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< 共通領域空間計画 > - 図書館の入り口とロビー スペース レセプションを計画し、チェック アウト\/戻るべき一体管理、メインの入り口で、効率的に従業員の各読書スペースで動作するように。有効な領域を最大化に対し共通の領域を最小限にすべき。エントランス デザインでは、ランプと自動ドア車椅子の扶養家族と視覚障害者を含む高齢者をインストールしてください。空間は様々 な記事、ガイダンス、パーソナル ストレージ、新しい材料表示、リスト カード検索等です。入り口は道路と駐車場の両方からの入力の 1 つの場所に位置する必要があり、土地の 2 つの側面は、エントランスに隣接する場合両側の従業員または材料へのアクセスからユーザーのアクセスを個別にインストールする必要があります。玄関ホールにおけるタッチ画面図書館ガイダンス システムと地区事務所情報キオスクをインストールする必要があります、および端末ユーザーのための書籍を今すぐ検索をインストールすることも必要があります。傘立て風のシールド ルームをインストールして近くの入り口新聞ラックに簡単にアクセス インストールし、転記、表示領域読書室を開くには、訪問者をリードする配置。入り口では、時間の終了後に本を返却することができる戻り値のボックスをインストールしてください。-ストック ルーム メインの入り口の近く、またはユーザーの便宜のための読書室の近く配置する必要があります。2.8 外部空間、アクセス、駐車場 - ブロック計画環境重視のローカル エリアでの物理と人道主義的な文字としての共生関係とを対応することによって、快適な環境を作成する上を集中する必要があります。-建物軸受、地形、気候、形状を最適化してください。-自然の水循環の土地では、排水が良いはずし、砂地盤の混雑を防ぐために、地形と土地の形状も利用する必要があります。土地は、太陽熱、地熱などの自然エネルギーを最大限に測定する必要があります。-それは歩道と施設ユーザーの便宜のためでは、公共交通機関や自転車で提供する必要があります、残りの屋外エリア、便利な施設、造園、駐車スペース等を考慮して計画する必要があります。-グリーン ベルトの競争の土地土地でのグリーン ベルト接続として、デザイン コンペに関連する参加者の意思での提案を受け入れることができます。準備室それチェック アウト 1,000 の本棚を机の後ろに配置する必要があります ~ 2,000 本の壁、および従業員に柔軟に並べ、読書ルーム、ガラスのドアやパーティションをオープン棚を見ることができる場所で。-楽屋監督と特別な司書ドレッシング ルームで自分の持ち物を残すを除いてそれ広い空間を全体のスタッフから提供します。保全室べき防火している保存の部屋と防湿性の施設。-15 温度と 63% 以下湿気に適した、部屋にいます。モバイル ラック 1 行 6 レベルの 2 倍のサイズは 1075 × 676 × 2260cm、スタック容量は約 240 本。-ライブラリの入り口とレセプション、チェック アウト\/戻り一体、メインの入り口で、効率的に管理すべき主なロビー空間計画各読書空間の従業員で動作します。有効な領域を最大化に対し共通の領域を最小限にすべき。エントランス デザインでは、ランプと自動ドア車椅子の扶養家族と視覚障害者を含む高齢者をインストールしてください。空間は様々 な記事、ガイダンス、パーソナル ストレージ、新しい材料表示、リスト カード検索等です。入り口は道路と駐車場の両方からの入力の 1 つの場所に位置する必要があり、土地の 2 つの側面は、エントランスに隣接する場合両側の従業員または材料へのアクセスからユーザーのアクセスを個別にインストールする必要があります。


  • 次の文章の和訳をお願いいたします。

    こんにちは。 次の英文の和訳をどなたか教えていただけませんか? You are required to give at least one month's notice in writing should you wish to leave the Company's employment. Conversely,should it be necessary for the company to terminate this contract,The Company shall give 30 days prior notice of ths same or dismiss the employee immediately and pay an amount equivalent to 30 days of the average wage. 宜しくお願いします。

  • どなたか私の和訳を訂正していただけませんか?

    自分なりに調べて和訳してみたのですが、自分でも理解できない文章になってしまい、困っています。 どなたか私の間違っているところをご指摘くださいませんでしょうか。よろしくお願い致します。 ↓この文は「英国図書館の書物の予約についての説明」です。 Books may be reserved in advance or from day to day the same condition as in the main Reading Room. Letters should be addressed to the Superintendent, Official Publications Collection, The British Library, Great Russel Street, London WC1B 3DG. Applications for reserved books should be made at the issue desk in the Collection’s reading room(1974). 私の和訳:書物は前もって予約済みかもしれませんし、もしくは日ごとに中心の閲覧室の場合と同じ状態にあるかもしれません。手紙は、ロンドンWC1B 3DG、グレートラッセル通り、英国図書館、公共出版収集部、最高責任者宛に提出してください。予約済みの書物の申し込みは、収集部の閲覧室の発行受付で行ってください(1974年)。 特に一文目がさっぱりで、二文目はOfficial Publications Collectionがどういう日本語になるのかと、宛先はこの順番やこの内容でよいのか、三文目はissue deskとCollection’s reading roomが何かわかりません。

  • 次の英文の和訳お願いします。

    Provision for in-service inspection and testing of equipment installed in high active areas shall be defined according to the official requirements on pressurized equipment. Safety measures to minimize the consequences of potential failure or leak in high active area shall be implemented. わかる範囲でかまいません。 宜しくお願いします。

  • 【至急】英文の和訳です。よろしくお願いします。

    In the third period, the child makes rapid progress in increasing his or her vocabulary and learning new skills in discovering the meaning of unfamiliar words by the way the words are used in the reading material. In addition, children during this period of reading development learn to read for different purposes and in different subjects, such as science and history. They learn that reading, besides being something that one dose at school, is also something that one can do alone,for fun, for factual information, or to learn more about the world in general. Finally, in the fourth period, the student improves the skills that have been leaned. He or she develops the ability to connect ideas from one piece of writing to another, and learns to compare the opinions of different writers on the same subject. Young persons should reach the fourth period of reading by the time they are 13 or 14 years old, and, if they try, they can continue to increase their reading ability for the rest of their lives. They can read by themselves and are prepared to learn more about reading.

  • 和訳をお願いします。

    However, the United States allowed limited use of its diplomatic cables for Germany to communicate with its ambassador in Washington. The facility was supposed to be used for cables connected with President Woodrow Wilson's peace proposals. The Swedish cable ran from Sweden, and the United States cable from the United States embassy in Denmark. However, neither cable ran directly to the United States. Both cables passed through a relay station at Porthcurno, near Land's End, the westernmost tip of England. Here the signals were boosted for the long trans-oceanic jump. All traffic through the Porthcurno relay was copied to British intelligence, in particular to the codebreakers and analysts in Room 40 at the Admiralty. After their telegraph cables had been cut, the German Foreign Office appealed to the United States for use of their cable for diplomatic messages.

  • 【至急】英文の和訳です。よろしくお願いします。

    It is now generally accepted that the child's reading ability progresses through several periods of reading development. The first period, known as "reading readiness," begins at birth and continues normally until the age of about six or seven. Reading readiness includes the physical ability to see and hear, and the mental ability to remember words and their letters, and to use simple sentences. In the second period of reading development, children learn to read very simple materials. In the United States, children usually will be able to read perhaps 300 or 400 words by the end of the first year. By the end of this period., pupils are expected to be reading and enjoying simple books by themselves without help from teachers or parents.

  • 和訳です

    The reconstruction of Afghanistan must not be permitted to fail and should serve as a model for the birth of a new nation at the dawn of a new century これはどうやって訳せばいいでしょうか?お願いします。

  • 和訳をお願いします

    和訳をお願いします 長くなってすみません(>_<) I took the fist turn to the right at the Medical Records Dept. and made my way along the corridor, but it came to a dead end, so I turned around and headed toward the entrance. But I was so frightened and it was so smoky that I got lost. I remember turning to the right somewhere and getting to the door of some room,but I have no idea where I was. I sat down in front of the door and desperately called out for help again and again. Finally a man heard me. He came over to help me, took me by the hand and led me to the entrance.

  • 和訳が分かりません。

    ・I noted the things we all should be thankful for on his behalf ― good health, good friends, good battles and good outcomes. By most measurements he was a happy man. Then I suggested it was time for him and Mom to slow down. At long last, in a comfortable home, with a generous pension, he should learn to take things easy. ・That's how his letter back began, volleying my words across the net straight at me ― the hardest return to handle. ・But if we got our wish, and all troublesome experiences should cease, it might be the worst thing that could happen. Life isn't having it made; it's getting it made. 上記の英文を、自分では訳しきれませんでした(特に2、3番目) 何方か教えてください>< 宜しくお願いします。

  • 和訳をお願いします。

    Following the failure of the land campaign up to May, De Robeck suggested that it might be desirable to again attempt a naval attack. Churchill supported this idea, at least as far as restarting attempts to clear mines but this was opposed by Fisher and other members of the Admiralty Board. Aside from difficulties in the Dardanelles, they were concerned at the prospect that more ships might have to be diverted away from the Grand Fleet in the North Sea. This disagreement contributed to the final resignation of Fisher, followed by the need for Asquith to seek coalition partners to shore up his government and the consequential dismissal of Churchill also. Further naval attacks were shelved. Keyes remained a firm supporter of naval action and on 23 September submitted a further proposal to pass through the Dardanelles to de Robeck. De Robeck disliked the plan but passed it to the Admiralty. Risk to ships had increased since March, due to the presence of German submarines in the Mediterranean and the Sea of Marmara, where the British ships would be inviting targets if the plan succeeded. The Allied minesweeping force was better equipped and some of the ships had nets or mine bumpers, which it was hoped would improve their chances against mines. The Ottoman Empire had regained land communications with Germany since the fall of Serbia and demands on the Anglo-French navies for more ships to support the attempt had to be added to the commitment of ships for the land campaign and operations at Salonica attempting to support Serbia. Kitchener made a proposal to take the Isthmus of Bulair using forty thousand men to allow British ships operating in the Marmara Sea to be supplied across land from the Gulf of Xeros. Admiralty opinion was that another naval attack could not be mounted without support of land forces attacking the Dardanelles forts, which was deemed impractical for lack of troops. Kitchener visited the area to inspect the positions and talk to the commanders concerned, before reporting back advising a withdrawal. The War Committee, faced with a choice either of an uncertain new campaign to break the stalemate or complete withdrawal, recommended on 23 November that all troops should be withdrawn. The British cabinet as a whole was less keen to abandon the campaign, because of political repercussions of a failure and damaging consequences for Russia. De Robeck had been temporarily replaced by Admiral Rosslyn Wemyss in November 1915 for reasons of ill health. In contrast to De Robeck, Wemyss was a supporter of further action and considerably more optimistic of chances of success. Whereas de Robeck estimated losses at 12 battleships, Wemyss considered it likely to lose no more than three. It was suggested that liquidating the Salonica commitment, where the troops involved never managed to aid Serbia and did little fighting, could provide the reinforcements but this was vetoed by the French. Wemyss continued a campaign promoting the chances of success.