8. (1) good 父が壁にペンキを塗って、我が家は新築同然になりました。


  • 英語

    1.She started drinking and staying out late at night,((1)what (2)which (3)in whom it (4)to which she) caused her parents a great deal of anxiety. 2.His hair was going gray,(1)which (2)what (3)that (4)its) fact bothered his wife a great deal. 3.When taking a test,many people have ((1)to be so (2)to collect (3)that's (4)what's) called "test anxiety". 4.His hard work made the company ((1)which (2)what (3)how (4)that)it is today. できれば訳もお願い致します。

  • 英語!

    英語がわからない! 疑問詞で作る名詞節の時に、どうやって疑問詞を決めればいいの? ex) What he studied was of interest to all of us. ex) Who he is taking is anyone's guess. ex) He knew who the teacher was. ex) His problem is which field he will major in. 後は、what, where, when, why, who, whom, which, whose, how, thatの使い方(名詞節を作るとき)を教えてください。

  • 英語 選択問題 解答を教えてください。

    (1)We thought it odd ( ) the man who came here last month was chosen the new manager. アthan イthat ウwhat エwhether (2)I found ( ) difficult to believe his story. アthat イit ウthis エwhich (3)Tom, ( ) was useal with him, was late for school. アit イas ウwhat エwho オwhich (4)We went to the place ( ) in her talk. アwhere she spoke of イwhich she spoke of ウthat she spoke エof that she spoke (5)I found ( ) impossible to finish this work for two days. アtoo イso ウit エthat 上記問題の解答と日本語訳を教えて頂けますか? よろしくお願いします。

  • 英語 和訳してください

    この英文を和訳してください。 Little did they know that I made it a rule never to leave home without having breakfast. This photo makes you look much younger then you really are. What was it that you said you would give me? It was his speech that bored me to death.

  • [英語]()に入るものを教えて下さい><

    1. Little () that Keiko would fail the exam. (1) I thought (2) did I think (3) I didn(t think (4) didn't I think 2. I wonder how much () to get a digital camera. (1) does it cost (2) it costs (3) costs it (4) costs 3. An accident deprived (). (1) his sight (2) him of his sight (3) him his sight (4) his sight from him 4. English physicist Isaac Newton () to be the father of modern science. (1) says (2) is said (3) tells (4) is told 5. () seems to be something wrong with the engine. (1) It (2) What (3) There (4) That 6. Many cancers can be cured if () at an early stage. (1) discover (2) to discover (3) discovering (4) discovered 7. () was it that won first prize in the speech contest? (1) Who (2) Where (3) What (4) How 8. () is important in learning English is to practice it every day. (1) It (2) That (3) What (4) Nothing

  • 英語の質問です。

    ( )内の近い意味を持つ語を答えなさい。1.This part of the processing cannot be automated and needs to be done (by hand). (1)handly (2)manually (3)artificially (4)craftily 答え(2) ( )に入るもっとも適切なものを選びなさい。 2.I don't know that Tom had read War and Peace. ( ) surprised me most was the fact that he had read it in two days. (1)That (2)Who (3)Whoever (4)What 答え(4) 3.The man ( ) was my friend has betrayed me. (1)how I thought (2)what I thought (3)who I thought (4)whom I thought 答え(3) 4.Is this ( ) you said you bought in France? (1)as (2)that (3)what (4)which 答え(3) 5.Things are not ( ) they used to be. (1)while (2)what (3)when (4)that 5.This encyclopedia is very informative and, ( ) is more, inexpensive. (1)which (2)it (3)that (4)what 答え(4) 自分で解いてみたのですが、 訳ができずに困っています。 訳を教えてください。 よろしくお願いします。

  • 英語のHow~について

    中3です。 英文法で How far is it to your house? というのが出てきたのですが How much does it cost you to buy this box? というのもあります。 この文の中で、How muchの後に is it とdoes it があるのですが、なぜ違うのでしょうか。 お願いします。

  • [英語]()に当てはまるもの教えて下さい><

    1. Under no circumstances () it without her permission. (1) you should not do (2) you should do (3) should you not do (4) should you do 2. The man () we believed was a murderer proved to be innocent. (1) who (2) whose (3) whom (4) what 3. You can use my bike () you bring it back tomorrow. (1) as long as (2) as far as (3) as well as (4) as much as 4. This computer needs (). (1) to fix (2) to have fixed (3) fixed (4) fixing 5. The store is open () on Fridays. (1) faster (2) late (3) lately (4) sooner 6. I was () to suggest a satisfactory solution to him. (1) unable (2) difficult (3) necessary (4) impossible 7. Roy, Ben and I went out together, but I went jogging while () played tennis. (1) other (2) some (3) the other (4) the others 8. Mr. Kaufman was a strict teacher and gave his students (). (1) too much homework (2) many piece of homework (3) too many homeworks (4) a lot of homeworks 9. I () in my room for the past half an hour wondering how I'm going to begin this work. (1) had been sitting (2) was sitting (3) would sit (4) have been sitting 10. This watch () three minutes a day, so I'm going to have it fixed. (1) delays (2) recedes (3) loses (4) slows

  • 全体文と指示語がわかりません

    There is little to which each of us tends to cling so stubbornly as a view-point which we have adopted as our own.It does not seem to matter how we have come by it.Once it is ours we treat it as a personal attribute,something which has become a part of ourselves,and which must be defended as certainly as we defend ourselves against attack. 1文目のto whichの先行詞はlittleでしょうか?so~asから比較級が使われてるとおもうのですが上手く訳せません・・なので次の文のItとcome by itがわかりません・・そして最後の文のoursはsomethingにかかるのでしょうか?だとしたらtreat itはours somethingでしょうか? 長文、質問ばかりですみません なにとぞよろしくお願いします。

  • 英語の質問です。

    His assertion ( )the molecule divides into two parts in water is accepted by most scientists. (1)how (2)what (3)that (4)which の問題ですが、答えは、(3)です。何故?whichでダメですか? 例えば、that which who の訳し方?使い方?でポイントはありますか? 教えてください。