• 締切済み



  • sayshe
  • ベストアンサー率77% (4555/5904)

#1.です。訂正です。 最後の文。 >But soft drink ads are less limited, and the two major cola companies can usually be counted on to come up with highly creative commercials that win both customers and prizes. しかし、清涼飲料の広告はそれほど規制されていません、それで、この2つの主要なコーラ会社は、顧客と目標を獲得する非常に独創的なコマーシャルを考え出すと通常期待できるのです。 は、 しかし、清涼飲料の広告はそれほど規制されていません、それで、この2つの主要なコーラ会社は、顧客ばかりでなく賞までも獲得する非常に独創的なコマーシャルを考え出すと通常期待できるのです。 と訳す方がいいです。bakansky さんの訳が正しいです。失礼しました。


  • 英語を日本語に翻訳してください。(翻訳ソフトNG)

    In 1992, many buyers could not easily make the difference between IBM and no-name PC brands, which allowed prices to drop, thanks to competition. For example, on the same day of February of 1992, Apple and Dell Computer both cut prices by nearly 40 percent. Within a week other competitors did the same. However, Apple still had as main competitors, IBM, the worldwide leader; Compaq, the premium-priced leader in the MS­Dos/Intel segment and Dell, a clone. In the 1990s, IBM had a large installed base of customers that was tied to the company's highly profitable, proprietary technology But like most mini and mainframe companies, IBM was also a relatively high-cost producer of PCs that was struggling to create a unique position for itself. IBM did suffer it first loss in history in 1991, but still was the world leader in computers, with $64 billion in revenues and the number one market share in PCS, minicomputers and mainframes. (See Exhibit 4).

  • 翻訳お願いします!

    as its name suggests, the area of england known as the midlands is in the middle of the country. this area used to be the heart of britain's manufacturing industry. the most important city in the region is birmingham,england's second city. at its peak in the 19th century,birmingham was the world's greatest industrial city,producing goods that were sold in britain's colonies and in other countries all around the world. the midlands,and birmingham in particular,1980s. the area lost around one third of its manufacturing jobs. the midlands played a very important role in the industrial revolution. one of the most famous towns there is shrewsbury. this was where british industrialists built the word's first iron bridge. another large town in the area is stoke-on-trent,the centre of britain's pottery industry. in fact,the district including stoke-on-trent and the five towns that surround it became known simply as "the potteries."the high-quality clay used to make the pots came from devon and cornwall in the southwest of england. the fuel used to fire the pottery kilns was coal,whch was easily available in the extensive local coalfields. in fact,the area became the largest pottery-making centre in the world in the 19th century. but it was a dirty and dangerous place to live. the smoke from the pottery factories covered everything with a layer of thick black soot. local workers suffered both from the soot and the dust that came from making the pots. living conditions were bad,and life expectancy was short. arnold bennett,the famous 19th-century novelist,memorably described life and work in the potteries in his novels such as clayhanger and anna of the five towns. the area is,of course,no longer the world's largest pottery centre. most british people now buy cheaper pottery imported from many different parts of the world. but there are still some very famous and old-established companies in the region that produce expensive,high-quality goods. these include such famous names as royal doulton,royal worcester,spode and wedgwood. wedgwood pottery is perhaps the best-known style of british pottery in japan. it has many designs,but the company's delicate and elaborately ornamented blue and white designs are especially famous. the company was founded by josiah wedgwood in 1759. wedgwood was not only a great designer,but also a man of science. he designed a device to measure the temperature of pottery kilns,and he was also responsible for developing revolutionary new glazes for his pots,which are still used today.

  • 英語の翻訳

    訳をお願いします・・・! Our ancestors invented a variety of beverages, including both alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks. The three major alcoholic drinks are beer, wine, and whisky. Beer was first produced by the Babylonians about 4000 BC and is now the most popular. In most cases, beer is made from fermented barley, called malt, and given a slightlybitter flavor by adding hops. Wine is made from fermented grape juice. It was originally produced along the Rhine, Rhone, and Loie rivers in Europe. Whisky, also spelled whiskey, originated either in Scotland or in Ireland, and is distilled from fermented grain aged in oak barrels. Whisky often has an alcohol content of from 40 to 50 percent . There are also a variety of non-alcoholic beverages such as fruit juice, coffee, tea, sodas, and colas. Juice, coffee, and tea are usually consumed at meal times, but sodas and colas are often reserved for leisure and recreational activities. よろしくお願いします><

  • 英語の文法的解釈について教えて下さい.

    Analysis of the European bond market shows that industrial companies are not moving from bank-loan financing into the bond market as fast as was anticipated. (1日1分レッスン!新TOEIC Test p.47) 上記英文ですが,that以下にの動詞として, areがあります.さらに,as fast as の後にwasが出てきます. 2つのbe動詞が出てくるのは何故なのか教えて下さい. 最初のare の主語は,industrial companiesだと思いますが, 2つめがわかりません...

  • 英語の問題お願いします!

    英語の問題お願いします! 空所に適当な語句をいれてください! 1.Harry as well as you () responsible for that accident. (1)are (2)do (3)does (4)is 2.Both my brother and my sister () studying abroad. (1)are (2)have (3)is (4) was 3.Some of the most remarkable scientists in history () not considered especially intelligent in their school days. (1)is (2)are (3)was (4)were 誤った箇所を指摘し正しい形になおしてください! 4.Most of the class members (1)[is] working (2)[people] and (3)[very] few of them ever (4)[miss]a class. 5.There (1)[has] been many (2)[cases] of (3)[the] flu in this area (4)[in recent] years. 以上の5問です! 見づらいかもしれませんがお願いします!

  • 和訳の質問です。

    和訳の質問です。 下記の和訳を教えてください。 (1)It appears that success breeds success, and the world’s top retail locations are cementing their positions as global retail gateways, supporting online, wholesale, franchise and company owned retail distribution for the world’s top brands. (2)Understanding the local opportunities and defining the role of a physical store when establishing affordability of retail space is key and perhaps best illustrated by the spread in prime rents commanded among the world’s top retail destinations. Considering locations that are sought after by mainstream international retail brands as well as locations that are targeted by luxury brands, retail space in New York is the most expensive in the world, with top rents reaching up to US$37,700 per sqm a year. 一文目は、supportingの後がどう繋がるのかわかりません。 よろしくお願いいたします。

  • 英語できる方、教えてください。。。

    訳し方が分かりません。英語が得意な方、教えてください。 Most territories in which English is spoken as a second language still have an (ambiguous) orientation to British English; British publishers have a major share of the global ELT market and there are signs that even US companies are using the British variety to gain greater acceptance in some world markets. 1. Most territoriesとEnglish以下を繋いでいるin whichの部分の訳し方が分かりません。 2. as a second languageのasは「~として」と訳していいのでしょうか? 3. orientation to British Englishは「イギリス英語への起源」と訳していいのでしょうか?また、その直後の";"はどう処理すればいいのでしょうか?

  • 翻訳教えて下さい。

    In C.G.Jung's model, there are two major attitudinal types: extraversion and introversion. There trems have become famous and part of the cultural knowledge of most educated persons, although few people outside the field of psychology realize that they originsted in jung's work. The primary difference between extraversion and introversion is that in extraversion there is an outward movement of interest toward the object, while in introversion the movement of interest is away from the outer object and toward the suject. Although interest is often in the same direction as the person's activities, the primary indication of extraversion and introversion is based on the direction of interest, not the direction of activity. In addition to the major orientation of the personality as extraverted or introverted, C.G.jung described four functions, which in combination yield a finer deacription of personality typology. the four functions are thinking, feeling, intuition and sensation. Thinking and feeling are called "rational" functions because it is possible to order events and attitudes with either of them. Intuition snd sensation are called "irrational" functions.

  • 英語を日本語に翻訳してください。(翻訳ソフトNG)

    The education market accounted for 9 percent of units and 7 percent of revenues. Most school had limited budgets for computers, what most educators were interested the most in was the availability of suitable software. As for the individual/home market, it accounted for 31 percent of units and 23 percent revenues. In 1991, the four largest PC manufacturers are said to have been IBM, Apple, NEC, and Compaq. They accounted nearly 37 percent of the world market. (See Exhibit 3.) More than 200 companies were from a dozen countries.” U.S, firms had over 60 percent of global revenues, Taiwanese small companies, like Acer, were gaining share in the very low end, and Japanese firms were the biggest manufacturers in portable computers. Tbshiba, a huge Japanese conglomerate, dominated laptops with (26 percent share in 1990), followed by NEC (15 percent).

  • 英語を翻訳してください

    きれいに訳できなくてこまっています 英語得意な方、お願いします! Many people believe now that we're living in the 21st century, the future of whales is secure. Yet seven of the 13 great whale species are still endangrered and vulnerable despite decades of legal protection. the sad fact is, spite of an international moratorium, commercial whaling is not only taking place ―it’s growing. Since the moratorium on whaling was put in place by the IWC in 1986, nearly 23000 whales from five species have been killed, largely by Japan and Norway. In 2002 the Japanese government announced that it wants, for the first time, to kill 50 sei whales a year ―a whale officially listed as endangered by the internationally respected IUCN, the World Conservation Union. This is in addition to the hundreds of minke whales it already plans to kill this year alone as part of its so-called “scientific whaling” program.