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※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:英語の質問)



  • ベストアンサー
  • sayshe
  • ベストアンサー率77% (4555/5904)

1. How the two countries came to the same conclusion どの様に両国が同じ結論に達したかは、 about the preservation of their natural resources, 彼らの天然資源の保存について、 however, しかしながら、 was different. 異なっていました。 <まとめ> しかし、どの様に両国が彼らの天然資源の保存について同じ結論に達したかは、異なっていました。 <こなれた訳> だが、両国が天然資源の保護に関して同じ結論に達した経緯は異なる。 How 以下は名詞節で主部になっていると思います。 2. Part of the Tokugawa solution 徳川家の解決策の一部は for the problem of resource depletion in Japan 日本の資源の減少の問題に対する was ~でした to conserve Japanese resources 日本の資源を節約する by causing resource depletion elsewhere, どこかほかで資源の減少を引き起こすことによって、 just as ちょうど~の様に、ちょうど~と同様に part of the solution of Japan and other developed countries 日本と他の先進諸国の解決策の一部が to their resource depletion today 今日の彼らの資源の減少に対する is ~である to cause resource depletion elsewhere. どこかほかで資源の減少を引き起こすこと <まとめ> 日本の資源の減少の問題に対する徳川家の解決策の一部は、ちょうど、日本や他の先進諸国の今日の資源の減少に対する解決策の一部が、どこかほかで資源の減少を引き起こすことであるのと同様に、資源の減少をどこかほかで引き起こすことによって日本の資源を節約することでした。 ☆ just as http://eow.alc.co.jp/search?q=just+as&ref=sa as には色々な意味がありますから、just as で辞書を引くと、上手く上記の辞書の様な訳に出会わない時があります。as の意味を考えた後、just は、それを強めているのだと考える方がよいと思います。





  • 添削お願いします

    私はどのような人材を日本が必要としているかについて答えようとしています 「I am trying to answer what kind of human resource need in Japan.」 *ここではwhat kind of human resourceでいいのでしょうか? how human resourceでもいいのでしょうか? こちらの英文で正しいか見て欲しいです。 よろしくお願いします。

  • 英文の添削をお願い致します。

    大学の論文に苦戦しております・・・。 以下の日本語文の英訳を、添削・改善して頂けますと幸いです。 ちなみに論文で「I would like」を使うのはおかしいのでしょうか? どうぞよろしくお願い致します。 「先進国の政府、会社、そして個人が、環境問題において、どのようにして問題の一部から、解決策の一部になる事が出来るかを研究したい。」 I would like to study how the country, a company, and individuals of developed countries be a part of the solution from part of problem」

  • 英語の質問です。和訳お願いします。

    I have alot of stress because of school. And because of my ex. And because of my family who thinks I am the one who needs to be solving all their problems. And then I stress because of you because you say how communicating is so important but I don't want to/don't have time to be here writing to you about how shit my life is.

  • 英語の質問です。和訳お願いします。

    I have alot of stress because of school. And because of my ex. And because of my family who thinks I am the one who needs to be solving all their problems. And then I stress because of you because you say how communicating is so important but I don't want to/don't have time to be here writing to you about how shit my life is.

  • 英語の質問です!!

    What kind of fast food would you like to eat for lunch? Hamburgers? Fried chicken? Some of you may think of instant noodles. Instant noodles made in Japan are exported to over fifty countries and areas around the world - many of them in Asia. Do you know the history of this world-famous fast food born in Japan? In the early years following World War II, Ando Momofuku saw people forming long lines in front of noodle stands. They had to stand waiting in line for a long time. Ando wanted to make noodles that would be easy to cook and also keep for a long time. He hit upon the idea of deep-frying noodles after watching his wife cook tempura for dinner. Through trial and error, he succeeded in making instant noodles. This was a product of noodles that had been seasoned, deep-fried, and the dried. In 1958 the world’s first instant noodles went on sale in Japan. Because they could be prepared in just a few minutes, by putting them in a bowl and poruring hot water over them, they were called “magic noodles” and quickly became a hit. 1~3の問いには英語で答えなさい。45は問いに対する答えを完成させなさい。 (1)In how many countries and areas are instant noodles eaten? (2)Who made instant noodles first? (3)When did the first instant noodles go on sale in Japan? (4)How were the first instant noodles prepared as a product?They were ( ),( ),and then ( ). (5)Why were the first instant noodles called `magic noodles`? Because they could be ( )in just a few( ). Some of you may think of instant noodles.について (1)下線部に注意して、次の文を日本語に直しなさい。 (1)I am always thinking of you.下線部(thinking of) (2)I couldn`t think of any good answer to the question. (think of) (3)I can`t think of his first name.(think of) (2)この文を日本語になおしなさい。 Instant noodles made in Japan are exported to over fifty countries and areas around the worldーmany of them in Asia.について(1)この文の主語と動詞をそれぞれ2語で書きなさい。 主語:()() 動詞:()() (2)この文を日本語になおしなさい。

  • 英語の和訳です。お願いします!!

    There is another difference that visitors often notice in American schools. There is less importance given to the learning of facts than is usual in the school systems of many other countries. Instead, Americans try to teach their children to think for themselves,to ask questions, to explore, and to develop their own intellectual and creative abilities. Students spend much time learning how to use resource materials, libraries, statistics, and computers. Computers are used in many classrooms, frequently stating in kindergarten. The American system of education is based on the idea that if children are taught to reason well and to research well, they will be able to find whatever facts they need throughout the rest of their lives. This is America's answer to the question that thoughtful parents around the world are asking the world are asking themselves in this fast-paced time: "How can one prepare today's child for a tomorrow that one can neither predict nor understand?"

  • 英語の質問です!!

    次の例文の空所に当てはまる動詞を下から選び、必要があれば適切な形に直して入れなさい。ただし、同じ語は一度しか使えません。 (1)Now our school ( ) with new teaching methods. (2)They had to ( ) their lives for their country at that time. (3)The boy is ( ) to go to the amusement part. (4)We (  ) in front of the station yesterday. (5)The news has ( ) the interest of people around the country. (6)Can you ( ) a good English-Japanese dictionary? (7)He chose his words carefully so as not to ( ) a misunderstanding. (8)A little later I ( ) that I had been mistaken. (9)It is important for the wound to be ( ). (10)The school focuses on ( ) the students‘ sense of morality. (experiment/cause/recomend/part/sacrifice/cool/cultivate/long/realize/attract)

  • 英語の質問です!

    Among the invasive alien species brought into Japan , some were introduced for the purpose of helping with their work.iについて (1) brought が修飾している語をかきなさい。 (2) someの後ろに補うことのできる語句を書きなさい。 (3) 次の語を日本語に直しなさい。 She traveled Hong Kong for the purpose of shopping. (4) 次の文を日本語に直しなさい。 More and husband are helping their wives with the house work . The problem was what it started eating there.について。 (1)この文の文型は何ですか? (2)itが指しているものを本文中から抜き出しなさい。 (1)(It )was thought that (2)(it )would kill and eat habu, but (3)( it ) ate other species instead. について。 (1) (1)~(3)のit 指しているものを書きなさい。 However, it is now known that European bumblebee easily invade other bee habits to make nests and collect honey, since they are much storonger than other bees.について。 (1) itが指している部分の最初と最後の語を1語ずつ書きなさい。 In Middle Eastern countries where European bumblebees have already become a part of the ecosystem, the number of native bees seriously decreased. について。 (1) この文の主語を1語で書きなさい。

  • 英語の発音、アクセントに関するアンケート(英語)

    英語での質問です。英語でお答えください。 たくさんの方のご回答をお待ちしております。 (1) Is it possible for an adult to change his/her accent? If so, how? If not, why not? (2) Is it important for international students of English to lose their accents? Why/Why not? (3) How to improve their accents? (4) How long take for the accent to change? ご協力ありがとうございました。

  • 英語の訳!

    英文の訳をお願いします! A similar movement can be seen in other countries,too.In Australia, the native Aborigines are trying to preserve their languages and cultures. They have been discriminated against in society for a long time and the speakers of their native tongues are rapidly decreasing in numaer. A group of Aborigines have established a small publishing company. The reason is that they want to maintain their native tongue. This is also the case with the Ainu in Japan. Once the Ainu were not allowed to speak their native tongue or live in their traditional way. As a result, their language and culture were dying out. In order to preserve them, the Ainu have begun to teach their native tongue to their children and have built some museums of Ainu folk art. They have also started an Ainu speech contest and a conversation program in the Ainu language on the radio. よろしくお願いします!