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informed them (of or about) the danger.検索するとof, aboutの意味は同じでも、about方が使用例多いです。



ありがとうございましたm(_ _)m。


  • 英語→日本語をお願いします

    日本語訳をお願いしますm(_ _)m Consider the conversations that we overhere as if we were invisibule, not really there, standing beside someone using a cell phone in a public plac e. The "it" factor is all around us. Earlier this year, at the lical post office, I overheard a man standing that he and his spouse really shouldn't be punching the children because one day the kids might tell their teachers. Observe parents with children in baby carriages or in parks. Many no longer interact with those children, introducing them to the community. Instead, parents are on cell phones, ignoring their public. They are "it's", too. When many of us were being raised, parents who did not interact with us in public were either alcoholic or dysfunctional. And even those thought us three words that saved many of us from injury or death: Look both ways. Children reared by cell phone parents do not look both ways when they step off the curb. Nobody has informed them of the danger.

  • 代名詞が多い文について

    「それを持っていれば 両親は子供達が外出するときに心配する必要がない。」  『それ』=携帯電話 という文が あり、Parents don't have to worry about their children when they go out with them. と 書かれてありましたが、 when they go out with them. は、 they/them が parents なのか children なのか cell phones なのかの 混乱が起きるのでは? と思っています。  私なら、 when they go out with cell phones. くらいには、 しておきたいところなのですが、 これを読まれた方で 私のように?と 思われる方は、いらっしゃるのでしょうか? 宜しくお願いいたします。

  • 自由英作文の添削をお願いします。

    月末に大学入試を控えている高校3年生です。 文法ミスやもっと適切な表現がありましたら、ご指導いただけるとありがたいです。 テーマ:小中学生に携帯を持たせることの是非 In my opinion, children in elementary school or secondary school should not have a cell phone. It is true that a cell phone is very useful, and it enables them to communicate with their friends or parents easliy at any time. However, a careless use of a cell phone often brings about serious problems. Recently, many children have been involved in crimes by use of a cell phone. They are sometimes killed by people with whome they became acquainted in an Internet community site. Children have a poor knowledge to protect themselves. When we think about whether children can use communication tools appropriately or not, we will believe that they cannot do. So I want to emphasize that parents should not have their children carry a cell phone.

  • 前置詞byの位置

    次の文になります。 People should be judged not so much by how they look as by who they are. 前置詞byの位置ですが、なぜby not so much how they look as who they are ではダメなのでしょうか? これはboth by A and by Bをby both A and Bにできるかと同じような問題な気もしますが、この場合はどうですか?  

  • 英語の和訳

    They need to remember that nobody does it alone, and that single parents use social networks. There is no denying the difficulties of single-parent home. With the support from friends, single parents and their children can reap the satisfying rewards of watching their children grow up to be happy and healthy. 英文の和訳をお願いします。

  • 至急 訳を教えてください。

    訳してみてもうまく文にならなくて大変困ってます。 よろしくお願いします。 First-born Children and only childlen First-born and only children are alike in some ways. First-born children receive all of their parents' attention until a new child is born. Only children receive this attention all through their lives. Both kinds of children have close relationships with their parents and try to make them happy. First-born children try hard to be successful,and they often get professional jobs. Only children also try to be perfect at everything. They are usually responsible and reliable. Sometimes,however,they become selfish. Twenty-one of the first twenty-threeU.S. astronauts were first-born or only children.

  • 京大英語25ヵ年 1995年 前期についてです。

    次の文を英訳せよ、という問題なんですけど。 1995年 前期しかわかりません。 テレビと比べて、本はつつましやかですが、それだけに子供にとってはわがままな対し方が可能です。気に入った本をいつでも見られるし、ページを勝手にくることもできます。そのうえ、大好きな人に読んでもらうという楽しみさえあります。 この英語の解答例と解説をわかりませんでしょうか?問題は解いたのですが、模範解答例がありません。もしあれば、お願いできないでしょうか? わたしが考えたものは、テレビ(うるさい)⇔本(しずか)という関係かと考えたのですが、違うかな?と思いました。つつましやか、わがままな対し方が可能とは、どう解釈したらいいのか考えこんでしまいました。 流れを考えたのですが。 まずTV is exciting to us。それを, TV is more exciting to us than books are.と比較にします。 Books are quietを、Books are quiter than TV is. それから子供が本を読んでいると、ほとんど注意を引かないと考え、 Children need little attention when reading books. そのlittleをlessに変えます。Children need less attention when reading books than they do when watching TV. doは代動詞です。less~thanです。 わがままな対し方はこう考えました。 Children can read them in many ways. そのmanyをmoreに変え、Children can read them in more ways. Children need to be less concentrated when reading books than (they do ) when watching TV. And they have more ways to enjoy them. For example, they can read thier favorite pages whenever they want to ; and they can read whichever page [any page] they like. And they can also enjoy listening to someone they like reading to them どんなことでもいいのでお願いします。

  • (英作文)高校生が学校に携帯 禁止それとも?

    次の文のことで、お尋ねしたいことがあります。 「現在、日本の多くの高等学校では、生徒が携帯電話を持ってくることを禁止しています。これについてあなたの考えを書きなさい」 1.下にある曖昧な作文ですが、言いたいことが伝わっていますでしょうか? 字数は、気にしなくてよいのですが、100語以上を目安にしています。 添削してくださるのもとても勉強になりますが、でも、2あなた様ならどのような主張で、どう英語で表現するかを書いてくださるととても助かります。 3、下の書き方はよい書き方でしょうか?それとも悪い書き方でしょうか? 「この文は何が言いたいのかさっぱりわからない」という場合は、遠慮なくおっしゃってください。 どういう表現にすればよかったのかを、一緒に問題を考えてくださると幸いです。 []は段落番号です。 [1] I am for high school students from carrying cell phones because it is not necessary for them at school. [2] When you come back home late because of school club activities, it is possible for them to get in touch with thier parents everwhere. However, we see many bad students absorbed in using a cell phone without considering other people's feelings and ther are not aware that they are bothering other people on the train or in the bus. When their friends call them up and they try to answer the phone, they speak loudly on the phone while they are bothering other poeple. We should't allow them to carry a cell phone while they are not considerating others. [3] There seems many high school students who can concentrate on studying, though they have a cell phone. However, the fact is that there are many high school students using it by sending e-mail to their friends and our teachers told them not to use it and not to carry it in school. [4] When they get into college and they are able to be responsible for what they do, they should buy their own cell phone, not asking their parents to buy it. It is obvious that a cell phone isn't nessesary for them.

  • 以下の文でasが何詞になるのか教えてください

    It is a fact that children do not look upon their parents with the same degree of affection as their parents look upon them. 親がこどもを見るときと同じくらい愛情をこめて子供が親を見ることはないというのは、事実である。 the same ~ as ・・・が使われるときには、as以下が不完全でこのasは関係代名詞のasであると、参考書等に書いてあるのですが、この文ではas以下が完全なので、後ろから形容詞節を導く「付言・限定」のasか、とも考えたのですが、as節内にasの直前の名詞を示す代名詞がなかったのでこれも違うと思いました。このasが接続詞なのか、それとも別の品詞なのか教えていただきたいです。

  • 私の英訳おかしいですか?

    問題:最近親は子供と過ごすじかんがますます少なくなって、子供にさびしい思いをさせている。 Nowadays parents spend less and less time with their children and make them children feel lonely. と訳してみたんですが、themの使い方が正しいか(childrenを指せているか)とか、andが接続詞でいいかとか、疑問に思うことが多々あります。 私の英訳で変だと思う所や用法が正しくない所などを指摘してください。お願いします。