• ベストアンサー
※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:【英語・高校英文法】 分詞)



  • ベストアンサー
  • sayshe
  • ベストアンサー率77% (4555/5904)

【A】 次の英文の空所に入れるのに最も適切な語句を(1)~(4)から選び、記号で答えなさい。 (1) The noise of heavy traffic was such that the policeman couldn't make himself (イ heard).   (ア)hear   (イ)heard   (ウ)hearing   (エ)to hear 交通の騒音が大変ひどかったので警官は自分の言っている事を聞かせることができなかった。 ☆himself は「聞かれる」側なので、受け身の意味を持つ過去分詞を使います。 (類例)make oneself understood 「自分の言っていることを理解してもらう」 Can you make yourself understood in English. あなたの英語は通じますか? 等の例が参考書によく出ています。 (2) (ウ Realizing) that he had a talent for languages, he decided to train as an interpreter.   (ア)Being realized   (イ)Realize   (ウ)Realizing   (エ)To realize 語学の才能があることに気付いたので、彼は通訳の訓練をする決心をしました。 = As he realized that he had a talent for language, ... の分詞構文。 【B】 次の日本語の意味に合うように、空所に適語を入れなさい。 (3) これは、ある程度は社会の要求が大きくなっているためです。   This is in part due to the (growing) demand of society. ☆ increasing demand も可能ですし。要求がすでに大きくなっていると考えれば、boosted demand, increased demand 等とすることもできると思います。


  • 英語

    英語の記号問題です。 1He sat all afternoon () TV. アwatching イwas watching ウhad watched エwatched 2Don't walk about with your shirt () out. アhanging イto hang ウhung エbeing hung 3She lay on the bed with her () and soon fell asleep. アarms folded イarms folding ウfold arms エfolding arms 4I am sorry () to you much earlier. アnot to reply イnot have replied ウhave not replied エnot to have replied 5I have a strong objection () treated like this. アto be イwhether I am ウto being エwhether I should be 6() that he had a talent for languages, he decided to train as an interpreter. アBeing realized イRealize ウRealizing エTo realize 7Not () which course to take, I decided to ask for advice. アbeing known イto know ウknown エknowing 8() alone by himself, how lonely the poor child must have felt! アLeave イLeft ウWas left エLeaving 9() all the material that the teacher assigned, he was able to get full marks. アTo read イTo have read ウHaving to read エHaving read 10 I will visit your home by all means, (). アweather permitting イwheather permits ウweather will be permitting エweather is permitting

  • 英文法なのですが

    高校2年の女子です。 テキストをやっていて わからなかったので 質問させてください; ・準動詞 What a fool he was ( ) such a wonderful offer! ア.reject イ.rejected ウ.to reject エ.to be rejected です。 なんとなくウかなぁと思うんですが 理由がわかりません; それと、 2つの文が同意になるようにするもので、 I didn't call on you so as not to disturb you. I didn't call on you for ( ) ( ) disturbing you. so as not toをカッコ2つで表現するんだろうなとは察しがつくのですが、調べてもわかりませんでした; あと、動詞の問題で I was ( ) the trouble of writing to her by her visit. ア.advised イ.considered ウ.permitted エ.spared 私はウにしたのですが、訳してみたら 「私は彼女の訪れによって彼女に書くことについての欠点を許された」 と、なんとなく不自然になってしまって… そしてこれです。 I hear that the men who ( ) the bank last week have been arrested. ア.broke イ.stole ウ.thieved エ.robbed borke はintoが無いからありえなくて stoleはstole人 で、文は人じゃないからありえなくて、 robbedはrobAofBでofとかがないからありえなくて、 ウのthievedかなぁと考えたのですが あっているでしょうか? いろいろと質問してしまって 申し訳ありません; よろしくお願いします。

  • 【至急・英語】 高校英文法 <準動詞編>

    準動詞(不定詞・動名詞・分詞)の分からないor自信のない問題を載せました。 力を貸して頂けるとありがたいです。 解答だけでも助かりますが、解説までつけて下さると非常に助かります!! どうぞよろしくお願いします。 【A】 次の2つの英文(a)と(b)がほぼ同じ意味になるように、空所に適語を入れなさい。  (a) I went all the way to my friend's house, but in vain.  (b) I went all the way to my friend's house, ( ) to find him out. 【B】 次の日本語とほぼ同じ意味になるように、( )内の語を並びかえなさい。  ただソファの上で、気を楽にしてればいいんですよ。   All (you / is / have / do / to) relax on the sofa. 【C】 次の英文の[ ]内の中で誤りのある箇所を記号で指摘し、それを正しい英語に直しなさい。  (1) The strong wind made (ア)[it] (イ)[impossible] (ウ)[by] the plane to (エ)[land].  (2) What a mess! Everything has been smashed (ア)[to] pieces. There seems to (イ)[be] a fight (ウ)[or something] (エ)[here].  (3) If you (ア)[will] be (イ)[enough kind] to wait for a moment, I'll have the necessary documents (ウ)[prepared] so that you can (エ)[look them over] here.  (4) (ア)[At] first he was not good at (イ)[to play] tennis, but (ウ)[enentually] he (エ)[got to] enjoy the game.  (5) The idea (ア)[of] my watch (イ)[to be] wrong (ウ)[didn't] (エ)[occur] to me.  (6) I (ア)[was walking] over the bridge when I (イ)[saw] (ウ)[a] UFO (エ)[shaping] like a cigar.  (7) (ア)[Comparing with] Americans, (イ)[Japanese people] are more likely to go (ウ)[in groups] (エ)[when traveling], even in their own country.  (8) (ア)[Comparing] (イ)[with] other (ウ)[countries], Japan is a very expensive country to live (エ)[in]. 以上10問です。

  • 英語

    1This is the very dictionary ( ) I have been looking for. アwhat イthat ウall エwhere 2He is one of the greatest pianists ( ) Japan has ever produced. アwhich イwhose ウthat エwhat  3He is a writer ( ) novels are very popular among young people. アwho イwhom ウthat エwhose 4Japanese people are great tourists. They usually visit places ( ) they haven't seen. アbecause イwhich ウwhere エwhat 5Anyone ( ) has stood in sunshine and then moved into shade knows that sunshine is warm. アwho イwhom ウwhose エwhich 6Thank you Keiko. This book is exactly ( ) I wanted. アwhat イwhich ウof which エthat 7Tom is no longer ( ) he used to be. アthat イwhich ウwhat エwhen 8In the eighteenth century, we had little idea of the effect ( ) industrial inventions would have. アthat イwhat ウwhen エwhy 9Genes, the basic parts of cells ( ) are passed eown from parents to children, may have something to do with human behaviour. アwhat イwhose ウwhich エwhere 関係代名詞(副詞)の問題です。 迷ったものが幾らかありました。

  • 英語の問題の回答を教えてください!

    (1)空所に入る適切な接続詞を記しなさい。ただし与えられた文字で書き始めること。 (1)I will wait (t ) you are ready.(用意ができるまで待とう。) (2)(A ) you know, he is a hard worker.(ご存知の通り、彼は勤勉家です。)   (2)空所に入る適切な語をア~エから一つ選びなさい。 (1)What do you want (  )lunch? ア)for  イ)to  ウ)of  エ)from  (2)He works(  )night.  ア)in  イ)at  ウ)during  エ)for (3)She was (  )Paris last month.  ア)to  イ)in  ウ)at  エ)from   (4)Shall we go (  )your car or mine?  ア)by  イ)in  ウ)on  エ)with   (5)There is something I want to watch (  )television.  ア)by  イ)from  ウ)in  エ)on (6)My parents (  )in New York at that time.  ア)are  イ)was  ウ)were  エ)been     (3)次の文字を算用数字で表しなさい。   (1)five hundred sixty thousand two hundred and forty-three (2)three and two fifths (4)次の英文が説明している語をア~エから一つ選びなさい。 to go back to the place which you came from. ア)take  イ)visit  ウ)start  エ)return (5)( )内から適切な語句を一つずつ選び、記号で答えなさい。 (1)Let's( ア/be start イ/don't start ウ/start )with Lesson1. (2)( ア/Shall I  イ/Would you  ウ/Can I )like to go with us? ________ Yes,of course.   一つでも良いので分かったという方、いらっしゃいましたらどうかご回答お願いします!!! 

  • 英文法の問題を教えてください。よろしくお願いします

    (     )の中に入るものを選ぶ問題です。よろしくお願いいたします。 1 This book will not be ( ) much use to you in your study. ア in イ on ウ of エ with 2 I'm willing to go there, ( ) all the expenses are paid. ア but イ only ウ unless エ provided 3 Leave the letters ( ) they are till he comes back. ア as イ if ウ so エ though 4 だれかにそっと肩をたたかれた   I felt somebody pat me ( )( ) shoulder. 5 We are glad that our son passed the examination.  (   )(    ) joy, our son passed the examination. 一語補いながら、並べ替えをする問題です。よろしくお願いいたします。 1 You may well refuse the proposal.  (the proposal/is/you/no/ that/ down/ it/ wonder/ should) 2 We are able to figure out the passwords easily.  (easy/the passwords/were/ figure/out) 3 It is believed that he read this book.  (believed/this book / to / he / read / is) 4 Many people died of hunger in ancient times.  (death / many people / to / in ancient times) 英語にしてください。お願いいたします。 1英会話で大切なことは、まず相手の言うことを聞き、それから相手の表現を真似することです。  もう一つ大事なことは失敗をおそれないことです。 以上です。教えてください。ありがとうございます。

  • 文法

    解答解説をしていただけないでしょうか。お願い致します。 1 “Did you enjoy the party?” “It was okay, but I'd rather () to a movie.” アgo イbe going ウhave gone エbeen gone 2 You can use a large plastic bottle, () cut off, as a pot to grow young plants in. アthe top is イthe top of which ウwhose top エwith its top 3 I asked her several questions, but she () not answer any of them. アmight イmust ウshould エwould 4 He would still be alive () he refused to go to the battlefield then. アif イhad ウprovided エunless 5 She did not look so () afraid as deeply suspicious. アwell イmuch ウbetter エmore 6 The weather was () that we had to stay indoors all day. アso much イsuch ウgreat エso 7 Human beings differ from other animals () they can use language. アat which イin that ウfor that エwith which 8 It is true that love is important. Still, money is () important. アmuch イlittle ウno more エno less 9 There is not one of us () wishes to help you. アwhom イwhose ウbut エas 10 This suitcase is very small. There () room in it. アisn't much イaren't any ウaren't much エisn't many 1 It appears () that he was a very famous musician in his youth. He appears () () () a very famous musician in his youth. 2 I hope you will not scold him because he did not come on time. I hope you will not scold him for () () come on time. 3 The rope wasn't very strong. It couldn't support him. The rope wasn't () () () support him. 4 I reminded her that health was important. I reminded her () the () of health. 5 We believe there was an accident at the corner two days ago. We believe () to () () an accident at the corner two days ago. 6 He worked hard;otherwise he would have failed. He worked hard;if () () () hard, he would have failed. 7 I said to him, “Don't speak until you are spoken to.” I told him () () () until () () spoken to.

  • 文法 並び替え

    【1】英文の意味が通るように、(  )内の語(句)を並べ替えなさい。  (1)It (him / trying to / no / is / persuade / use) anymore.  (2)She (dancing / know that / felt / to / Mike / like) loved her.  (3)Do you (worth / think / buying / computer / is / this)?  (4)(I couldn’t / spend / my money / buy / having / all / ,) a present for Barbara.  (5)(been / in / having / built / 17th centry / the castle / ,) needs repairing.  (6)(she / judging / happy face / from / may / her / ,) have passed the test. 【2】英文の意味が通るように、(ア)~(オ)の語を並べ替えなさい。  (1)We are ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ).   (ア)his promise (イ)of (ウ)keeping (エ)sure (オ)Richard  (2)I ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) the online game.   (ア)my friends (イ)some of (ウ)got (エ)join (オ)to  (3)Jane ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) in public.   (ア)of (イ)ashamed (ウ)cried (エ)having (オ)was  (4)He is a conductor ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) people all over the world.   (ア)is (イ)name (ウ)to (エ)whose (オ)known  (5)The boy and his dog ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) back safely.   (ア)came (イ)had (ウ)that (エ)lost (オ)been  (6)( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) sudden marriage.   (ア)surprised (イ)her (ウ)what (エ)was (オ)people 何度もすみません。回答、よろしくお願いします_(._.)_

  • 英文法 正誤問題について

    某問題集に次の問題がありました。 Realizing that what he said was true, it was a good idea to spend more time in study and less in play. この文の誤りを正しなさい。 答えはRealizedです。このRealized は分詞構文と思いますが、この文を副詞節を使って書き換えるとどうなるでしょうか。またこの文と同じような例文をいくつかご教示下さい。

  • 英文法・語法問題

    http://okwave.jp/qa/q7760170.html 上記の質問に回答したのですが、私自身、特に、最初の3つの問題がよくわかりませんでした。文法にお詳しい方の、ご回答を期待します。また、上記質問での、私の、他の回答に関してもご意見をいただけましたら幸いです。 ・( )に入れて文法的に正しいもの 1. It was only the week before that the president of the organization had ( ). ア. fired her assistant イ. her assistant fired ウ. her assistant have fired エ. to fire her assistant オ. to have her assistant fired 2. The doctor suspected that what she had was no ( ). ア. common cold イ. doubt a common cold ウ. longer common cold エ. longer than a common cold オ. more than a common cold 3. Although the new student may seem to be ( ) diligent, the teachers are certain that he will go far. ア. anything but イ. far from ウ. in no way エ. not at all オsuch as