• ベストアンサー

英語 和訳


  • ベストアンサー
  • SPS700
  • ベストアンサー率46% (15295/33014)

1. hope we'll be friends...thanks.     直訳: 我々が友達であることを望む、ありがとう 2。  「そうなんですか。」とゆう感じではじまる返事の仕方も教えて頂きたいです。     Fine.   I hope we are friends too. 「よろしい、私も我々が友達であることを望む」    >うん、仲良くしよう。     ぐらいでいいですか?





  • 和訳をお願いします

    I am doing a language exchange with a Japanese girl and it's working okay but I see what you mean. It would be a little difficult without the right set-up. Maybe we could sort something out, I'll look into it,okay?

  • 英語 和訳

    星の王子様の一文です。 和訳をお願いします。  "At night, you'll look up at the stars. It's too small, where I live, for me to show you where my star is. It's better that way. My star will be... one of the stars, for you. So you'll like looking at all of them. They'll all be your friends." 基本的な文法はわかっているつもりなのですが、英語が苦手なのでどんな文法でどのように訳せるのかできるだけ丁寧に解説していただけたらありがたいです。

  • 和訳をよろしくお願いします

    I am wondering whether we live in an age when I can get my social fill in my time at the Y, swimming and in coffee shops, socializing as the extrovert that I am. https://www.arcamax.com/healthandspirit/lifeadvice/dearannie/s-2032705 和訳をよろしくお願いします

  • 英語の和訳をお願いします

    Hello my friend...naoyuki....Soon its CHRISTmas!!! MERRYMERRYMERRY CHRISTMAS...!!!  How are you...?Hope everything is under control...,your health,family bonding,your mother, financial matter and of course your job...year 2011 is almost gonna end and year 2012 is soon to welcome...,,have you find your future wife?hhahaha...,soon your age will be no more in calendar...,and me too...hahaha....My hope that we will meet some other day is still in my heart.I have faith that God shall make it one day,that I shall see you again my friend.By the way im sorry that it takes me so long to answer your e-mail....,its only today that i drop by here in an internet cafe'.....nevertheless here in my mind,here in my heart you are always keep and never forget.Because you are my very friend.Take care always your health and may the God of heaven and earth Bless you in all aspect of your life... Its me...Your very friend....Froi

  • 和訳お願いします

    Are we friend relations forever? と送ったら、non, we will see i don't know if you understand or not i did not understand your question と返事がありIs it the question that I sent to you now?と送ったら、 yesとあり、"we will see"you send me? と聞いたらyes i don't wanna be friends, i wanna something moreときました。 but,You did the same answer before. It is that we are friends from now on. I understood it. と答えるとno,don't worry, i don't wanna be just friendsときました。どういう意味でしょうか?

  • 和訳してください

    the things are very but there...right? gooooosh I hope you'll be ok...(引き続き地震についてです)

  • この歌詞の意味 みなさんが訳すとどうなりますか?

    歌詞を添付するのはダメかもしれないですが・・ この曲の和訳を見ると・・・・となっていましたが イマイチ意味がわかりません 人により意味が微妙に変わってくるかと思うのですがドンナ意味か教えてください。真剣に考えています。 よろしくお願いいたします。 それと・・・もう1つ この曲は 結婚する相手の事を想って歌ったうたですか? それとも結婚できないが大事な友達へ向けて送った歌ですか・・? What would you think if I told you I've always wanted to hold you I don't know what we're afraid of Nothing would change if we made love So I'll be your friend And I'll be your lover 'Cause I know in our hearts we agree We don't have to be one or the other Oh, no, we could be both to each other Yes, it's a chance that we're taking And somebody's heart may be breaking Ooh, but we can't stop what's inside us Our love for each other will guide us So I'll be your friend And I'll be your lover 'Cause I know in our hearts we agree We don't have to be one or the other I've been through you You've been through me Sometimes a friend is The hardest to see We always know when It's laid on the line Nobody else is as easy to find So I'll be your friend And I'll be your lover Yes, I'll be your friend And I'll be your lover 'Cause I know in our hearts we agree We don't have to be one or the other Oh, no, we could be both to each other

  • 細かいニュアンスがわかりません。

    細かいニュアンスがわかりません。 翻訳してくださいm(_ _)m Haha, I agree. I hope the next time we meet I can speak better Japanese. Start working tomorrow yes, not sure what it's going to be like. I'll stay in touch with you. Maybe we can meet again sometime. I'm off to sleep soon.

  • 和訳をどうかお願いします

    You are a wonderful person but we are just in different stages in our life. I do want u to live a full life and I really don't have time to be in a relationship with anyone, I just need to concentrate on myself right now without other worries in my head. We always friends we both helped each other out a lot. I didn't want to hurt you and didn't know how to tell you that is why I been so distant

  • 英語圏の方との言語交換を考えています。

    自己紹介文を書いてみたので、添削していただきたく存じます。 ↓ココから 私は、日本の徳島県というところに住んでいるA子と言います。 性別は女です。 28歳の独身で、趣味はいろいろな資格試験にチャレンジすることやフラワーアレンジメント,数種類のハーブをコーディネートしてハーブティーを作ったり、ハーブで染物をしたりすることです。 私も英語の勉強を一生懸命やりますので、いろいろ教えてください。 代わりに日本語をお教えできます。 どうぞ、私を貴方のペンフレンドにしてください。 よろしくお願いします! ↑ココまで I am A子 whoa female live in Tokushima its called in Japan. And I am 28 years old and single. There are many hobbies. Such as the flower arrangement, dying the clothes with some mixed herbs and also making herb tea. I like to challenge to get licenses too. I am now studying English and I'm appricated if you help me. Then I'll teach you Japanese instead. Why don't we like to be email friends? ※Thanks for clicking my profile. 上記英文は、語学教室で翻訳していただいたものですが、 私のプロフィールを掲載するわけではなく、 お相手様にメールにて連絡をとることになるため、※の文章が合いません。 「私のメッセージをお読みいただきありがとうございます。」 というような文章に変えたいので、お力添えください。 また、上記英文に誤りがありましたらご教授ください。 よろしくお願いいたします。