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直訳すると カミソリの端はまだそうではありません、edを一度さえ鋭くする、そしてない、単一の1片のさびc、カミソリの表面で見つけられたbe。 真新しいアイテムは非常に貴重です。 という謎の文章に・・・


  • 文法について

    いくつか質問があります。 1)This is a piece of abstract art. このa piece of は外してはダメなのでしょうか? 2)The auditorium was empty except for a single piece of furniture. このsingle piece of というのはあまり聞きなれませんが、a piece of~とどう違うのでしょうか? 3)consensus is to be reached regarding this matter. このto be reachedは不定詞のなんという用法ですか? be to構文「~することになっている」でto以降が受け身になっているのかなと思いました。 しかし原文は~[is/has] yet to be reached~となっており、hasでも成り立つのか不明です。

  • 英文和訳

    I speak tonight for the dignity of man and the destiny of democracy.  I urge every member of both parties, Americans of all religions and of all colors, from every section of this country, to join me in that cause.  At times history and fate meet at a single time in a single place to shape a turning point in man's unending search for freedom. So it was at Lexington and Concord. So it was a century ago at Appomattox. So it was last week in Selma, Alabama.  There, long-suffering men and women peacefully protested the denial of their rights as Americans. Many were brutally assaulted. One good man, a man of God, was killed.  There is no cause for pride in what has happened in Selma. There is no cause for self-satisfaction in the long denial of equal rights of millions of Americans. But there is cause for hope and for faith in our democracy in what is happening here tonight.  For the cries of pain and the hymns and protests of oppressed people have summoned into convocation all the majesty of this great Government--the Government of the greatest Nation on earth.  Our mission is at once the oldest and the most basic of this country: to right wrong, to do justice, to serve man.  In our time we have come to live with moments of great crisis. Our lives have been marked with debate about great issues; issues of war and peace, issues of prosperity and depression. But rarely in any time does an issue lay bare the secret heart of America itself. Rarely are we met with a challenge, not to our growth or abundance, our welfare or our security, but rather to the values and the purposes and the meaning of our beloved Nation どなたかお願いしますm(__)m

  • 英語の和訳です。お願いします!!

     Looking back, the decision to buy a bike seems like a silly thing to feel self-conscious about, and yet it's symbolic of the kind of fear and self-doubt that can keep us from enjoying the simple pleasures of life. Too often we hold ourselves back from the things we'd really like to try, out of a fear of looking foolish, feeling stupid, or making a mistake.  How often have you held yourself back from trying something new? What is you could wake up one morning and take a pill that would completely remove your self-consciousness? One little group, and your fear of being judged, embarrassed, or looking foolish completely disappear. What chances would you take? What new things would you try? What fun would you allow yourself?  Our time on this planet is so precious. Why spend so much energy holding yourself back? Let your guard down, throw caution to the winds, and live a little. Once you confront your self-consciousness directly, you'll be surprised at how quickly you get over it. Believe me; when I set out on my first bike ride wearing my "fashionable" new helmet, I got over my fear of looking foolish pretty quickly.  

  • 和訳お願い致します。

    There is one other class of interpreters, however, with whom I find it impossible to agree, -- I mean those who take the six days to be six periods of unknown indefinite length. This is the principle of interpretation in a work on the Creation and the Fall, by the Rev. D. Macdonald; also in Mr. Hugh Miller's posthumous work, the Testimony of the Rocks, and also in an admirable treatise on the Præ-Adamite Earth in Dr. Lardner's Museum of Science. In this last it is the more surprising because the successive chapters are in fact an accumulation of evidence which points the other way, as a writer in the Christian Observer, Jan.1858, has conclusively shown. The late M. D'Orbigny has demonstrated in his Prodrome de Palæontologie, after an elaborate examination of vast multitudes of fossils, that there have been at least twenty-nine distinct periods of animal and vegetable existence -- that is, twenty nine creations separated one from another by catastrophes which have swept away the species existing at the time, with a very few solitary exceptions, never exceeding one and a-half per cent, of the whole number discovered which have either survived the catastrophe, or have been erroneously designated. But not a single species of the preceding period survived the last of these catastrophes, and this closed the Tertiary period and ushered in the Human period. The evidence adduced by M. D'Orbigny shows that both plants and animals appeared in every one of those twenty-nine periods. The notion, therefore, that the days' of Genesis represent periods of creation from the beginning of things is at once refuted. The parallel is destroyed both in the number of the periods (thirty, including the Azoic, instead of six), and also in the character of the things created. No argument could be more complete; and yet the writer of the Præ-Admite Earth, in the last two pages, sums up his lucid sketch of M. D'Orbigny's researches by referring the account in the first chapter of Genesis to the whole creation from the beginning of all things, a selection of epochs being made, as he imagines, for the six days or periods.' In this trenchant manner do theological geologists overthrow one another's theories.

  • 翻訳お願いします。

    海外通販をしようと思っています。 ショップの方からのメールなのですが、翻訳お願いします。 Thank you for your email. You can complete your order online by adding the items that you want to purchase to your shopping cart. Once you have added the items to your cart, you can proceed to check out and enter your shipping and payment information. We ship via US Postal Service. Global priority mailers are extremely reliable however they cannot be tracked through the US postal service. Shipments are therefore at buyer’s own risk. International shipments incur a $14 shipping charge per $100 of merchandise purchased unless additional shipping charges are specifically noted on an item's description (such as Jelly Rolls and other large and bulky items).

  • 和訳をお願いします

    和訳をお願いします 長くなってすみません(>_<) The elders of the Native American Cherokee tribe in Lost City, Oklahoma are worried about their native language. They are afraid that the Cherokee language will be gone unless they do something soon. So,at the request of the tribe leaders, Lost City School decided to start a trial program to teach Cherokee. They started with a single class in its kndergarten. In the class, the children are called by their Cherokee names and they only in Cherokee. Once, the U.S. Government tired to assimilate Native Americans into American society. The policy made it difficult for the Cherokees to speak their language. They were laughed at for speaking it. They could even be punished when they spoke Cherokee. “When you spoke Cherokee, your mouth was washed out with soap,”says a Cherokee old-timer, remembering his younger days. If they wanted to live in peace, they needed to hide their language. Now, the children in the newly started class are encouraged to speak Cherokee not only in school, but also at home. One day, a boy in the class came home and said to his mother in Cherokee that he was going out to play. His mother didn't really understand what he said. But she is now starting to re-learn the language she once knew when she was a child. It is hard to bring Native American languages back to life, especially in places like Oklahoma. This is because Native Americans generally attended public schools and do not live on reservations. But the tribe leaders know that if no efforts were made to preserve their language,they would lose not only their language and culture, but also their identities.

  • 英文の意味を教えて下さい。

    アメリカのネットショップで小物を購入しようとしています。値引きの事でメールをしているんですが、依然と値引き率が変わってしましました。すみませんが英文の意味を教えてくれませんか?お願いします。 I am extremely sorry for the delay in completing your order. I have now processed all the details and both invoices (fos non-sale and sale items) are in the attachment. I have not applied the discount to your account just yet. The reason for this is, my director agreed to only 10% discount at the moment. The previous 15% has not been agreed with her and she did not agree to it this time either. I therefore did not take the 10% off of your order as yet as I want to make you aware of this first. Please also check the details on the invoice in terms of comments. I believe the description will suffice. Let me know please how many invoices will you require.

  • 和訳をお願いします。

    Men from the 9th and 10th Battalions started up the Ari Burnu slope, grabbing the gorse branches or digging their bayonets into the soil to provide leverage. At the peak they found an abandoned trench, the Turks having withdrawn inland. Soon the Australians reached Plugge's Plateau, the edge of which was defended by a trench, but the Turks had withdrawn to the next summit two hundred yards (180 m) inland, from where they fired at the Australians coming onto the plateau. As they arrived, Major Edmund Brockman of the 11th Battalion started sorting out the mess, sending the 9th Battalion's men to the right flank, the 11th Battalion's to the left, and keeping the 10th Battalion in the centre. The second six companies landed while it was still dark, the destroyers coming to within five hundred yards (460 m) to disembark the troops, under fire. They also landed at Anzac Cove, but now as planned the 11th were in the north, 10th in the centre and the 9th in the south. The 12th Battalion landed all along the beach. This extended the beachhead 500 yards (460 m) to the north of Ari Burnu, and 1.5 miles (2.4 km) to the south. Landing under fire, some of the assaulting troops were killed in their boats, and others as they reached the beach. Once ashore they headed inland. In the south, the first men from the 9th and 12th Battalions reached the bottom of 400 Plateau. In the north, the first men from the 11th and 12th Battalions started up Walker's Ridge, under fire from a nearby Turkish trench. Around the same time Turkish artillery started bombarding the beachhead, destroying at least six boats. The Australians fought their way forward and reached Russell's Top; the Turks withdrew through The Nek to Baby 700, 350 yards (320 m) away. Coming under fire again the Australians went to ground, having advanced only around one thousand yards (910 m) inland. Some also dug in at The Nek, a twenty yards (18 m) piece of high ground between Malone's Gully to the north and Monash Valley to the south. Around this time Colonel Ewen Sinclair-Maclagan, commanding the 3rd Brigade, decided to change the corps plan. Concerned about a possible counter-attack from the south, he decided to hold the Second Ridge instead of pushing forward to the Third or Gun Ridge. This hesitation suited the Turkish defence plans, which required the forward troops to gain time for the reserves to coordinate a counter-attack.

  • 英語の長文問題

    下記の長文問題の中に、[Yet it also has an opposite effect]とありますが、「an opposite effectとは何か具体例に即してのべよ」という質問があるのですが、「具体例に即して」というのは、何か具体例をあげて答えろと言うことなのでしょうか??どのように答えるべきなのかがわかりません。答えがわかる方、いらっしゃったら教えてください! Globalization thus is a complex set of processes, not a single one. And these operate in a contradictory or oppositional fashion. Most people think of globalization as simply ‘pulling away’ power or influence from local communities and nations into the global arena. And indeed this is one of its consequences. Nations do lose some of the economic power they once had. [Yet it also has an opposite effect.] Globalization not only pulls upwards, but also pushes downwards, creating new pressures for local autonomy. The American sociologist Bell describes this very well when he say that the nation becomes not only too small to solve the big problems, but also too large to solve small ones.

  • 和訳のお願いです。

    この文の和訳を教えてください。 途中まででも、どこか一部でも構いません>< どうぞよろしくお願いいたします。 As demo crews peeled off the skin of the block-long building, across from the Philadelphia Convention Center, they exposed some of the 19th-century statuary work from Market Street’s heyday as the city’s bustling department store hub. The area once boasted the world’s first Wanamaker’s location and nine similarly hulking stores like Snellenburg’s, but the interceding century was not kind to department stores or the strip. Related: Register for the ULI Spring Meeting | Tour: The Resurgence of Retail along William Penn’s East Market Street For decades, business on Market Street was a desolate echo of its former self, as stores shut or were demolished. Today, a new generation of developers is betting big on this long-glaring void at the heart of Philadelphia’s downtown, sandwiched between hubs of activity around Independence Mall and City Hall. Real estate analyst Jones Lang LaSalle predicts that $1.5 billion will be spent to build out 5.5 million square feet (511,000 sq m) of leasable space over the next two years along Market Street and nearby Chestnut Street, a similarly faded retail strip a block away. “Market Street had been the center of all commerce in Philadelphia, but you saw a long, slow decline starting in the 1970s,” says Bob Fahey Jr. of CBRE, an investment services firm that tracks local real estate. “Only in the last five years has that changed, but it’s changed dramatically.” CBRE itself manages leasing at 833 Chestnut Street, a 1920s-era office tower that was acquired by Digital Realty Trust last year after the previous owner completed a $45 million historic renovation. The building looks out over a flurry of construction: Brickstone Companies has plans for 1,400 new apartments across five projects nearby, anchored by a $70 million, 192,000-square-foot (17,800 sq m) development that will feature downtown Philadelphia’s first Target store. As that project topped off, Brickstone announced recently that it was acquiring a low-slung parking garage for a sixth project, to feature more apartments. Down the street, Parkway Corp., a parking lot operator, announced plans to turn a surface lot into a 300-unit high rise at a cost of $118 million. Hines, a Texas-based apartment developer, recently broke ground on a $100 million, 322-unit tower in a partnership with the Goldenberg Group, a local developer. Goldenberg also owns a massive parking lot along Market Street, the site of a former Gimbels department store, but has not yet announced plans for that property. Fahey says the development was being driven by a surging demand for apartments, as more downtown workers were drawn to amenities in Philadelphia’s greater Center City neighborhoods. “You’re seeing a lot of multifamily residential. It’s people who work in Center City or the hospitals around Market Street. . . . It’s a hip place to live, a hip place to go and eat,” says Fahey. He says he expects to see a surge in retail in coming years as thousands of new residents flood in and the area sheds its seedy reputation. “With more people and more affluence comes more retail,” Fahey says. “But I think we’ll also see an office tower built there and probably another hotel, too, due to the proximity to Convention Center.”