• ベストアンサー
※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:代名詞の英訳教えてください)



  • marbleshit
  • ベストアンサー率49% (5033/10253)

タバコの方が酒よりましだ。 Tobacco is less injurious than alcohol. と言っていますので、 Alcohol and tobacco are both injurious; (latter), however, less than (former). でした。お詫びして訂正致します。





  • アメリカから日本へ葉巻の郵送

    インターネットで葉巻を購入(20本入x5箱と、その他9本の計109本)し、 アメリカの知人から日本へ郵送したいと考えておりまして、 郵便局経由で送ってもらおうと考えておりましたが、 USPSの記載に、 タバコについてアメリカでは国際郵便経由では郵送も受け取りも出来ないと書かれております。 参考 http://www.usps.com/pactact/ Cigarettes and smokeless tobacco are prohibited in both inbound and outbound international mail. どなたか同じ経験をされた方、おりますでしょうか? USPS以外に送る方法を知っている方がおりましたら、宜しくお願い致します。

  • 和訳してほしいのですが

    サマリスというタバコのブランドの歴史が書かれた英文があるのですが、私の力では到底訳せません。英語に詳しい方ぜひ訳してください。英文は次のとおりです。 「At the beginning of the 20th Century most of the pure Turkish tobacco cigarette industry was concentrated in New york City. Immigrant Turkish,Egyptian ,and Greek tabacconists had been making their specialty cigarettes there since the Civil war.The different brands produced were low volume,and most were sold locally or,at most,regionally. Customers tended to be new emigrants or the wealthy carriage trade. Word-of-mouth advertising,advertising postcards,the occasional poster,and a few newspaper ads sufficed.These early factory made cigarettes were still considered a novelty among tobacco aficionados:sales were well behind those of chewing tobacco and cigars.Howevere,of those cigarettes that were bought,twenty-five percent were of the Turkish and Egyptian variety.The khedivial Company made their samaris and Oxford Cigarettes from pure Turkish tobacco in factory348,2nd District new york.」 英語に詳しいかたお願いします。

  • 英訳ができません

    breaking newsの記事からです。 Parents in the U.K. face being punished if their children are continually late for school. Britain's Education Secretary Michael Gove has announced he will crack down on what he terms "problem parents". He said too many families fail to "face up to their responsibilities" by ensuring their children get to school on time, and are "ready to learn and show respect for their teacher". (1)質問  ここでのand are"ready to learn~の主語は何なのでしょうか?この学習する準備ができているて教師を尊敬している、何を説明しているのでしょうか? Parents are already slapped with a £60 ($100) fine if their child is repeatedly late for school. However, 20,000 of these penalties were unpaid last year, prompting Mr Gove to announce a tougher penalty system. There will also be fines for parents who withdraw their children during term time to take them on cheaper family vacations. (2)ここのcheaperは、旅行の繁忙期を避けて、安い時期に行くことをさしていますか? Mr Gove said his plans were all part of raising standards in education, creating a bigger incentive for parents to ensure their children get to school, and tackling the problem of "habitual truancy". Gove also hit back at his critics, accusing them of adhering to policies that set pupils up to fail and of promoting "a diet of dumbed-down courses". (3)ここの一文は全然理解できません・・・。 accusingはcriticsを説明していますか?them は何を指しているのでしょうか? He said opposition politicians shied away "from anything which might require grit". (4)gritの意味は何ですか? Gove warned their policies would send children to school "without daring to think they might be intellectually curious and capable of greatness, denying them access to anything stretching or ambitious, and setting expectations so low you can never be surprised by someone's potential". (5)ここの文章もあまり意味がわかりません。 ざっくりでもいいので、だいたいの意味を教えていただけませんか?

  • play off

    My husband and I have four young children. Generally, our children are well-behaved; however, sometimes they don't listen to me or my husband. It is incredibly frustrating for us, and we both lose our patience quickly with them. When this happens, we find that they start playing off one another and revolting against us. playing off one anotherはどのような意味でしょうか?よろしくお願いします

  • 添削して欲しいです

    Both tobacco and alcohol cause dame not only to yourself but also to those around you. For your own health as well as for others, we have to think before we drink alcohol or smoke. Warm-up about 5 to 10 minutes is absolutely necessary when exercising. In order to prepare for endurance exercise, it is need to warm the muscular strength. It leads to prevention of injuries and easy to produce good results. And it is important to base on the principle of FITT. 日本語⇨ ・タバコもアルコールも、自分だけの問題ではなく、周りにいる人にまで被害を与えてしまいます。自分の健康のためはもちろん、他人のためにも飲酒やタバコをする前に考えなければならない。 ・運動をするときには必ず5分から10分程度のWarm-upが必要である。 持久力運動に備えるために、筋力を温める必要がある。怪我の防止にも繋がるし、いい結果を出しやすい。そしてFITTの原理に基づくことが大切である。 上の英文の添削をして欲しいです。 よろしくお願いします。

  • 英訳しましたが会話文になっていますでしょうか?

    こども同士の会話です。中学生程度の単語で訳したいのですが、会話文として 成立していますでしょうか?生きた英語にふれる機会がなく不安ですので、 どなたかチェックしていただけないでしょうか?印刷して公表しても大丈夫な訳 でしょうか?よろしくお願いします。            ●中は何? Inside is what? ●よいしょ、こらしょ(翻訳不能?) ●友人達へのプレゼントだよ It is a present to friends. ●え?プレゼント? Wow,Present? ●みたい! I want to see! ●みせて! Showing! ●はやく It burns! ●いいよ、クイズだよ They are O.K. and quiz. ●これは何? This is what? ●いやーん、みえないよー NO! It does not see. ●次は見ていてね Is just the next seen? ●うん、みるよ Well,it sees. ●次は君のだよ Next,it is a prezent to you. ●え?僕の? To me!? ●はいどうぞ、サンタクロースの帽子です Yes, it is Santa Claus's hat. ●また、見えないよー It does not see again. ●はい、これはお友達へ This is a present to a friend. ●メリークリスマス! Merry Christmas! ●同じだね It is the same as me.

  • 【至急】文章の和訳をお願いします。

    In Europe and America, as well as in Asia, people become respected for their practical experience and knowledge. In a mobile society, however, the one who travels most gains the most new experience and knowledge. The person who stays in the same place tends to know only one way of doing things. The person who visits a dozen countries may learn a dozen ways of doing things in the same period of time. Thus, explorers like Leif Ericsson, Marco Polo, Vasco da Gama, and Daniel Boone became heroes in their respective cultures even as fairly young men. Respect of experience over age became evident in the "New World." 翻訳サイトの使用は控えて頂けると嬉しいです。ご助力お願い致します。

  • 英訳お願いします

    Regardless of the variety of each individual British worker's experience with and interest in Japan, it is only natural for the British worker's as Westerners to approach work with a Western methodology as opposed to a Japanese methodology. "The difference between the two," one Englishman found, "lies in the fact that (A) must concentrate more on maintaining harmony while the Westerner concentrates more on the job at hand. The Japanese method is an excellent (B) of gathering support and additional input, (C) often does so at the expense of time and, with the Japanese method, a good job must sometimes be sacrificed for the sake of compromise or saving face." To this Englishman, the Japanese method was, therefore, a good way of maintaing office relations but not of accomplishing the job at hand in a timely or effective fashion. For example, many English workers have found that Japanese colleagues must spend more time on paperwork than on the (D) itself. Both Japanese and Western methodologies have their good and bad points. However, in Japan , the way of pursuing profits or assuming responsibilities is frequentry (E) important as the work itself, what one English woman referred to as "the classic Japanese Western struggle of from versus content." (A) Americans, British, Japanese, Westerners (B) account, information, means, part (C) but, so, thus, very (D) history, job, leisure, study (E) as , so , too , very のどれがはいるのか教えて下さい。 できればその根拠もお願いします。 そして最後にらこの全体の訳おねがいします。 多くてすいません。

  • 下記の英文を訳してくださる方はいませんか?

    With instruction and practice, however, the elderly can recover the required skills and perform as well as the younger person, expect in those few cases in which the memory loss has a physical cause (see Walsh, 1975). In addition, however, even when the old have stored material in memory effectively, they often have trouble retrieving it from memory (Hultsch, 1975). Again, though, the problem seems to be in the use of inefficient strategies, search strategies in this case, rather than a lack of capacity or ability. お願いします。

  • 添削してください

    「私は<Other taxes>からもいくつかのオプションを選んだ。 (赤字を減らすためにどうすればいいか、という内容の問題で、「選んだ」というのはいくつか項目があり、どれなら犠牲にできるかなど考えて選んだ、ということです。) その中の一つが"Increase Cigarette and Alcohol Taxes"だ。もちろん、タバコを吸う人やお酒を飲む人からすると、タバコ税やアルコール税を上げられるのは辛いことだと思う。しかし特にタバコは、吸う人だけでなく周りの人にも被害が及ぶ。税金を上げることで少しでも意識が変わったり、吸い始める人を減らすことができることができるのではないかと思う。」 ** I picked up some option in other taxes. One of them is "Increase Cigarette and Alcohol Taxes". Of course, I think that it is painful for people who drinking and smoking to raise cigarette and alcohol taxes. However, in particular, tobacco is damaged not only smokers but also around people. I think that raising tax can change their mind and reduce the number of people who start smoking. 最後の文章なのですが、I think をIt seemsに置き換えられるでしょうか? (= It seems to raise tax can change their mind~) I think を使いすぎるのは良くないと聞いたもので…。 こちらの英文を添削して欲しいです。 よろしくお願いします。