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※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:英文解釈と和訳をお願いします。)



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  • sayshe
  • ベストアンサー率77% (4555/5904)

#1.です。質問拝見しました。 今回の一連の質問で、http://okwave.jp/qa/q7436088.html では、誤訳をしているので、何とも言えませんが、実は、この質問の英文が一番厄介でした。少し構造上納得のいかない部分があるのです。追加質問と共に、もう一度見直してみます。 ●foreign serviceは英辞郎では外交官と出てきますが、Work in the foreign serviceの場合は "foreign service"は外務省を指すのでしょうか? the Foreign Service と大文字でつづれば、アメリカ国務省の外交局(外務局)または、その職員の様です。 http://eow.alc.co.jp/search?q=foreign+service&ref=sa 外交官には、diplomat と言う語もあります。 日本の外務省は、Foreign Ministry 正式には、以下をどうぞ http://eow.alc.co.jp/search?q=%E5%A4%96%E5%8B%99%E7%9C%81&ref=sa Weblioには、 http://ejje.weblio.jp/content/foreign+service の様に出ていますが、 work in the foreign service は、「外交関係の仕事をする」ぐらいに訳しておくとよいのではないでしょうか?日本の大使館にも、邦人が外国で事件に会った場合等のために、警察庁からの出向者もいます。今はどうか知りませんが、戦前であれば、駐在武官と言う軍関係者もいた様です。だから、完全に外交官とか外務省とか訳せないのかもしれません。ただ、「英辞郎」に、 http://eow.alc.co.jp/search?q=in+the+foreign+service my life as a wife in the Foreign Service を「外交官の妻としての生活」と訳してあるので、「外交官」と訳せない事もないのかもしれません。 ●part ofはどういう風に訳出されているのでしょうか?共同経営という意味? この部分は、訳出しきれていませんでした。ごめんなさい。「~の一部」と言うことですから、「すしチェーンの共同経営者です」の様に訳しておく方が良かったのかもしれません。 それから、もっとも私が引っ掛かっているのは、 ... that first restautant, Sapporo, ... の部分で、「札幌のその最初の料理店」と訳したのですが、「その『札幌』と言う最初の料理店」と訳せなくもないのです。今回は、こちらの訳で、新たにまとめてみようと思います。 ●recalled what he said were embarassing incidentsの文章構造が分かりません。 recalled what (he said) were embarassing incidentsということでしょうか? おっしゃるように、he said の部分を「挿入」の様に考えていただくのが、一番手っ取り早いと思います。ただ、この文は、正確には、「連鎖関係代名詞」と呼ばれているもので、文法で言う「挿入」とは違います。what = the thing(s) which と考えて下さい。 He said [that] the things were embarassing incidents. 彼は、それらのことは、恥ずかしい出来事だったと言いました。 と言う部分の the things が先行詞として、文の先頭に出ます。 the things which he said [that] were embarassing incidents 恥ずかしい出来事だったと彼が言ったこと この the things which が、what 一語に置き換わっています。よって、what were embarassing incidents 「恥ずかしい出来事であったこと」に he said が挿入されたと言うより、he said [that] the things were embarassing incidents と言う文がもともとあって、said の導く that【接続詞、名詞節】中の主語 the things が、先行詞になったために he said が、一見挿入されたように見える構造です。 しかし、ほとんどの場合、「挿入」と考えなさいと説明されていますし、それで、解釈には問題がないので、「挿入」と理解されても結構です。次のサイト等でも、「挿入」として説明されています。 http://homepage2.nifty.com/pspkoyama/eibunpou8.htm http://www.ravco.jp/cat/view.php?cat_id=4469 また、こちらのサイトでも私も含めて大勢の方が、この連鎖関係代名詞に、今までも何度か回答しています。 http://okwave.jp/qa/q6849952.html http://okwave.jp/qa/q1359778.html 以上の様なことを踏まえて、訳してみます。 <試訳> アレクサンドル・コロリョフは、外交関係の仕事に携わっていたが、今では、寿司チェーンの共同経営者です、彼に言わせれば、『札幌』と言う、その最初の料理店での恥ずかしい出来事であったと言うことを、彼は、思い出しました、当時、大物の政治家と実業家が、彼らのご飯と共に食べるのに、どのロシア料理に対しても、パンを付け加えることを要求したのでした。「私たちは、ナプキンに包んでそれを彼らにそっと渡しました」と彼は言って、首を振りました。 食べ物の好みは、民族料理により多く触れるに従って成熟しました、そして、価格は下がりました。 この様な解釈も出来ない事はないと思います。参考にしてみて下さい。



本当にありがとうございました。 貴重なお時間をたくさん拝借して申し訳ありませんでした。 saysheさんは英語の先生か英語のプロの方でしょうか、とてもよくわかりました。 連鎖関係詞節はよくわかっていたつもりでしたが、whatを使うのは初めてだったのでかなり混乱しました。 私は、言語学者を目指しているので大学生のうちに硬めの文章に慣れておこうと 英字新聞を出来るだけ読むようにしています。また、こんな形で質問するかもしれませんが、出くわしまして気が向いたら ちょっとアドバイスしてやってください。よろしくお願いします。


  • 英文の和訳

    和訳をしていただけるかた のみでお願いできますでしょうか? 1段落の後半部分になります。 どうぞよろしくお願いいたします。 He may have a love of children and will make an excellent father or step father. Jupiter tend to give greater wealth and prospects in the second half of his life than in the first so materially he should advance in life and have a good future ahead of him with regard to career and material things. This sign often gives a liking for mountains, Royal castles or palaces, parliament buildings and grand old cities In the long term his chart shows a tendency to move to a different area after the marriage.

  • 次の英文の和訳をお願いします。

    次の英文の和訳をお願いします。 1.Benjamin Franklin said Heaven helps those who help themselves. 2.We arrived around 4pm, and were welcomed with scorching heat none of us have ever experienced before. 3.My friend actually said that he does'nt care about anything in life and he wouldn't even care if he was to die today. 4.Us sports stars are taking part in a new US Anti-Doping Agency (USADA)extensive test program to help prove they are not using performance-enhancing drugs in the wake of several steroid scandals.

  • 英文和訳です。お願いします><

    Japan's Toru Hashimoto wins Osaka ballot Voters in the Japanese city of Osaka have elected former governor Toru Hashimoto over incumbent Kunio Hiramatsu as the new mayor. Mr Hashimoto, 42, had been the governor of the greater Osaka prefecture since 2008. He recently resigned to run in the mayoral election. He has proposed to reform Osaka's administrative structure because he said the city hall and the prefectural office overlap in their functions. "I hope civil servants at both institutions get the message from the voters this Sunday that they are not happy with your inefficiency," said Mr Hashimoto at a news conference on Sunday. The election generated a great deal of interest outside Osaka and the news conference was attended by at least 300 journalists. Voter turnout in the mayoral election was also the highest in 40 years at 60.92%. For most of the last two decades, it had hovered below 40% Mr Hashimoto's ally Ichiro Matsui was elected to replace him as the governor of the prefecture. "We can finally unify the prefecture and the city and work together to stimulate the economy," Mr Matsui said at the same news conference.

  • 英文の和訳お願いします

    和訳お願いします。 One summer's day in 1862, a young man and a pretty little girl got into a rowing boat on the River Thames. The man was Charles Dodgson, a professor of mathematics at Oxford University, and the pretty dark-haired girl was Alice Liddell, his friend's daughter. It was a very hot day and as he gently rowed the boat on the peace- ful river, his young companion began to get restless. "Tell me a story," she said, "with plenty of nonsense in it." So Dodgson began to invent a fantastic story to amuse his pretty young friend. "Alice was beginning to get very tired," he began, "sitting with nothing to do... Dodgson made Alice the central character of the story, and as he described her fantastic journey, little Alice Liddell listened atten- tively, smiled, laughed and cried. This was the beginning of a story that would captivate children throughout the world for the next hundred years. He called the story, "Alice's Adventures in Wonder land' and published it under the name of Lewis Carroll. In the winter of 1928, a little old lady entered Sotheby's, a fa mous auctioneer's in London. "Excuse me," she said, "I was told you accept manuscripts for auction. You see, I need some money, so I would like to sell thi old manuscript. "Yes, we do accept manuscripts," said the auctioneer, "but they have to be original and by famous authors. "This is an original manuscript, it was given to me many years ago by a friend of my family," replied the old lady, "I don't want to part with it, but I have to sell it." She handed him the manuscript. He opened it and read the hand- written inscription inside. "A Christmas gift to a dear child in memory of a Summer's day. The auctioneer stopped reading and looked up at the little old woman who was standing in front of him. Tears were rolling down her cheeks. You... you are Alice," he said slowly. "Yes," replied the old lady, "I am Alice." The manuscript was sold to an American collector for $77,000, and Alice lived comfortably until her death.

  • 英文の和訳をお願いいたします

    以下の英文を和訳していただけるかたのみで。 お願いできますでしょうか? 内容的にまだ続いてる感じだと思います。 どうぞよろしくお願いいたします。 Yet he had a fairly happy family life and childhood. Background and family history are important to him. He may have had a strong attachment or respect for his father, who was affluent and a sense of family pride. He may have missed out on parental love in his childhood. He would have grown reserved and cautious. May have had some health weakness or weakens of constitution. His interest would have centered on the family. He wanted to shine out. Make his family proud of him, and he would have helped other family members out and taken an interest in their lives and affairs.

  • 和訳をお願いいたします

    以下の英文を和訳していただけるかたに。 お願いできますでしょうか? 変な箇所があればご指摘いただけるとありがたいです。 どうぞよろしくお願いいたします。 In the period before you meet he may have suffered some ill health. and conditions in his life have been uncertain and subject to frequent change and indecision on his part. He will have put emotional barriers up between himself and others in this period. Or else will feel he was imprisoned without walls, that circumstance have imprison him, he has a life that he seeks escape from. He is sensitive to atmospheres, unspoken hostilities His outer confidence will hide a feeling of weakness and helplessness. and falling in love with you may be a form of escape from the things in his life he is unhappy with. Love will provide him with a kind of liberty, freedom, while he is tied to the limitations and responsibilities of his former existence.

  • この英文の和訳お願いします。 難しいです。

    I have chosen to begin this book with a description of the life of this one individual because he typifies what so many observers regard as the social "problem" of old age. In his case we would find it impossible to ignore the crucial facts of bereavement, absence of children and other relatives, infirmity, and virtual social ostracism. If we mean anything by isolation from society he must be the sort of person we keep in mind. But is he exception or rule? Are there many others like him in our society? Many sociologists and administrators believe there are. One administrator expressed it in these terms: Provision for old age has emerged as a "problem" largely because of the loosening of family ties and insistence on individual rights and privileges to the exclusion of obligations and duties which has developed so markedly in recent years. Whereas families used to accept responsibility for their old people they now expect the State to look after them. The care and attention which the family used to provide for them must be provided in some other way. The separation from kin is supposed to be one of the features which serves to differentiate the industrial from the so-called primitive societies. But do old people in Britain lose touch with their married children and lead an isolated life? Are the bonds of kinship of little or no consequence especially in urban areas? We have only to pose these questions to realize the meed for more facts. What few there are do not confirm many current suppositions. Sheldon, in a pioneering study, drew attention to the important part played by relatives of old people in Wolverhampton and said that too little was known about their role.

  • 和訳

     和訳をお願いします。 良く分からなかった箇所や上手く訳せていなかった部分がありました。( )内も、間違ったものを選択して訳した場合もあるので、お願いします。 スペルには気を付けましたが、もしございましたらすみません。    Shown a photograph, North American students of European background paid more attention to the object in the foreground of a scene, (A) students from China spent more time studying the background and talking in the whole scene, according to researchers at the University of Michigan.  Researchers led by Hannah-Faye Chua and Richard Nisbett tracked the eye movements of the studentsー25 European Americans and 27 native Chineseーto determine where they looked in a picture and how long they focused on a particular area.  “They literally are seeing the world differently,” said Nisbett, with Westerners focusing on objects and Asians talking in more context to view a scene as a whole. He believes the differences are cultural.  “Asians live in more socially complicated world than we do,” he said in an interview. “They have to pay more attention to others than we do. We are individualists.” The key thing in Chinese culture is harmony, Nisbett said, while in the west the sky is finding ways to get things done, (B).  And that, he said, goes back to the ecology and economy of thousands of years ago. In ancient China, farmers developed a system of irrigated agriculture, Nisbett said, in which farmers had to get along (C) each other to share water and make sure no one cheated. This is especially the case in rice farming, he said.  Western attitudes, (D), developed in ancient Greece where more smallholders ran individual farms, operating like individual businessmen. Thus, differences in perception go back at least 2000 years, he said.  He illustrated this by asking Japanese and Americans to look at pictures of underwater scenes and report what they saw.  The Americans would go straight for the brightest or most rapidly moving object, he said, such as three trout swimming. The Japanese were more likely to say they saw a stream, the water was green, there were rocks on bottom and then mention the fish.  The Japanese gave 60 percent more information on the background than the Americans and twice as much about the background-foreground object relationships. (A) 1because 2while 3since 4after (C) 1at 2to 3with 4in (D) 1after all 2once in a while 3on the other hand 4as a whole (B) 1paying much attention to others 2focusing on group welfare rather than their own welfare 3paying less attention to others 4focusing on harmony

  • 和訳お願いします。

    With Valverde's instructions, a Canadian named Barth Blake may have found the gold in 1886. In a letter, he wrote, "There are thousands of gold and silver pieces..." He also described "...the most incredible jewelry." Blake said, "nor could thousands of men."

  • 英文の和訳をお願いします。

    英文の和訳をお願いします。 1.By this time next year ,we will have been doing business with each other for 20 years. 2.Unless the civilization we now know is to end,satisfactory substitutes for conventional energy sources will have been discovered and put to use in time. 3.she said to me, "it's very kind of you to invite me to the party." =she told me that it was very kind of me to invite her to the party.