• ベストアンサー
※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:歌詞を英訳すると)



  • marbleshit
  • ベストアンサー率49% (5033/10253)

素晴らしい出来映えです。 その英訳で殆んど伝わるはずです。 蛇足ですが一応拙訳を試みてみますね。 The more you smile, the more broader happiness runs. The more you smile, the more finer everything would be. Sticking together by shaking our hands.



ありがとうございました。 私の語彙の引き出しが錆びついているので、とても参考になりました。


  • 歌詞の直訳を教えてください

    アヴリルの歌「SMILE」の英語歌詞の直訳を どなたかしていただけないでしょうか?? 直訳を調べなければいけないのですが ネットで探しても、わかりやすく要訳された日本語訳しかでてきませんでした お願いいたします You know that I'm a crazy bitch I do what I want, when I feel like it All I wanna do is lose control But you don't really give a shit Ya go with it, go with it, go with it 'Cause you're fuckin' crazy rock n' roll You said Hey what's your name? It took one look and now I'm not the same Yeah, you said hey And since that day, You stole my heart and you're the one to blame Yeah [chorus] And that's why I smile It's been a while Since everyday and everything has felt this right And now You turn it all around And suddenly you're all I need The reason why I smile Last night I blacked out, I think. What did you, what did you put in my drink? I remember making out and then Oh oh I woke up with a new tattoo Your name was on me and my name was on you I would do it all over again You said Hey (hey) what's your name? (what's your name?) It took one look and Now I'm not the same Yeah, you said hey (hey) And since that day, (since that day) You stole my heart and you're the one to blame [chorus] And that's why I smile. It's been a while Since everyday and everything has felt this right And now You're turning it all around And suddenly you're all I need The reason why I smile The reason why I smile You know that I'm a crazy bitch I do what I want, when I feel like it All I wanna do is lose control You know that I'm a crazy bitch I do what I want, when I feel like it All I wanna do is lose control [chorus] And that's why I smile It's been a while Since everyday and everything has felt this right And now You're turning it all around And suddenly you're all I need The reason why I smile The reason why (The reason, the reason, why) I smile The reason why I smile

  • 英文の訳わかるかた教えて!

    教科書の一部の英文です。 (1)wating a live performance makes this possible.it is not just self-expression (2)this touches people all over the world,and brings everyone a bit closer together. 訳がわかるかた教えてください

  • 歌詞の和訳がしりたいです。

    竹内まりやの『本気でオンリーユー』の訳がどうしても知りたいので、凄く長くてお手数おかけしてしまいますが、どなたかご協力、お願いします。教えてください! Now let's get married No need to wait and waste our time Why do we have to carry on this way? No one can keep us apart So,let's get married right away I'll wake you up in the morning,my baby Sweeten your coffee with my kiss And in the night I will hold you so tightly Whisperin' the words you long to hear So, let's get married Why don't you ask me and stop hesitating? Just think how happy we can be You & me in a small house with a dog So, let's get married right away When you are blue and so down, my baby I'll give a smile to cheer you up But if I get sad and lonely Please hug me close and wipe my tears So, let's get married I just don't know how to live without you Maybe it's nice to have our kids some day And this is all I can say Now let's get married right away So, let's get married right away

  • 今日の星占い英文英訳お願いします

    Let go of your impulse to lecture or even to remind people of what they need to do today -- things just aren't going your way right now, but that is okay. Your energy is best spent taking care of your own needs. 特に、文中のeven to remind・・・のevenの意味や文中の効果が良く分かりません。 どうぞ宜しくお願いします。

  • 斎藤一人さんの言葉を英訳すると?

    斎藤一人さんの 「あなたに全ての良きことが雪崩れのごとく起きます」 という言葉を英訳するとどうなるのでしょうか? (1)Every good thing will rush into your life. (2)All good things of this world occur to you like the avalanche. 自分なりに調べてみたら、上記の文章を見つけました。 どちらの文章の方が良いのでしょうか。 (スマートなのは(1)で、原文に近いのは(2)のように感じます。) または、他に良い表現があればお教えて下さい。よろしくお願いいたします。

  • 英訳をおしえてください

    次の 英訳を 参考までに教えてください。 1.「いいか! おまえだけ いい思い させん!」 → 「いいか!」が 辞書にのってなかったので わかりませんでした。 「おまえ だけ いい思い させん!」は 「I will not let you fell good!」で いいでしょうか? ------------------------------------------------- 2.「オレが 自分の 手を よごして、 やるわけ ねえだろ」 「よごれ仕事は ぜんぶ あいつに やらせた」 → I don't annoy you with my own hand. I had him do this all dirty work. でいいでしょうか? 注意:: この場面の 「やる」 とゆうのは、他人の 家に いやがらせを することです。 ------------------------------------------------------- 3. やーい やーい 注意:ひとを からかう ときに いう 言葉です。 辞書に 「やい」は 「hey!」と のってるのですが。 「やーい!」と からかうときの ニュアンスを だしたいのです

  • 日本語に翻訳してくださいm(__)m

    日本語に翻訳してくださいm(_ _)m (1) lol I was saying out of all the things I get to be for you, teacher, chair, bed. My favorite out of all of the things is just being your boyfriend (cony kiss) (2)Hehehe ok just know that I love you more than anything else in the world (heart)

  • 英語の意味を教えてください。

    次のB. "It's a daunting task to get your shit together"はどう訳したらいいでしょうか? A: The way we think you get peace is by resolving all your external problems, but there's unlimited external problems. So the only way to actually get peace is on the inside by giving up this idea of problems, B: It’s a daunting task to get your shit together.

  • ある歌の英語の部分の訳が知りたいです

    某、有名歌手の有名曲の一部ですが、ある程度の意味は分かるのですが、きちんと知りたいので、訳して貰えないでしょうか? 日本バンドの歌なので変なところもあるかもしれませんが、その時は意訳でお願いします Go cry Go smile It's something good to do to live as you want I'm on your side Your life is all yours So don't let other people force you to be good Be kind to yourself

  • 英語できる方歌詞の和訳おねがいします。

    Take me on a ride inside your heart, tonight just you and me take me to live inside the truth sugar i wanna taste the way you feel inside all through the night forget about the time just close your eyes sugar always though my heart, it breaks baby oh let me be the one to come alone tonight let me be such a deep suprise as the world you know begins to cry tonight just let it be if you wanna let it grow sugar we can come alive inside your dreams tonight live to believe you are the only one for me